


Digital University of America is the way of the future; It takes the pain, stress, hard work, COST and waste of time out of getting an education.

You don’t have to have a college degree to be successful, but if you want an education and a college degree, this is the place to get both. If you just want to get an education, you don’t even need to register–just follow the Course of Study from the beginning of CIVILIZATION to the PRESENT.

Digital University of America is a twenty-first century university. It is a self-education university. When you finish your education at DUOA for a college degree, you can have a notebook of over 200 essays between two covers with Digital University of America on the front cover and a copy of your diploma on the back cover; which you will be proud to put on any employers’ desk when looking for a job. YOU WILL HAVE MORE THAN JUST A ONE OR TWO PAGE TRANSCRIPT WITH GRADES ON IT TO SHOW.


digitalzzz Copyright 2015 by Digital University of America and founder, James M. Carroll


THERE ARE NO REQUIREMENTS EXCEPT: You will need to have a computer, Internet access, a legal name, address and be able to read English and posses a GENUINE DESIRE to get an education.


You will follow a COURSE of STUDY that will take you on a CHRONOLOGICAL JOURNEY from the BEGINNING of CIVILIZATION to the PRESENT. This march through time will review the contributions of Great Individuals, their ideas and concepts, Great World Events, and Great Philosophical and Scientific Ideas – along with the impact these revelations and innovations had on civilization and are still having today. When you finish this course of study, you will know a lot about everything and much more about your major subject.

To access the listing of all major subjects, simply click on Major Subjects on the black bar directly below the Digital University header.

According to Dr. Albert Edward Wiggam, if you wish to become an educated person– you will ask yourself the three questions below every day of your life. If you ask and answer them, they will come to your aid in solving every problem and become the background of your clearest and most effective thinking.

The ABC’s of Education:




You don’t need a teacher to learn about everything. Great people of the past were self-educated.This website makes it easy for you by linking you directly to the information on each lesson.




INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the links below; Read and listen to all of the information, and then write a one page essay and keep one copy in your computer and print out one copy, sign and date it  and put it in a notebook.

a- Internet – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b- What is the InternetYouTube

c-Who Really, Really Invented the Internet?

d- BBC – i Wonder – Alan Turing: Creator of modern computing

e- Sir Tim Berners-Lee – World Wide Web Foundation

f-Example essay:

What is the Internet?

The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. The Internet is the TCP/IP protocol, is considered to be the structural backbone of the Internet. However, they may not have been the sole creator of the Internet, the government envisioned a World Wide Web as early as the 1940s and went on to develop the Pentagon’s Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). ARPANET is ultimately the private enterprise that made the connections to create the Internet we have today.

The Internet is a system of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array technology. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services.

`While many helped with the creation of the Internet one deserves acknowledgement, Alan Turing. Turing published a paper in 1936 that is now recognized as the foundation of computer science. During his lifetime Turing analyzed what is meant for humans to follow, a definite method or procedure to perform a task. In doing so he invented the idea of a “Universal Machine” that could decode and perform any set of instructions. 10 years later he would turn this revolutionary idea into a practical plan for an electronic computer capable of running any program. Although Turning’s work was essential to the modern-day Internet it was Sir Tim Berners-Lee who invented the Web in 1989 while working at CERN and subsequently worked to ensure it was made freely available to all. Sir Tim Berners-Lee is a scientist and academic whose visionary and innovative work has transformed almost every aspect of our lives.

Essentially the Internet is a wire that is buried in the ground, not a cloud like some would suggest. This wire is what connects users like you and I, providers, and servers together.

2- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS AN ESSAY?…INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the links below; Read and listen to all of the information, and then write a one page essay and Email it to DUOAFREE@GMAIL.COM

a. Essay – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b- 8 Tips That Will Make Writing College Papers Less Terrifying

c. What Are the Fourteen Punctuation Marks in English Grammar?

d. Example essay:

What is an essay?

An essay is a piece of writing that gives the author’s own argument. Essays have been sub-classified as formal and informal. Formal essays are characterized by serious purpose, dignity, logical organization, and length. Informal essays, however, are characterized by the personal element such as humor, graceful style, rambling structure, unconventionality or novelty of theme, etc. Essays are commonly used as literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author.

Essays have become a major part of formal education. Admission essays are often used by universities in selecting applicants, and in the humanities and social sciences essays are often used as a way of assessing the performance of students during final exams. Essays are used to judge the mastery and comprehension of the material. Students are asked to explain, comment on, or assess a topic of study in the form of an essay. Academic essays are also more commonly called papers.

When writing an essay, it must be determined what will be written about. The main subject of an essay should always be well-defined. The writer should not make the judges guess what the topic is. The topic needs to be interesting enough to make the reader want to continue reading. Once the topic is chosen, creating an organized map to guide the writing process and organize your thoughts is the next step. Next it is time to create a thesis. This part of the essay should let the reader know what the thesis is meant to accomplish whether it is to convince or inform the reader about the subject. The writer needs to make a claim that others may dispute. Then claim must be backed with supporting evidence.

Once the topic has been chosen and the thesis clearly stated the writer will then come up with a catchy introduction. The goal of the introduction should be to grab the attention of the reader. The essay now goes into what is known as the body, which is the part of the essay where the writer provides statements, facts, proof or a logical discussion that supports the thesis. The reader should be left with a feeling that he or she understands the writer’s perspective, even if the reader disagrees. The body should contain three to five paragraphs of clearly written information that explains in detail what the writer wishes to convey. All facts should be proven through valid, respected references.

Once the writer has conveyed their thoughts on the subject they should then make sure all the key points of the essay are summarized. The writer should not just repeat what the body paragraphs say rather finish those thoughts with clear explanations. Every piece of writing that requires a well thought argument, persuasion or conveys information must be thorough, logical and concise.

Finally, to create a well written essay the writer must become familiar with the basic punctuation marks in the English language. This helps the writer to better express opinions and theories in their writing. Punctuation marks will also make your sentences clearer and more understandable to the reader.


As all students in this program know, in order to earn credit, one must submit an essay on each topic covered. The objective is to affirm in your mind that you have mastered the facts and concepts.

Explaining in your own words the ideas of each topic, forces you to critically examine your own thinking and the depth of your understating and to ferret out fact from fiction, which in turn allows you to come to an objective opinion.
There are three basic steps to writing an effective essay that will permit the reader to navigate your writing with ease.
1. The Introduction: The purpose of the introduction is to present your position, your thesis, your argument.
But before presenting your thesis, grab the reader with a “hook”, a sentence that gets their attention and makes them want to read further. Also, the hook should leave no doubt in the reader’s mind as to what your position is.
 Follow this with a brief outline that tells the reader what he/she can expect to be covered.
2. Next comes the body of the essay. This section provides details that support your thesis. You should present your strongest argument here. Give examples that support your ideas and explain why they lend support. Context is important, too, so explain any ancillary situations that might have influenced your thesis, your thinking.
Anticipate counter arguments to your ideas and formulate preemptive statements that will neutralize opposition.
It is important to demonstrate throughout that you have a solid understanding of the subject matter.
3. Finally the conclusion serves to “wrap up” or summarize the points you have made in the body. It’s your last chance to convince the reader that your position is valid and that you have fully mastered the subject at hand.

3. SPECIAL TOPICS… WHAT IS SUCCESS?…We often think of being a success in status and financial terms…

Since you are doing this Course of Study in order to be successful, we need to examine what success is… Since everything begins with just an idea, you might say that success is the ability to convert an idea from the abstract to the concrete. Success could be the ability to satisfy your innate desires and reach your objectives while staying within the boundaries of the society in which you live.

INSTRUCTIONS: Click on to the links below read and listen, and do your own research; then write your own essay on success. Two great books you should read: Three Steps to Success and Think and Grow Rich

a. What is Success? – YouTube

b. What Is the Definition of Success Anyway? | Anna Partridge

c.Napoleon HillThink And Grow RichFull Length YouTube

d. 3 steps to Success

e. Example essay:


What is success? Success is the desired result of an attempt; but success is more often than not associated with achieving the goal at which someone has set out to accomplish. So if someone specifically sets out to become a doctor, and ends up practicing medicine for a living…. that to me is success. Now, the official meaning for “success” is the achievement of wealth, respect, or fame.

Sure people attribute success to someone who never has to worry about money. But in truth, at least in my opinion, money doesn’t make happiness. So, maybe we should stop looking at success as a measure of how much money someone has acquired through life. Instead start looking at success as a measure of how good a person is.

We don’t ever hear people talking about some average Joe being successful because he managed to graduate high school, college, went on to have a 9-5 job, provided for his family, and bought a house. To me, this is the most successful someone can be.

Sure there are many out in the world that don’t have to want for anything or have never had to struggle. But here is my question. SHOULD SOMEONE BE CONSIDERED TO BE SUCCESSFUL SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE A LOT OF MONEY, RESPECT, OR FAME? The ones who have money because their parents had success and they only have money because of their family, or the ones who have respect because they were born to it such as the queen of England. Perhaps the ones who have fame due the fact that their parents were able to use their own influence to gain their children’s fame for them. I do not think that people who were handed their fame and fortune on a silver platter should be considered to be successful.

You could also say that success is being able to reach all your objectives, to satisfy your innate desires, and to stay within the boundaries of the society in which you live.

4- EVENTS/IDEAS: HOW OLD IS THE EARTH?…Scientists have calculated that Earth is 4.54 billion years old …

a- Born out of the sun 2014

b. How Was Earth Formed? –

c. BBC Earth – Timeline – The Earth formed from a vast gas and dust

d. A perfect planet…the formation of the earthYouTube


5- EVENTS/IDEAS: PREHISTORY…THE ORIGIN OF LIFE ON EARTH In order for life to have gotten started, there must have been a genetic molecule.

a..Prehistoric Time Line – National Geographic

b.The First Living Things — The Outline of History by H. G. Wells

c.The Age of Lowland Life

6- EVENTS/IDEAS: 8,000-3,000BC…CIVILIZATION BEGINS… People stopped being hunters and gatherers and settled down to farming and domesticating animals. How did this event change history forever?
Instructions: click on to the links below to read and listen, and then do your own search before writing your own essay. Write an essay on all lessons and email them to: DUOAFREE@GMAIL.COM

a.History of the world – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


c.The History of the World’s Civilizations in 2 Minutes – YouTube


7- EVENTS/IDEAS: 3000BC..BIRTH OF CIVILIZATION IN EGYPT AND MESOPOTAMIA… is usually held to have begun around 3000 BC.


b.Mesopotamia (Sumerians, first civilization on earth) – YouTube

c.Architectural Marvels of Ancient Mesopotamia – Fairfield

d.What have you learned ? Tell us in your essay.


8- EVENTS/IDEAS: 2500BC..PYRAMIDS… INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION…The great pyramids at Giza in Egypt are built about this time…

a.Early Civilization in the Indus Valley []

b.The Remarkable Indus Valley Civilization – Today I Found Out

c.Ancient Indus River Valley CivilizationYouTube


9- EVENTS/IDEAS: 2000BC… SECRETS OF STONEHENGE…Stonehenge may be the best-known and most mysterious relic of prehistory.

a. The Secrets of StonehengeYouTube

b.Stonehenge Facts, information, pictures | articles ..

c.10 facts about Stonehenge | History Extra

d. What is your theory?

e. Example essay:


Stonehenge was built between 3100 BCE and 1550 BCE about 8 miles from Salisbury, England. It was thought to have been built by ancient Neolithic men. Some people think that it was built as an astronomical clock to predict eclipses and tell when the summer and winter solstices and the spring and fall equinoxes occurred.

In 1919, the Society of Antiquaries in London carried out a series of excavations on the site of Stonehenge to find out more about it. According to the evidence found at the site, Stonehenge was built in three different main periods.

The first period of construction probably started in about 3100 BCE, during the Neolithic Age. During this period a large circular ditch was dug and a ring of 56 pits, known as Aubrey Holes, was made around the ditch.

The second period of construction probably started in 2100 BCE. During this period huge pillars of rock were brought to the site from Wales and erected in two circles around the center of the site. Some people think that the double circle was never completed and dismantled during the third period of construction. Also during the second period the most important part of the whole structure, the 35 ton heel stone, was put into place. When one stands in the center of the monument at dawn, facing the direction in which the sun rises, on either the Summer or Winter solstice, they can see the sun rising directly over the heel stone.

During the third period of construction, a circle of 30 upright stones weighing about 50 tons each was erected and capped by a ring of stone lintels. These stones enclosed a horseshoe-shaped formation of five pairs of upright stones. A stone lintel also capped each of these pairs. Other changes involved adding, removing, and rearranging stones that had been put up during the second period of construction. This last period of construction probably ended around 1550 BCE.

Throughout England there are hundreds of other structures like Stonehenge that scientists think were used for the same purpose. The most famous of these is a 3000-year-old wooden monument in Wiltshire, which is also thought to be an astronomical clock, used for religious ceremonies.

Is Stonehenge an astronomical clock? A site for religious ceremonies? We may never know for sure, but it will always capture our imaginations and make us wonder about life in ancient times.

10- A MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS HISTORY?…is a study of historiography that was written by the English historian E. H. Carr.

a. The History Guide — What is History?

b.History in Focus: What is History? – Institute of Historical Research

c.What is HistoryYouTube

11- MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS BIOLOGY?…Biology is the science of life. Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin , evolution and distribution of living organisms.

12- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1760BC…BEGINNING OF CIVILIZATION IN CHINA… with the first historical dynasty, the Shang, and the first writing and bronze artworks…

a.Ancient China – Dynasties of Power (Documentary) – YouTube

b.Shang dynasty | Chinese history |

c.Great Wall of China: Great Wall Tours, Facts, History, Photos

d. Search all the links on each article.

13-HAMMURABI:1750BC… Hammurabi… King of Egypt…Writing, First written code of law, and monumental architecture.

a.Code of HammurabiLegal History and Philosophy

b.Code of Hammurabi – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.Code Of Law Season 3 – YouTube

14- MOSES: 1393BC-1273BC… Moses is known as the most influential prophet in Judaism; he led the Israelite slaves to freedom…

a.Who Was Moses? Was He More than an Exodus Hero? – Biblical

b.The Exodus – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.Biblical Archaeology Society: Network Home

d.The Story of Moses, – YouTube

15- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS SCIENCE?… to understand better, the history of the natural world and how the natural world works.

a.What is science? – Understanding Science

b.What is scienceYouTube

c.Science – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


16- HOMER: 800BCE-701BC… Homer was an epic poet, who is most known for being the literary genius behind both the Iliad and the Odyssey.

a.Homer – Poet –

b.Homer’s Odyssey (story) – YouTube

c.Homer | Greek poet |

d.The Iliad: Homer Biography – Cliffs Notes

e.The Iliad Summary – Schoolbytes

f.The Odyssey at a Glance – Cliffs Notes

17- EVENTS/IDEAS: 753BC…THE FOUNDING OF ROME…The founding of Rome can be investigated through archaeology.

a.Myths and Legends – The Founding of Rome – YouTube

b.Myths and Legends Founding of Rome – Ancient/Classical History

c.Founding of Rome – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia So great as the respect that all classes had for his judgment, reason and fairness, that Solon was given carte blanche to rewrite the laws and …

18- SOLON: 594BC… becomes governor of Athens…Laws of Solon…Solon was given carte blanche to rewrite the laws and …Athens a Constitution…

a. Birth of Democracy: Solon the Lawgiver –

b.Solon an Athenian statesman, lawmaker, and elegiac poet – YouTube

c. Solon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

19- CONFUCIUS: 1551BC-1479BC… Confucius… a Chinese philosopher whose principles were based on common Chinese traditions; he also coined “The Golden Rule.”

a.Who Was Confucius? – China Family Adventure

b.What Confucius Taught by Sanderson Beck

c Confucius Analects Essay – Critical Essays –

d.The Life of Confucius animation.divxYouTube

20- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS NATURE?…the physical world and everything in it that is not made by people.

a. NatureWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Wonderful Earth Nature film – YouTube

c. NatureSummary and Analysis – Cliffs Notes

21- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS METAPHYSICS?… is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being…

a. What Is Metaphysics – A Modern Metaphysical Perspective

b.Spark Notes: Aristotle (384–322 B.C.): Metaphysics: Books Alpha to

22- EVENTS/IDEAS: 480BC-404BC… GOLDEN AGE…of Athenian democracy…Democracy, which had prevailed during AthensGolden Age…

a.History of Greece: The Golden Age of Greece

b.The Golden Age of Ancient GreeceYouTube

c.Greece: Secrets of the Past – The Golden Age of Greece

23- MAJOR SUBJECT… GEOLOGY…The combination of continents, oceans, and atmosphere makes Earth unique ..

a.How the Earth works (as seen from space) – All parts – YouTube

b.Gaia hypothesis – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.Spark Notes: The Good Earth: Themes, Motifs & Symbol

24- EURIPIDES: 485BCE-406BC… Euripides playwright of classical Athens…Learn more about Euripides, the last of classical Athens’s three great tragic dramatists, following Aeschylus and Sophocles, at

a.EuripidesPlaywright –


c.Euripides – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

25- HERODOTUS: 484BC-425BC… is referred to as “the father of history,” the only literary work he is known to have produced was that of the record of his inquiry.

a.Herodotus Greek historian father of history – Age of the Sage

b.Herodotus – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.The Histories by Herodotus | SummaryYouTube

d. Do your search until you know what you want to know. You are not limited.

26- SOCRATES: 470BC-399BC Socrates was a Greek philosopher who is renowned as one of the founders of western philosophy.

a.Socrates – Philosopher –

b.Socrates – Ancient History –

c.The Ideas of SocratesYouTube

d. See how many sources of information you can find on this subject.

27- HIPPOCRATES: 460BC-370BC… physician… Known as the Father of Medicine.

a.Hippocrates – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Hippocrates The Father of Medicine – Classical Wisdom Weekly

c.Hippocrates | History in Minutes #8 – YouTube

d.Only you can limit your education.

28- DEMOCRITUS…460BCE…Many consider Democritus to be the “father of modern science”

a. Democritus – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Democritus | Greek philosopher |

c .Democritus | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

a.What is Mathematics? – YouTube

b What is Mathematics?

c..Mathematics – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

30- PLATO: 424BC-348BC… Plato was a Greek philosopher and mathematician, who founded the first institution, “The Academy.”

a. Plato: The Republic | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

b. Plato: Theory of Knowledge

c. PHILOSOPHY – PlatoYouTube

d. Learn all you want to know about Plato; then write your own essay.

31- EVENTS/IDEAS: 420BC…PLAGUE OF ATHENS…an outbreak of bubonic plague which occurred there in ….

a. Plague of Athens – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. The plague of Athens: epidemiology and paleontology.

c. A mysterious illness kills one third of Athenians – YouTube

32-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS RHETORIC?…Rhetoric is the study of effective speaking and writing. And the art of persuasion.

a. Rhetoric – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Purdue OWL: Introduction to RhetoricYouTube

c. How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

33- EVENTS/IDEAS: 399BC… Death and Trial of Socrates…

a. The Death of Socrates – Jacques-Louis David

b.The Death Of Socrates (part 1) – YouTube

c..Trial of Socrates – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

34-MAJOR SUBJECT…. WHAT IS ENGLISH GRAMMAR?… English grammar rules refer to sentence structure and parts of speech…14 marks of punctuation…

a .English grammarWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Learn English Grammar: The Sentence – YouTube

c.ACT Spark-notes Test Prep: Basic Grammar and Usage

d. What Are the Fourteen Punctuation Marks in English Grammar?

35- ARISTOTLE: 384BC-322BC… a Greek philosopher and scientist who was taught by Plato… the “first genuine scientist.”…

a. Aristotle – Philosopher –

b.PHILOSOPHY – AristotleYouTube

c.The Best Teaching Quotes Ever | Take-part

d. Why was Aristotle considered to be the first genuine scientist?

36- PTOLEMY I SOTER: 367BC-283BC… Ptolemy I Soter was a Macedonian General, serving under Alexander the Great.

a.Ptolemy I Soter, the First King of Ancient Egypt’s Ptolemaic Dynasty

b.Ptolemy I – Ancient History Encyclopedia

c.Ptolemy I SoterYouTube

d. what would you like to remember about Ptolemy?

37- ALEXANDER THE GREAT: 356BC-323BC.. took the thrown of the Macedonian Kingdom at the age of 20. He spent much of his rule leading a military campaign…

a. Alexander the Great – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Alexander the Great History Channel Documentary – YouTube

c.Alexander the Great: 356-323 – Then Again

d. Do your own research…

38-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS ARITHMETIC?… means dealing with certain facts that we know, about number.

a. Arithmetic Mean (Average) – GMAT Math Study Guide

b. Arithmetic mean – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.Arithmetic Sequence definitionYouTube

d. If you are not satisfied with the choices above, find your own…

39- ARCHIMEDES …: 287BCE-212BC… one of the greatest mathematicians of all time…

a.Archimedes – Hellenistic Mathematics – The Story of Mathematics

b. Greek MathematicsThe Story of Mathematics

c.The Story of MathYouTube

40-MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS PHYSICS?...physics utilizes the scientific method to formulate and test hypotheses that are based on observation of the natural world. …

a.What is Physics? – Inspiration – YouTube

b. PhysicsWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.What is physics?| Explore |

41-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS POETRY?…Poetry is many things to many people. Homer, John Milton, Christopher Marlowe, and of course Shakespeare have each given…

a. What Is Poetry? | NEA

b.Rhythm, Feet and Meter in PoetryYouTube

c.How to Analyze Poetry – Cliffs Notes

42- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS ALGEBRA?…Algebra is a branch of mathematics dealing with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols.

a. Algebra 1 – How to find three consecutive numbers with a YouTube

b.Algebra 1 – How to find three consecutive numbers with a YouTube

c .AlgebraWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

d. History of algebraWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

43- VIRGIL : 70BCE-19BC… Virgil was a poet of ancient Rome who is known traditionally as being one of Rome’s greatest poets of all time…

a. Virgil – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Virgil | Roman poet |

c. Virgil – Ancient Rome – Classical Literature

44- JULIUS CAESAR: 48BC-31BC… Julius Caesar and Augustus establish monarchy in the Roman Empire.

a. Augustus – Ancient History –


c. Julius CaesarWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

45- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS GEOMETRY?…Geometry is the visual study of shapes, sizes, patterns, and positions.

a. Geometry — from Wolfram MathWorld

b. Geometry Lesson 1 – Building Blocks of GeometryYouTube

c. Geometry/Introduction – Wikibooks, open books for an open world

d. The objective here is not to make a mathematician out of you, but help you find out if you want to major in math.

46-JESUS CHRIST…Jesus Christ: 5BC-30AD… Jesus is the central figure in the Christian faith, and thought to be the “Son of God.” …

a. Jesus in Christianity – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Documentary | Frontline – From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians

c. From Jesus To Christ – The First Christians – PBS

47- “ST. PAUL” THE APOSTLE… 5-67AD… is often revered as one of the most influential figures of the Apostolic Age… to teach the gospel of Christ to the 1st century world.

a. Saint Paul, the Apostle | Christian Apostle |

b.The Church of St Paul the Apostle

c. The Life of Paul, the ApostleYouTube

48-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS TRIGONOMETRY?... defines relations between elements of a triangle. In a triangle, there are six basic elements: 3 sides and 3 angles. ..

a. What Is Trigonometry? – Live Science

b. Basic TrigonometryYouTube

c.TrigonometryWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

49- EVENTS/IDEAS: 33-36AD…THE TRIAL AND CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS… the accounts of the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus contained in the Bible history…

a. The Arrest, trial and Crucifixion | The Living Word Library

b. Questions and Answers Concerning the Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion

c. Sanhedrin trial of Jesus – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

50- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS RELIGION? crosses so many different boundaries in human experience, religion is notoriously difficult to define.

a.What is Religion? – WHY STUDY RELIGION

b.What is Religion? – YouTube List of religions and spiritual traditions – Wikipedia, the free.

c.List of religions and spiritual traditions – Wikipedia, the free

51- EVENTS/IDEAS: 200AD …HERO OF ALEXANDER’S BOOK OF MACHINES… Baths of Caracalla in Rome… Watermill complex near Arles…

a. Hero of Alexandria and His Amazing Machines – Today I Found Out

b.Amazing Ancient Discoveries (Heron of Alexandria) – YouTube

c.Hero of AlexandriaWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

52- GALEN OF PERGAMON..: 130-200AD… The development of medicine owes a lot to Galen. He was of Greek origin …

a. Galen – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


c.Galen of Pergamon | Greek physician |

53- CONSTANTINE THE GREAT…272-337AD… Constantine was the 57th Emperor of Rome…. Constantine was a great military commander winning major victories over the …

a.Constantine I | Roman emperor |

b.Constantine the Great – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.Constantine the GreatYouTube

54- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS THEOLOGY…Webster’s dictionary defines theology as “The science of God or of religion…

a. What is Theology? |

b. What is the definition of theology? –

c. Theology – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

55- EVENTS/IDEAS: 312AD… CONVERSION OF CONSTANTINE … turning point in Christian history occurred when the Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity...

a.Constantine the Great and Christianity – Wikipedia, the free

c.Constantine I | Roman emperor |

56- EVENTS/IDEAS: 330AD…THE FOUNDING OF CONSTANTINOPLE… Because it lay on the European side of the Strait of Bosporus, the Emperor Constantine understood…

a.Constantinople – Ancient History Encyclopedia

b. THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS “Istanbul (Not Constantinople)” – YouTube

c.The Fall of ConstantinopleYouTube

57- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS CALCULUS..Calculus is the study of how things change. It provides a framework for modeling systems in which there is change…

a.What is Calculus? Answered in an easy to understand way with

b.What is calculus? – YouTube

c. CalculusWikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

58- EUCLID: mid 400s-mid 300s AD… Euclid, a Greek mathematician known as the “father of geometry.”

a. Euclid | Greek mathematician |

b. What’s the point of Geometry? – EuclidYouTube

c. Euclid, the Father of Geometry – Greek Mathematics –

59-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS TRUTH?…If there is such a thing as truth, then we should be able to find it. If truth cannot be known, then it probably doesn’t exist.

a. What is truth? | CARM | Relativism

b.What Is Truth? – YouTube



a. Cricket: Gun Salesperson of the Year – YouTube

b. salespersonship – Wiktionary

c. 8 Rules for Successful Selling – Business Know-How

d. The 5 Great Rules of Selling: The Revised and Enlarged Edition

e.Dale Carnegie Free eBook – How To Win Friends Influence People


a. 8 Reasons Why Rome Fell – History Lists – History Channel

b. The Roman Empire – Episode 6: The Fall Of The Roman YouTube

c. Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire – Top Documentary

62- MUHAMMAD: 570-632AD… Muhammad is the most prominent prophet in Islam. To many he is known to be the creator of the Islamic religion…

a. Islam Guide: Who Is the Prophet Muhammad (Mohamed)?

b.Muhammad The Prophet Of Islam – The Movie – Official YouTube

c.MuhammadWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

63-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS VIRTUE AND VICE?..Assuming that human agents possess settled dispositions or character traits…

a. Virtue and Vice – Encyclopedia of Philosophy |

b.Virtue and Vice / Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas [Drum YouTube

c. Vice and VirtueWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

64- LEIF ERIKSON: c.970-c.1020AD… Leif Erikson an Icelandic explorer, landed in North America before Christopher Columbus…

a. LEIF ERIKSON – Exploration –

b.The Viking Explorer Who Beat Columbus to America – History Channel

c. Leif Erikson – The First European in North AmericaYouTube

65- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1088AD…FOUNDING OF THE UNIVERSITIES OF BOLOGNA AND PARIS…In the 11th century, Bologna became an important center of legal studies.

a. University of Paris – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. university |

c.University of ParisYouTube

66- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS LOVE?…Is Love“. She stares into the mirror, youth fading with the sun. The hollows in her face like wishing wells.

a. WHITE LIES LYRICS – Is Love – A-Z Lyrics

b. Gala is Love

c. Love Is Love // Return To Dust | Deathwish Inc.

67- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS A CITIZEN?… a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection.

a. Citizen – definition of citizen by The Free Dictionary

b.What is a Good Citizen ?

c. Family Education Series – Being A Good CitizenYouTube

68-GENGHIS KHAN: 1162-1227AD…The Great Khan, founder of the Mongol Empire…Genghis Khan or Chingis Khan, was the first great military leader…

a.Genghis Khan – Facts & Summary –

b.Wait For It…The Mongols!: Crash Course World History #17 – YouTube

c.The Mongols in World History | Asia Topics in World History

69-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS JUSTICE?…the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness: to uphold the justice of a cause.

a. Justice, Western Theories of | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

b. Three Theories of Justice | Ethical Realism

c.A Theory of Justice Summary – e

70- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS COURAGE?…Courage is a universally admired attribute. From soldiers to entrepreneurs, writers to explorers, living with courage…

a. The Six Attributes of Courage | Psychology Today

b. Courage: No Guts, No Glory – Frank Sonnenberg Online

c.Courage: Experiencing War: Veterans History Project (Library of

71- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1215AD ..MAGNA CARTA …limits the power of the King…Following a revolt by the English nobility , King John puts his royal seal on the Magna Carta

a.Magna Carta1215YouTube

b. The Magna Carta 1215 – Constitution Society

c.Magna Carta Exclusive Videos & Features –

72- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS WISDOM?…The dictionary defines wisdom as “the ability to discern or judge what is true, right , or lasting.” Knowledge, on the other hand…

a. What Is The Bible Definition Of Wisdom? How Are We Wise In God’s

b.What is WisdomYouTube

c.Plato’s view of wisdom

73- MARCO POLO…1254-1324AD… Marco Polo was an Italian merchant and explorer who greatly influenced European cartography…

a. Marco Polo – Journalist, Explorer –

b. Marco Polo | Italian explorer |

c. 11 Things You May Not Know About Marco Polo – History Lists

74.-DANTE ALIGHIERI…1265-1321AD… “Dante” Italian poet during the late Middle Ages..

a. Dante | Italian poet |

b. Dante – Philosopher, Scholar, Poet –

c.Dante Alighieri (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

75- EVENTS/IDEAS…1268AD…THE FIRST WEIGHT-DRIVEN MECHANICAL CLOCK…There are two basic types of mechanical clocks, those powered by weights …

a. History of the Clock – The Anderson Institute

b. Antique Chauncey Jerome Weight Driven Wall ClockYouTube

c. History of the Clock – The Anderson Institute

76- GEOFFREY CHAUCER: c.1343-1400AD… Geoffrey Chaucer is know as “the father of English literature..

a.Geoffrey Chaucer: The Father of Modern English? | Great Writers

c.Next post: How many Chaucer does it take to change a language?

77- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1347AD…FIRST OUTBREAK OF THE BLACK PLAGUE IN EUROPE…The Black Death was an epidemic of bubonic plague

a. Black Death – Facts & Summary –

b. Black Death – Medieval Life and Times

c.Medieval Life: The Black DeathYouTube

78- CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS: c.1451-1506AD… Christopher Columbus an Italian explorer and navigator who discovered “The New World.”

79- LEONARDO da VINCI: 1452-1519AD… Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath…Leonardo’s curiosity and insatiable hunger for knowledge never left him.

a. Science and inventions of Leonardo da Vinci – Wikipedia, the free

b.Leonardo Da VinciYouTube

c.BBC – HistoryLeonardo da Vinci

80- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1453AD…THE FALL OF CONSTANTINOPLE…The siege of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire and one of the most heavily…

a. The Fall of Constantinople | History Today

b. The Sack of Constantinople, 1453 – Eye Witness to History

c. The Fall of Constantinople – World History

81-AMERIGO VESPUCCI: 1457-1512AD… Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer, navigator, and cartographer…

a.Amerigo Vespucci Facts & Biography | Famous Explorers


c.Amerigo Vespucci Facts, information, pictures |

82- NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI…1469-1527AD… Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian philosopher, historian, and known as the founder of political science…

a. Niccolò Machiavelli (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

b.POLITICAL THEORY – Nicoli MachiavelliYouTube

c.Niccolo Machiavelli – the Cunning Critic of Political Reason | History

83- NICOLAS COPERNICUS… 1473-1543AD… Nicolas Copernicus, a Renaissance astronomer and mathematician…

a.Nicholas Copernicus Facts, information, pictures |

b.Nicolaus Copernicus – Astronomer, Scientist, Mathematician ..

c. BBC – History – Copernicus

84- JUAN PONCE de LEON…1474-1521AD… Juan Ponce de Leon, led the first Europe expedition to Florida…

a. Juan Ponce de León – Explorer –

b. Juan Ponce de Leon | Spanish explorer |

c. Juan Ponce de León – Exploration –

85- FERDINAND MAGELLAN…1480-1521AD… Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer, first circumnavigation of the world.

a. Ferdinand MagellanExploration –

b. 10 Surprising Facts About Magellan’s Circumnavigation of the Globe

c.Magellan Was Not the First Person to Circumnavigate the Globe

86- MARTIN LUTHER…1483-1546AD… Martin Luther, a German friar, priest, and theology professor, a pivotal figure during the Protestant Reformation…

a.Martin Luther Facts, information, pictures | articles

c. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Martin Luther – New Advent

87- EVENTS/IDEAS…1492AD…THE JEWS EXPELLED FROM SPAIN…In the same month in which their Majesties issued the edict that all Jews should be driven out…

a. The Spanish Expulsion (1492) | Jewish Virtual Library

b. Jews to be expelled from Spain – Mar 31, 1492 –

c. Jews, Expulsion of (Spain; Portugal) –

88- EVENTS/IDEAS…1517-1540AD…THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION…The Protestant Reformation was a religious, political, intellectual and cultural upheaval…

a.The Reformation – Facts & Summary –

b. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: The Reformation – New Adven

c. Protestant Reformation – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

89- EVENTS/IDEAS… 1540AD… THE CATHOLIC COUNTER-REFORMATION…The CounterReformation was the period of Catholic resurgence beginning with the Council…

a. CounterReformation – PBS CounterReformation | religious history |

b. CounterReformation | religious history |

c.Counter Reformation Facts, information, pictures |

90-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS ARISTOCRACY?…government by a relatively small privileged class or by a minority consisting of those felt to be best qualified to rule.

a. Aristocracy | Define Aristocracy at

b. The History Place – Great Speeches Collection: Susan B. Anthony

c. The Aristocracy – Born to Rule: 1875-1914 1st part – YouTube

91- SIR WALTER RALEIGH…1552-1618AD… Sir Walter Raleigh was an English gentleman, writer, poet, soldier, explorer, made tobacco popular throughout England…

a.Raleigh, Sir Walter (ca. 1552–1618) – Encyclopedia Virginia

b. The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618) [Raleigh Biography]

c. Walter RALEIGH (Sir) – Elizabethan Hero, Explorer and Pirate

92-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS MIND?…is the set of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory…

a. What Is the Mind? | Psychology Today

b. What’s The Difference Between The Mind And The Brain? – The best

c. What is the Mind? – Kadampa Buddhism

93- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS AN OLIGARCHY?…Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people.

a. Oligarchy | Define Oligarchy at

b. Oligarchy | government |

c. America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic, university study

94-EVENT..JAMESTOWN SETTLEMENT 1607…The founding of Jamestown, America’s first permanent English colony, in Virginia…

a. History of Jamestown, Virginia (1607–99) – Wikipedia, the free

b. History of Jamestown – Jamestown Settlement

c. Jamestown Colony – Facts & Summary –

95- Francis Bacon…1561-1626AD… Francis Bacon, an English philosopher… was an statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author.

a. Francis Bacon – Scientist, Lawyer –

b. BBC – History – Francis Bacon

C. Francis Bacon – Biography, Facts and Pictures – Famous Scientists

96- WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE… 1564-1616AD… “Shakespeare,” a well-known English poet, playwright, and actor…,

a.Shakespeare’s Elizabethan England 1564 to 1616 AD

b. The Life of William Shakespeare (1564–1616) | Shakespeare in

c. A Man of Culture: English Plays V – William Shakespeare – Hamlet

97- GALILEO GALILEI… 1564-1642AD… Galileo was an Italian astronomer, physicist, philosopher, and mathematician…

a. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) – Science World – Wolfram

b. What were Galileo’s scientific and biblical conflicts with the Church?

c. Chapter 3 – Department of Physics and Astronomy


a. A History of Astronomy. Ptolemy to Copernicus to Johannes Kepler.

b. Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630) – Science World – Wolfram

c. Johannes Kepler – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

99- WILLIAM HARVEY…1572AD..Read a biography about William Harvey, the 17th century physician who …

a. William Harvey | English physician |

b. William Harvey – Biography, Facts and Pictures – Famous Scientists

c. BBC – History – William Harvey

100-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS DESIRE?… desire has been identified as a philosophical problem since Antiquity…

a. What Is The Root Cause Of Suffering | Buddhapadipa Temple

b. Sexual desire and intimate relationships – Wikipedia, the free

c. The Botany of Desire: Based on the book by Michael Pollan – PBS

101- JOHN LOCKE… 1632-1704AD… Locke, an English philosopher and physician… Locke is known as “ the Father of Liberalism.”…

a. John Locke | English philosopher |

b. John LockePhilosopher –

c. John Locke – Biography, Facts and Pictures – Famous Scientists

102- ROBERT HOOKE: 1635-1703AD… Hooke was an English natural philosopher. Hooke’s Micrographia…is famous for pioneering microscopy and cell science. …

a. Micrographia – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.History – British History in depth: Robert Hooke, Natural Philosopher

c. Robert Hooke | ASU – Ask A Biologist

103- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1637AD… Rene Descartes introduces algebraic geometry… “Father of Modern Philosophy”, but he was also …

a. The Geometry of Rene Descartes | Mathematical Association of

b. Descartes‘ Mathematics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

c.Descartes and the birth of analytic geometry

104- SIR ISAAC NEWTON: 1642-1727AD… Newton, an English physicist and mathematician– most influential scientists of “all time;”…

a. Isaac Newton | Biography, Facts, Discoveries, Laws, & Inventions

b. Isaac Newton’s Life | Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

c. Sir Isaac Newton Facts, information, pictures |

105- WILLIAM PENN: 1644-1718AD… Penn was an English entrepreneur of real estate, philosopher, and an early quake; an early advocate of Democracy and religious freedom…

a. Brief History of William Penn –

b.William Penn – Journalist, Minister, Missionary, Lawyer – Biography

c. William Penn Was Born – America’s Library

106. MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY?…Geography is the study of Earth’s landscapes, peoples, places and environments…

a.What is geography? – Royal Geographical Society

b.What is Geography? – National Geographic Education

c.What is Geography? – Definition, Facts & Types – Video & Lesson

107.- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1648AD-1789AD… AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT…The Age of Enlightenment was preceded by and closely associated with the scientific revolution.

a. Europe history 1789 AD – Time Maps

b. Scandinavia 1789AD – TimeMaps

c.France 1789AD – TimeMaps

108- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1666AD… French Royal Academy of Science is founded…Colbert Presenting the Members of the Royal Academy of Sciences to Louis XIV …

a. French Academy of Sciences – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Academy of Sciences | French organization |

c. French Royal Academy of Sciences, 1671 – Science Photo Library

109- JONATHAN SWIFT: 1667-1745AD… Swift, and Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer, poet, and cleric…

a. Jonathan Swift – Writer –

b. Jonathan Swift [1667-1745]: free web books, online

c. The Life of Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) – Luminarium


a. Habeas Corpus Act 1679 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Habeas Corpus Act 1679 – Constitution Society

c. British History Timeline, Britain through the ages – Being British


a.Mineral Chemistry – Tulane University

b.20. mineralogy and chemical composition of clay minerals

c.igneous rock | geology |

112- MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS CHEMISTRY?… is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances …

a.What Is Chemistry? – Live science

b.What Is Chemistry? – Definition –

c.General Chemistry Online: FAQ: Introduction: What is chemistry?


a.What is Botany? – Botanical Society of America

b.What can I do with a major in Botany? – University of Oklahoma

c.Botany: The Original Natural Science | Environmental Science.


a.Zoological Subspecies of Man – America First Books

b.gastrozooid | zoology |

c.Science Jobs & Careers – Different Types of Scientists – Facts

115- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: 1706-1790AD… Franklin is known as one of the founding fathers of the United States of America…

a.Benjamin Franklin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Benjamin Franklin His Autobiography 1706-1757

c.Benjamin Franklin – Diplomat, Scientist, Inventor, Writer – Biography

116- SPECIAL TOPICS…WHAT IS CHIROPRACTIC?…Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the …

a. ChiropracticWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Chiropractic treatment techniques – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. First Time Chiropractor Neck & Back Adjustment YouTube

117- DAVID HUME: 1711-1776AD… Hume a philosopher, historian, economist, and essayist– highly radical philosophical empiricism, skepticism, and naturalism…

a. David Hume – died 1776AD – Philosophy –

b. David Hume > By Individual Philosopher > Philosophy


118- ADAM SMITH: c.1723-1790AD..Samuel Adams – US Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations…

a. Adam Smith – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. BBC – History – Historic Figures: Adam Smith (1723-1790)

c.Adam Smith – Philosopher, Political Scientist, Journalist, Educator

119-GEORGE WASHINGTON: 1732-1799AD… Washington was the first president of The United States of America, the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army……

a. 1732 Washington Archives –

b.George Washington, 1732–1799 | Papers of George Washington

c.Washington, George (1732–1799) – Encyclopedia Virginia

d. George Washington – U.S. President, General –

120- ROBERT MORRIS: 1734-1806AD… Morris is one of the Founding Fathers of The United States as well as one of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence…

a.A Biography of Robert Morris 1734-1806 < Biographies < American

b.Robert Morris (1734-1806), University of Pennsylvania University

c.Robert Morris –

121- JOHN ADAMS: 1735-1826AD… Adams, an American lawyer, author, statesman, and diplomat– who was the second U.S. president as well as the first U.S. vice president…

a. John Adams – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. John Adams Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline

c. English: Quotes of Zion


a. What Is Music? | Thinking Sounds – by Marcel Cobussen

b. Music – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. What is music? how it affects moods, emotions, creating atmosphere

123- EDWARD GIBBON: 1737-1794AD…Edward Gibbon was an English historian and Member of Parliament. His most important work, The History of the Decline and Fall …

a. Edward Gibbon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Edward Gibbon – Online Library of Liberty

c. Edward GIBBON (1737 – 1794) – LibriVox

124- CHARLES CARROLL: 1737-1832AD…He was the only catholic and the longest-lived (and last surviving) signatory of the Declaration of Independence, dying at the age of 95…

a. Charles Carroll of Carrollton – The Signer | Charles Carroll House

b. Charles Carroll of Carrollton – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. Catholic Founding Fathers – The Carroll Family

125- Antoine Lavoisier: 1743-1794AD… Lavoisier discovers oxygen, initiates the chemical revolution…

a. Antoine Lavoisier – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier | Chemical Heritage Foundation

c. Antoine Lavoisier – Biography, Facts and Pictures – Famous Scientists

126- THOMAS JEFFERSON: 1743-1826AD…Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence… In 1801, he became the United Statesthird President...

a.Thomas Jefferson, A Brief Biography | Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

b.Timeline of Jefferson’s Life | Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

c. .Thomas Jefferson |

d.Thomas JeffersonU.S. Presidents –

e. List of U.S. states by date of admission to the Union

127-BENJAMIN RUSH: 1745-1813AD…the “father of American psychiatry,” was the first to believe that mental illness is a disease of the mind…

a.Pennsylvania Hospital History: Stories – Dr. Benjamin Rush

b.Benjamin Rush is born – Dec 24, 1745 –

c.Benjamin Rush –

128- JAMES MADISON: 1751-1836AD…was an American statesman, political theorist. He was the fourth President of the United …

a.James Madison (1751-1836) < Biographies < American History

b.About this Collection – The James Madison Papers, 1723-1859

c.The Political Education of James Madison | History Today

e. The Original Bill of Rights Had 12 Amendments, Not 10

129- MOZART: 1756-1791AD…Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a musician capable of playing multiple instruments …

a. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Wolfgang Mozart – Pianist, Composer –

c. Renown Ego’s: a timeline of historical ego’s – The Order of Time

130- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1776…WATT-BOULTON STEAM ENGINES… became commercially available…

a.Watt steam engine – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Boulton and Watt Engine – Museum Of Applied Arts And Sciences

c.Boulton and Watt steam engine , 1785 – Powerhouse Museum

131- JAMES MONROE…: 1758-1831AD…was the fifth President of the United States..

a. James Monroe – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. James Monroe – Miller Center

c. James Monroe |

132- ANDREW JACKSON: 1767-1845AD…was the seventh President of the United States

a. Andrew Jackson 1767-1845 A brief biography

b.Andrew Jackson 1767-1845 A brief biography < Biographies

c. Andrew Jackson Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline

133- JOHN QUINCY ADAMS…1776-1848…6th President of the United States…

a.Biography of John Quincy Adams

b.John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States (1767 – 1848

c. John Quincy Adams |


a.American Revolutionary War – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. American Revolution History – History Channel

c. US History Timeline: War of Independence


a. The Invention of the Steam Engine

b. Industrial History: The History of the Steam Engine – Thomas Net

c.History of the steam engine – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

136- NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: 1769-1821AD…also known as Napoleon I, was a French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th …

a. Napoleon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Napoleon Bonaparte – Facts & Summary –

c. Civilization V Leader | Napoleon of France – YouTube


a. James Watt | Scottish inventor |

b. BBC – History – James Watt

c. James Watt – Building the Steam Engine – Inventors –


a. What is education? definition and meaning –

b. Education – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. What Is Education?, Jackson – University of Chicago Press

139- BEETHOVEN: 1770-1827AD…He was an innovator, widening the scope of sonata, …

a. Ludwig van Beethoven – Pianist, Composer –

b. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) – British Library

c. Ludwig van Beethoven Biography – Profile, Childhood, Life, Timeline

140- WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON: 1773-1891ADS…was the ninth President of the United States. He died shortly after taking the office in 1841, having the shortest…

a.William Henry Harrison – U.S. Presidents –

b.William Henry Harrison: Accomplishments, Campaign & Presidency

c. William Henry Harrison – Top 10 Forgettable Presidents – TIME


a.Boston Tea Party – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Destruction of British East India Company Tea | Boston Tea Party

c. Sons of Liberty dump British tea – Dec 16, 1773 –

142- MERIWETHER LEWIS: 1774-1809AD…The official leader of the epic Lewis and Clark Expedition…

a. Meriwether Lewis – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Meriwether Lewis, Captain (1774 – 1809) – Genealogy – Geni

c. PBS – THE WEST – Meriwether Lewis


a. The U.S. Constitution – Facts & Summary –

b. The American Revolution and Constitution by Stephanie Harvey

c. Slavery, the American Revolution, and the Constitution – Digital History

e. The Original Bill of Rights Had 12 Amendments, Not 10


a.Declaration of Independence

b.Declaration of Independence – Office of the Historian

c.Declaration of Independence – Text Transcript

e. The Original Bill of Rights Had 12 Amendments, Not 10

145- MICHAEL FARADAY: 1791-1867AD…was an English scientist who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and …

a. Michael Faraday – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Michael Faraday – Biography, Facts and Pictures – Famous Scientists

c.Michael Faraday Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements

146-SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS CAPITALISM? …ADAM SMITH, FATHER OF CAPITALISM…Means of production and distribution mostly in the hands… b.What is capitalism? – The Capitalism Site

c.What Is Capitalism? – Back to Basics – Finance & Development, June


a.What is Socialism? | World Socialist Movement

b.What Is Socialism? – YouTube

c.Socialism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

148-SPECIAL TOPICS…WHAT IS MIXTURISM? …JAMES CARROLL, FATHER OF MIXTURISM…Means of production and distribution mostly in the hands of private and joint enterprise… and infrastructure such as roads , bridges, schools, heath insurance, Social Security,etc. in the hands of public enterprise…

a.The Philosophy of Mixturism – Internet Free Press

b.August 14, 2015 – Internet Free Press

c. Social security can only go broke because of ignorance about ..

d. .Mixturism

149- ERASMUS DARWIN: 1794AD…was an English physician… One of the key thinkers of the Midlands Enlightenment, he was also a natural …

a. Erasmus Darwin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Erasmus Darwin – University of California Museum of Paleontology

c. Erasmus Darwin | British physician |

150- JAMES K. POLK: 1795-1849AD…was the 11th President of the United States (1845–49). Polk was born in Mecklenburg County, North …

a. James K. Polk – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.North Carolina History Project : James K. Polk (1795-1849)

c.The U.S.-Mexican War . Prelude to War . James K. Polk (1845-1849

d. List of U.S. states by date of admission to the Union – Wikipedia, the

151- EVENTS/IDEAS: WAR OF 1812…American fears of the Native Americans ended, as did British plans to create a …. The War of 1812 was highly significant in Britain’s…

a. War of 1812 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. An American Perspective | War of 1812 | PBS

c. War of 1812 – Facts & Summary –


a. Colonialism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

b. colonialism, Western | politics |

c.Colonialism and Imperialism intro – YouTube


a. Imperialism | Define Imperialism at

b. Imperialism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. imperialism | political science |


a. The Nationalism Project: What is Nationalism?

b. Nationalism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. nationalism | politics |


a. What is Democracy? Definition, Types & History – Live Science

b. What is Democracy? – YouTube

c. parliamentary democracy | government |

156- VOLTA: 1800AD… Volta invents the electric battery… The invention of photography..

a. Volta describes the electric battery – American Physical Society

b. Alessandro Volta – Creator of the first Battery

c. History of Electricity

157- ROBERT FULTON…1801-1807AD… Robert Fulton invention of the Steamboat…

a. Robert Fulton – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Robert Fulton: Inventor of the Steamboat – Famous American Inventors

c. Robert Fulton | American inventor |

158- RALPH WALDO EMERSON: 1803-1882AD…was an American essayist, lecturer, and poet who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid- 19th …

a. Ralph Waldo Emerson – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Ralph Waldo Emerson – Philosopher, Journalist, Poet –

c.Ralph Waldo Emerson – American Transcendentalism Web

159- RICHARD TREVITHICK.. .the first locomotive… constructed the world’s first steam railway locomotive (1803). In 1805 …

a. Richard Trevithick – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Richard Trevithick | English engineer |

c. Richard TrevithickThe American Society of Mechanical Engineers


a. Dictatorship – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. dictatorship – Dictionary Definition :

c. . dictatorship | political science |

161- ROBERT E. LEE: 1807-1870AD…Robert E. Lee was a Confederate general during the American Civil War …

a. Robert E. Lee (1807-1870) – The Latin Library

b. Lee, Robert E. (ca. 1806–1870) – Encyclopedia Virginia

c. Robert E. Lee Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline

162- JOHN DALTON… John Dalton introduces modern atomic theory…

a. John Dalton – Chemist, Scientist, Meteorologist –

b. John Dalton and Atomic Theory – Boundless

c. Dalton’s atomic theory – Antoine

163- Andrew Johnson: 1808-1875AD…was the 17th President of the United States, serving from 1865 to 1869…

a. Andrew Johnson – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Andrew Johnson – U.S. President –

c. Mr. Lincoln’s White House – Andrew Johnson (1808-1875)

164- ABRAHAM LINCOLN: 1809-1865AD… the 16th U.S. president, on … Civil Rights Activist, U.S. Representative, U.S. President, Lawyer (1809–1865)…

a. Abraham Lincoln – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Abraham Lincoln Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements

c. Lincoln on Pinterest | Abraham Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln and

165- CHARLES DARWIN: 1809-1882AD… introduce the theory of evolution to the scientific community…. Darwin’s On the Origin of Species…

a. Charles Darwin – Biologist, Scientist –

b.Charles Darwin History – Theory of Evolution

c.Charles Darwin on Pinterest | Karl Marx, Isaac Newton and

166- HENRY DAVID THOREAU: 1817-1862AD…writer, naturalist, philosopher, pencil maker, surveyor, Transcendentalist, inspector of …

a. Henry David Thoreau – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Henry David Thoreau – Philosopher, Journalist, Poet –

c.Henry David Thoreau Biography | List of Works, Study Guides

167- KARL MARX: 1818-1883AD…. thinker of the 19th century… Karl Marx – philosopher and writer of The Communist Manifesto…

a. Karl Marx (1818-1883) | Issue 102 | Philosophy Now

b.Karl Marx – died 1883AD – Philosophy –

c.Karl Marx – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


a. What is communism? definition and meaning

b. What Is Communism? – YouTube

c. What Is Communism? | Socialism Communism Capitalism


a.What Is Macro Economics – Over 100 Million Visitors –

b.What is Economics? – Why Study Economics

c. What is Economics? – YouTube

170- WALT WHITMAN: 1819-1892AD…an American poet, essayist and journalist. A humanist, he was a part of the transition …

a.Walt Whitman – Journalist, Poet –

b. Contents. Whitman, Walt. 1900. Leaves of Grass –

171- SPECIAL TOPIC…AMERICAN CIVIL WAR…widely known in the United States as the Civil War fought from 1861 to 1865 to …

a.American Civil War – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.A Brief Overview of the American Civil War – Civil War Trust

c.American Civil War History – History Channel

172- LOUIS PASTEUR: 1822AD-1895AD… Louis Pasteur discovered two forms of tartaric acid crystals. Pasteur’s essay on fermentation founds the germ theory of disease.

a. Louis Pasteur Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline

b. Louis Pasteur – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.Louis Pasteur – Mini Biography – YouTube

173- JAMES M. CARROLL…1930 ..CURRENT…Chemist, News Paper Publisher, Insurance Salesperson, School Teacher, Author, writer, and book publisher, General Contractor, and Real Estate Broke, President and founder of Digital University of America,

a .Born out of the sun 2014

b. Mixturism

c. 3 steps to Success

d. Why We Dream

e. The Problem With Public Education

f. Words Every Good Reader Know

174- JAMES C. MAXWELL: 1831-1879AD…Many physicists regard Maxwell as the 19th-century scientist having the greatest …

a.James C. Maxwell – Scholar, Physicist, Scientist –

b.James Clerk MaxwellBiography, Facts and – Famous Scientists

.c James Clerk Maxwell –

175- SAMUEL LONGHORN CLEMENS: 1835-1910AD… Mark Twain…better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist. He wrote …

a.Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) – Historic Missourians

b. Mark Twain – Writer –

c. Diary of Adam and Eve | Celebrating Holidays


a.What is Psychology? | Simply Psychology

b.What Is Psychology? –

c.BBC Science | Human Body & Mind | What is Psychology?


a.Theodor Schwann Theorizes that All Living Things are Made of Cells

b.Theodor Schwann – Biography, Facts and Pictures – Famous Scientists

c.Matthias Jakob Schleiden – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

178- WILLIAM JAMES: 1842-1910AD…was America’s greatest psychologist, and became one of its great philosophers. In The Principles of Psychology (1890) he investigated …

a. William James (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

b. William James Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline

c.William James (1842-1910) | Issue 105 | Philosophy Now

179- ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL: 1847-1922AD…the Scottish-born American scientist best known as the inventor of the telephone…

a.Alexander Graham Bell – Educator, Scientist, Inventor, Linguist

b. Alexander Graham Bell – Inventions –

c. BBC – History – Alexander Graham Bell

180- THOMAS EDISON: 1847-1931AD…was an American inventor and businessman. He developed many devices that greatly influenced …

a. Thomas Alva Edison, Inventor (1847 – 1931) – Genealogy – Geni

b.Thomas Alva Edison Facts, information, pictures |

c.Thomas Edison Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline


a. conservatism | political philosophy |

b. What’s a Neoconservative? | The American Conservative

c. What are differences between a socialist, a democrat, a republican

182- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS A COLLECTIVE MONOPOLY?.. fewer than ten corporations that control over ninety percent of a good or service in an industry..

a. Mixturism

b. people power price control

183- WOODROW WILSON: 1856-1924AD…was an American politician and academic who served as the 28th President of the United …

a.Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) – The George Washington University

b.BBC – History – Historic Figures: Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)

c.Thomas Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States (1856

184- SIGMUND FREUD: 1856-1939AD…The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis

a.Sigmund Freud – My Webspace files

b.The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis (1910) – DSpace@MIT

c. PSYCHOTHERAPY – Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) Documentales

d. Carl Jung & Psychological Types | MBTI® Type Today

e. Alfred Adler – Psychology History

185- HENRY FORD: 1856-1943AD… Henry Ford and the Model T…Model T revolutionized transportation in America.

a.Henry Ford Model T Documentary Full video – YouTube

b. Henry Ford – Full Episode –

c. Henry Ford – PBS

186- ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE: 1858AD .. essay on evolution by natural selection…

a. Alfred Russel Wallace – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Natural Selection: Charles Darwin & Alfred Russel Wallace

c. Alfred Russel Wallace | British naturalist |

187- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS OPTIMISM?…The Optimist’s Creed… memorize it!…Promise Yourself. To be SO STRONG that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

a.Positive psychology – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Optimist Creed – Optimist International

c.The Optimist Creed (Tarcher Success Classics): Christian D. Larson

d. The Optimist Creed: Promise Yourself… – YouTube

188- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1862AD… .MORRILL LAND GRANT ACT… triggers growth of engineering education in the U.S… was also known as the Land Grant College Act...

a. The Morrill Act of 1862

b. LandGrant College Act of 1862 | United States legislation ..

c. The Morrill Act and the LandGrant Colleges – University of Kentucky

189- MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS SOCIOLOGY?…the study of society; a social science involving the study of the social lives of people, groups, and societies…

a.What is Sociology? | Department of Sociology

b. American Sociological Association: What is Sociology?

c. An Introduction to Sociology – American Sociological Association

190- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1863AD… THE EMANCIPATION OF THE SLAVES…Lincoln issued the final Emancipation … With the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation…

a. 10 Facts about the Emancipation Proclamation – Civil War Trust

b. Emancipation Proclamation – American Civil War –

c.Featured Document: The Emancipation Proclamation

191- RUDYARD KIPLING: 1865-1936AD…one of the best-known of the late Victorian poets and story- tellers. Although he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1907.

a.Rudyard Kipling : The Poetry Foundation

b.Rudyard Kipling Analysis –

c.If By Rudyard Kipling – Lectura Obligada | copy the poem IF and hang it on your wall…

192- JAMES CLERK MAXWELL: 1865AD… A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field…A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field [James Clerk Maxwell]…

a.A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field: James Clerk

b. Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field – Wikipedia, the

c.electromagnetism – What is reduced momentum in “A Dynamical

193- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1866AD… LAYING OF THE TRANSATLANTIC CABLE…The transatlantic cable reduced communication time considerably…

a. Transatlantic telegraph cable – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. First transatlantic telegraph cable completed – Aug 05, 1858

c.How the first cable was laid across the Atlantic (Wired UK)

194- H. G. WELLS: 1866-1946AD… Outline of History…

a. The Outline of History (2 Volumes): H.G. Wells, Raymond Postgate

b.The Outline of History: The Whole Story of Man (2 Volumes): H. G.

c. The Outline of History – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

195- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1867AD… ANESTHETICS AND ANTISEPTICS…Anesthetics are chemicals that makes a patient go unconscious and/or feel no pain.

a. What are anesthetics and antiseptics –

b.Antisepsis – used, first, anesthetic, blood, body, uses, history

c.BBC – GCSE Bite size: Anesthetics for pain

196- WILBUR AND OLIVER WRIGHT: 1867-1912AD… First flight of and airplane…Wilbur and Orville Wright were American inventors and pioneers of aviation. In 1903 the…

a. Wright Brothers – Inventions –

b. The Wright Brothers –

c. Wilbur and Orville Wright’s First Flight – America’s Library

197- MAHATMA GANDHI : 1869-1948AD…I know the path. It is straight and narrow. It is like the edge of a sword. I rejoice to walk on it. I weep when I slip. God’s word is…

a. Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) – Columbia University

b. I Know The Path – Mind of Mahatma Gandhi : Complete Book Online

c. Civilization V Leader | Gandhi of India – YouTube

198-MEXICAN– AMERICAN WAR…1846-1848…Between 1846 and 1848, the United States and Mexico, went to war. It was a defining event for both nations…

a. The U.S.-Mexican War . War (1846-1848) | PBS

b. The U.S.-Mexican War | PBS

c.History of the War

199- SPANISH–AMERICAN WAR…On April 25, 1898 the United States declared war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898.

a. SpanishAmerican War – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Spanish Americans – Countries and Their Cultures

c. Spanish American War – Facts & Summary –

200- HERBERT HOOVER: 1874-1964AD… Hoover was the 31st President of the United States (1929–33)… a professional mining engineer and …Great Depression…

a. Herbert Hoover – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Herbert Hoover Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline

c.President Herbert Hoover on TV! (1960) – YouTube

201- ALBERT EINSTEIN: 1879-1955AD… Einstein’s “miracle year” of publication. Einstein’s general theory of relativity…

a.Albert Einstein – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. TOP 5 Scientists of the World – Employment News – Sarkari Naukri

c. Top 10 greatest Scientists who changed the world – EList10

202- SPECIAL TOPIC… NATURE’S BASIC LAW OF ECONOMICS…There are only two kinds of resource : People and Natural …All goods and service flow from the action of people resources on natural resources…Money is a medium of exchange…

a. Mixturism…

b. Endowed with Democracy, an individual Bill Of Rights, and the

c. The Philosophy of Mixturism – Internet Free Press

203- FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT: 1882-1945AD…was the 32nd President of the United States of America...

a. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)

b.F D Roosevelt Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline

c. Franklin D. Roosevelt – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

204- HARRY S. TRUMAN: 1884-1972AD..He was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s vice president for just 82 days before Roosevelt died and Truman ….

a. Truman: HST Biography – Harry S. Truman Library and Museum

b.Harry S. Truman – U.S. President –

c. BBC – History – Historic Figures: Harry S Truman (1884-1972)

205- ADOLF HITLER: 1889-1945AD…was an Austrian-born German politician who was the leader of the Nazi Party (NSDAP), Chancellor of Germany from …

a. Adolf Hitler – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Adolf Hitler, 1889-1945 – The History Guide

c.Adolf Hitler – Uncyclopedia – Wiki

206- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS THE INFINITESIMAL UNIFYING PARTICLE?…A discovery of the unifying infinitesimal particle and its relationship to the organization and behavior of all matter. Born Out. Of The Sun

a. Born out of the sun 2014

207- GUGLIELMO MARCONI: 1896AD… introduces telegraphy “without wires.”…Nobel Prize-winning physicist… Guglielmo Marconi developed the first effective system of radio …

a. Guglielmo Marconi – Inventions –

b. Guglielmo Marconi – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. Guglielmo Marconi – Physicist, Inventor, Entrepreneur –

208-MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS ASTRONOMY?…astronomy is the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets and other objects and phenomena in space. It has a long, rich history...

a.What are Science and Astronomy

b Astronomy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. Astronomy – Introduction and History of the Study of Stars

209- SPECIAL TOPIC…HOW DO SEARCH ENGINES WORK?…There are three basic stages for a search engine: crawling – where content is discovered; indexing, …

a. How Search Engines Work – The Beginners Guide to SEO – Moz

b BBC Bite size – How do search engines work?

c. How Search Works – The Story – Inside Search – Google

d How Do Search Engines Work? – YouTube


a.How Computers Work: Information (Part I) – YouTube

b.Computer – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. Computer science – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

211- MAX PLANCK: 1900AD… Max Planck’s quantum hypothesis…a German theoretical physicist whose work on quantum …

a. Max Planck – Biographical –

b. Max Planck – Biographical –

c.Welcome to…the history of the atom. – Angelfire

212- JOHN STEINBECK: 1902-1968AD…. was an American author of twenty-seven books, including sixteen novels, six non-fiction…

a.John Steinbeck – Author –

b. John Steinbeck – Biographical –

c John Steinbeck (1902-1968) – Georgetown University

213- LYNDON B. JOHNSON: 1908-1973AD… became the 36th president of the United States …. He died of a heart attack at age 64 on January 22, 1973, at his ranch.

a.Lyndon B. Johnson – U.S. Presidents –

b.President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Biography – LBJ Presidential Library

c.Lyndon Baines Johnson (19081973) < Biographies < American

214- ERNEST RUTHERFORD: 1910AD …Ernest Rutherford’s Solar System model of the atom…

a.Ernest Rutherford – Biographical –

b.Ernest Rutherford – Physicist, Scientist –

c. Ernest Rutherford | Chemical Heritage Foundation.

215- RONALD REAGAN: 1911-2004AD…Former President Ronald Reagan, whose movie-actor delivery and warm wit earned him the name...

a. Ronald Reagan – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. President Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911 – 2004) – Genealogy – Geni

c. with over 150 million profiles of ancestors and living …

216- RICHARD NIXON: 1913-1994AD…President Nixon had been secretly recording ..led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon

a. Richard Nixon Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline

b.Richard Nixon – Wikipedia

c. Richard Milhous Nixon (1913 – 1994) – Find A Grave Memorial

217- ROSA PARKS: 1913-2005AD…was an African-American Civil Rights activist, whom the United States Congress called ” the …

a. Rosa Parks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Parks, Rosa (1913-2005) – King Encyclopedia

c.Parks, Rosa (1913-2005) | The Black Past: Remembered and

218- WORLD WAR ONE 1914…WWI may have been the war to end all wars, but it was also the beginning of many military … By the time World War I ended in the defeat…

a.World War I – History Channel

b. World War One – The British Library

c. World War I – Battles, Facts, Videos & Pictures –

219- NIELS BOHR: 1913AD… Niels Bohr’s quantum theory…When jumping from one orbit to another with lower energy, a light quantum is emitted. Bohr’s theory could explain… w

a. Niels Bohr – Facts – Nobel

b. Bohr model – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.Niels Bohr: Biography & Atomic Theory – Live Science

220- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1941AD…WORLD WAR II…World War II In HD Colour is a 13-episode television documentary series … The United States

a.SCENARIO: “World War II – 1941 AD” on the complete world map for

b.WWII – The Battle For Russia 1941 AD – Part 2 of 12 – In HD – YouTube

c.SCENARIO: “World War II – 1941 AD” for C3C on the complete world

221- JOHN F. KENNEDY: 1917-1963AD…was the 35th President of the United States. This biography … Born on. 29 May 1917 AD. Birthday … 22 November 1963 AD.

a. John F. Kennedy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Sr. (1917 – 1963) – Genealogy – Geni

c. John F. Kennedy – Biographical Dictionary –

222- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1950AD …KOREAN WAR… began as a civil war between North and South Korea, but the conflict soon became international when…u

a.Korean War – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Korean War – Facts & Summary –

c.Douglas MacArthur – Facts &

223- EDWIN HUBBLE ..Edwin Powell Hubble (1889 – 1953) was an American astronomer who played a crucial in establishing the field …announces that Andromeda is a galaxy. …

a.Edwin Hubble – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Edwin Powell Hubble – The man who discovered the cosmos | ESA

c.Edwin Hubble – Astronomer, Scientist –

224- MARTIN LUTHER KING: 1929-1968AD…was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil …

a. Martin Luther King, Jr. – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Major King Events Chronology: 1929-1968 | The Martin Luther King

c. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) | New Georgia Encyclopedia

225- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1929AD-1939AD …GREAT DEPRESSION…The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took ……

a. The Great Depression – Facts & Summary –

b.Great Depression – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c The Great Depression . Surviving the Dust Bowl . WGBH American

226- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1931AD… ELECTRON MICROSCOPE IS INVENTED…First virus “seen” using the electron microscope…

a.Microscopes Projection – Powerful 5000x Zoom Microscopes

b. Electron Microscopes –

c. Scan Electron Microscope –

227- ALAN TURING: 1936AD…was a British pioneering computer scientist, mathematician, logician, crypt analyst and … Alan Turing publishes his principle …

a. Alan Turing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. BBC – iWonder – Alan Turing: Creator of modern computing

c. A History of Computers

228-UNITED NATIONS…The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. It is currently made up of 193 Member States. The mission and work of the …

a. About the UN | United Nations

b. UN Careers

c. United Nations Foundation

229- WARREN WEAVER: 1938AD …was an American scientist, mathematician, and science administrator … coins the term molecular biology…

a.Warren Weaver – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. WARREN WEAVER – National Academy of Sciences

c. Computer Pioneers – Warren Weaver – History Committee archive

230- EVENTS/IDEA- VIETNAM WAR…also known as the Second Indochina War, and also known in Vietnam as Resistance War Against …

a. Vietnam War – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Role of the United States in the Vietnam War – Wikipedia, the free

c.Vietnam War – A Day in Vietnam | 1967 | American Cold YouTube

231- EVENTS/IDEAS: NATO.. is an Alliance that consists of 28 independent member… countries…

a. NATO – Member countries

b.What is NATO?

c. NATO – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

232- EVENT: COLD WAR…. 1945-1989… was a state of political and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc..

a. Cold War – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Cold War – Causes, Events, Pictures & Videos –

c.Cold War – History Channel ..

233- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1945AD…FIRST ATOMIC BOMB… Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on Aug 06, 1945…

a.Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima – Aug 06, 1945 –

b.Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – World War II –

c.Atomic Bomb | HISTORY

234- BILL CLINTON: 1946AD-current… is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United …

a.Bill Clinton – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Bill Clinton: Life After the Presidency—Miller Center

c.Bill Clinton: Biography, College, Education, Economy YouTube

235- GEORGE GAMOW: 1947-49AD… and colleagues propose the Big Bang Theory….

a.George Gamow, Gifted Physicist – YouTube

b.George GamowWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.Edward Teller – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

236- CLAUDE SHANNON: 1948AD … about the branch of computer science and mathematics…The field is broadly defined and includes foundations in computer…

a. Information theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Theoretical computer science – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.Claude Shannon: Reluctant Father of the Digital Age | MIT

237- WATSON AND CRICK: 1953AD …Watson and Crick announce the double-helix structure of DNA…

a.Watson and Crick discover chemical structure of DNA – Feb 28, 1953

b.Watson and Crick describe structure of DNA – PBS

c. Jacob’s Stick (Genesis 30: 37-41) – Teaching hearts

238- TIM BURNERS-LEE: 1955AD-current… introduces the World Wide Web…In March 1989, Tim BurnersLee submitted a proposal for an information…

a. Tim BurnersLee – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b.Tim BurnersLee – World Wide Web @ 25 – YouTube

c. How the World Wide Web just happened – Tim Berners-Lee – YouTube

239- EVENTS/IDEAS: SPUTNIK I 1957AD…orbits the Earth…Sputnik launched on Oct 04, 1957. … its elliptical orbit had an apogee of 584 miles and a perigee (nearest point) …

a. Sputnik 1 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Sputnik – NASA’s History Office

c. Sputnik launched – Oct 04, 1957 –

240- SPECIAL TOPIC…WHAT IS A REPUBLIC is a sovereign state or country which is organized with a form of government in which power resides in elected individuals …

a.Republic vs. Democracy –

b.What is Democracy? – YouTube

c An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic –

241- NEIL ARMSTRONG: 1969AD… walks on the Moon…“Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon. July 1969 AD. We came in peace for all mankind.” …

a. Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the – Brainy Quote

b.Neil Armstrong photographed just minutes after becoming the first

c.Armstrong walks on moon – Jul 20, 1969 –

242- EVENTS/IDEAS: RECOMBINANT DNA:1972AD … research begins… Recombinant DNA technology, joining together of DNA molecules from two different species…

a. Recombinant DNA – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Recombinant DNA technology | genetics |

c.An Introduction to Recombinant DNA

243- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1981 AD IBM PC… is introduced…personal computers were available as early as the mid-1970s, first as … IBM’s own Personal Computer …(

a. IBM Archives: The birth of the IBM PC

b.Timeline of Computer History: 1981 | Computer History Museum

c. Timeline of Computer History: 1981 | Computer History Museum

244- EVENTS/IDEAS: 1990 AD…HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE… launched into orbit…Hubble Space Telescope’s launch in 1990 sped humanity to one of its greatest…

a. Hubble Site – The TelescopeHubble Essentials

b.About the Hubble Space Telescope | NASA

c. 10 Fascinating Facts About the Hubble Space Telescope – History in

245- EVENTS/IDEAS: 2000 AD…HUMAN GENOME DECODED… initial rough draft of the human genome was available in June 2000 and by February …

a. Human Genome Sequencing – 3730xl, Ion Torrent, Illumina

b. Human Genome Project – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome : Article : Nature

246- AL-QAEDA..SEPTEMBER 11,2001…After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, AlQaeda (or AL-Qa’ida, pronounced AL-KYE-da) surpassed the IRA, Hamas…

a. AlQaeda – Infoplease

b.AlQaeda / AlQaeda (The Base) –

c. Who Is Bin Laden? – Al Qaeda | Hunting Bin Laden | FRONTLINE

247. AFGHANISTAN WAR USA BUSH II…Human habitation in Afghanistan dates back to the Middle Paleolithic Era, and the country’s strategic location along the Silk Road

a. Afghanistan – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. President Bush announces military action in Afghanistan – Oct 07

c. War in Afghanistan (2001–14) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

248- IRAQ WAR BUSH II.. 2003-2011…Bush was allegedly floating the idea of painting a U‑2 spy plane in UN colors and letting it fly low ….

a. Iraq War | 2003-2011 |

b. Iraq War – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. 2003 invasion of Iraq – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

249- EVENT..WHAT IS ISIS?…The Islamic State, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq follows a distinctive variety of Islam whose beliefs about the path to the Day of …

a. ISIS: Everything you need to know about the group –

b.What ISIS Really Wants – The Atlantic

c.What is ‘Islamic State’? – BBC News –

d. Everything you need to know about ISIS | MSNBC

250- BARACK OBAMA: 1961AD-current…Barack Obama is the 44th and current President of the United States. This biography of Barack Obama provides detailed information… …

a. Barack Obama Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline

b. President Barack Obama |

c. Is the State of Hawaii Covering Up Birth Registration Fraud in the ..


a.History of AfricaYouTube

b.History of AfricaWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c.Economic history of AfricaWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

d. Outline of AfricaWikipedia, the free encyclopedia

e. Great achievements in science and technology in ancient Africa

f. AfricansContribution to Science: A Culture of Excellence

g. African Science in School Curriculum – African Studies Center

h. List of African scientists, inventors, and scholars – Wikipedia, the free

i. Some) of Africa’s Scientific Discoveries & Contributions | Believing

j. Africa’s contribution to science and technology | ¡Ya Basta! Media

k.African-American Contributions to Mathematics and Science

l .African Americans contribute much to the field of Science | African

m.List of African scientists, inventors, and scholars – Wikipedia, the free

n. Greatest Africans of All Times – Emeagwali

o. Famous Black Scientists – Biography.cop.

p.15 Famous Black Scientists in History – Famous Scientists

q. 10 Black Scientists You Should Know | How Stuff Works

r. South African heroes of science – SA scientists and inventors

s. The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences.

u. Top 10 African Music You Can’t Stop Singing – Answers Africa

v. Afrobeats: The new sound of West Africa that’s going global – CNN

w. Top 10 Best Music Producer In Nigeria – GY

x.African American Music Evolution Timeline – YouTube

y.730 The Movie – YouTube

z.15-Yr-Old Kelvin Doe Wows M.I.T. – YouTube

252- HOW TO REFORM THE STOCK MARKET…Make public traded corporations give back to the stock holders 50% of the profit each quarter…





a.What is Critical Thinking? – Definition, Skills & Meaning – Video

b.What is Critical Thinking – Critical Reading

c.Critical thinking – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

d. How to Write an A+ Research Paper – A Research Guide for Students



Now that you have finished your courses of studies, select one of the major subjects below:
254(1)-MAJOR SUBJECT: WHAT IS ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION?…This is a complete course…INSTRUCTIONS: This is the real world; you can use any and all information from all sources to answer the questions below. WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH QUESTION, AND EMAIL THEM TO: DUOAFREE@GMAIL.COM  Copy the questions one at a time; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information that will answer the question. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of each question.
1-What is English Grammar?
2-Name and describe the eight parts of speech.
3-Define a sentence, write a simple sentence, a compound sentence and a complex sentence.
4- Define a clause and a phrase and write a sentence using each.
5-Explain what is meant by subject verb agreement.
6-What is meant by pronoun and antecedent agreement?
7-What is pronoun case?
8-What are the principal parts of a verb?
9-What are auxiliary verbs?
10- Conjugate a verb.
11-Define an adjective and an adverb.
12-What are some adjectives you would use to describe yourself?
13- What are conjunctions?
14-What are the fourteen punctuation marks in English Grammar?15-Write a sentence using each of the fourteen punctuation marks
16-Define a paragraph and write one.
17-What is sentence sense?
18-What is a comma splice? Write a sentence using a comma splice.
19-What is meant by sentence unity? Write a sentence showing unity.
20-What are fragments and run-on sentences?
21-What is a composition?
22-Write a whole composition.
23-Define a research paper.
24-Define a thesis.
25-Define a dissertation.
26-Write a sentence with common phrases that are NOT grammatically correct. You may use common words and phrases that are not words defined in the English dictionary. For example, ain’t.
27-With the sentence from question 26, write out the proper, grammatically correct way to say that sentence.
255(2)-MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS PHYSICS?.. Check these two links: What is Physics – Department of Physics – NTNU and What is Physics? – YouTube
INSTRUCTIONS: This is the real world; you can use any and all information from all sources to answer the questions below. WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO: DUOAFREE@GMAIL.COM  Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information that will answer the question. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.
1) What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy? Give situational examples and the mathematical formulas for each.
2) Define energy and give at least 5 examples. .
3) Define and express the formula for work.
4) Explain the difference between refraction and reflection of light.
5) Explain the inverse square law and how is the force of gravity and the propagation of light affected by it?
6) Express Newton’s three laws of motion.
7) There are two types of nuclear reactions. What are they and how are they different?
8) Radioactive substances may emit 5 types of particles and or waves. Name them.
9) Describe the five waves/particles you named in answer to the previous question.
10) Name 5 different types of objects that comprise the solar system.
11) A sound wave includes a high pressure component called ____________and a low pressure component called _______________.
12) There are two divisions of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Name them and briefly explain the difference.
13) What are the 3 temperature scales and what is the freezing point of water on each scale?
14) The atom is comprised of 3 basic particles. Name them and give the location, electrical charge and relative mass of each.
15) Explain why it is necessary to add one day to the year every four years?
16) What is the difference between a volt, a watt, an amp and an ohm?
17) What is the Big Bang?
18) What does the moon have to with the Tides?
19) Name two simple machines.
20) Explain mechanical advantage.
21) Define pressure in a mathematical formula.
22) What is friction? Explain how it can be a good thing and a not-so-a-thing.
23) What is the basic difference between a star and a planet?
24) What is entropy? Is it inevitable? Why or why not?
25) Explain why there is no such thing as “cold”.
26) The flow of electrons down a conductor is a ______________.
27) List 6 kinds of electromagnetic waves.
28) True or false. The speed of light is constant. What’s it value?
29) Why does a leaf appears green?
30) What is the difference between evaporation and condensation?
31) What is meant by the frequency and the wavelength of a sound wave and a light wave.
32) Define pressure in terms of an equation.
33) Explain the difference between a lunar and a solar eclipse.
34) What is meant by absolute zero?
35) What is a light year?
36) Celestial bodies appear to move from east to west because….
37) What is the distance to the moon, the sun, the nearest star?
38) Define power in terms of its relationship to work.
39) What was Kepler’s contribution.
40) Astronauts on the Space Station are seen to float in the cabin, yet they are still within the earth’s gravitational field. Explain how this is possible.
INSTRUCTIONS: This is the real world; you can use any and all information from all sources to answer the questions below. WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO: DUOAFREE@GMAIL.COM  Copy the questions one at a time; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information that will answer the question. To listen to videos,

1) Write symbols for multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, square root and integration.

2) Reliance on calculators for basic math operations since the 80’s has caused many to ignore the memorization of times tables. However, committing the tables through 12 is a requirement.

3) Solving the square root of a number involves find what?

4) Squaring a number requires you to _________________.

5) What is an integer?

6) What is an improper fraction?

7) Define percentage.

8) Differentiate even numbers from odd numbers.

9) How would you convert a fraction like 7/8 to a decimal and a percentage?

10) How would you convert 75 percent to a fraction?

11) If a sale item is 25 % off and the regular price is $36, what is the sale price?

12) What is the amount of interest on a $1,000 loan if the rate is 5.5%?

13) Suppose you have $2,500 in a checking account. You make a deposit of $750 on 6/12, write a check on 6/22 for $3,000 and another on 6/25 for $275. Are you overdrawn?

14) Your property taxes went up 15 percent. Before the increase they were $1,200. What are they after the increase?

15) Explain how to find the area of a room. Illustrate with a problem.

16) Your car gets 28 miles per gallon. How far can you go on 9.8 gallons?

17) To four decimal places, what is the value of Pi?

18) Define Pi in words.

19) If a cube is 10 cm long, 8 cm wide and 9 cm deep, what is its volume in the correct units?

20) What’s the formula for the area of a circle?

21) What is the Pythagorean Theorem? Express it as a formula.

22) What are the units for length, mass and volume in the metric system?

23) Give the value of the following prefixes: nano, micro, Milli, centi, deci, deca, heto, kilo, mega, giga.

24) A kilometer equals what decimal equivalent of a mile?

25) Define a rational number.

26) What are superscripts that indicate the power to which a number must be raised.

27) What is scientific notation? Write 3,330,500 as scientific notation.

28) Name 3 kinds of graphs.

29) How are averages found? What is the average of this set of numbers? 55, 67, 98, 44, and 37?

30) Define probability. What’s the probability that an event will occur, if the event takes place 60 times out of 300?

31) Algebraic equations allow for the solution of an unknown. Suppose 22x = 66. Solve for

32) Define geometry. Who was Euclid and what was his contribution to mathematics?

33) Define Trigonometry.

34) Define sin, tangent, cosine, secant.

35) Define calculus.

36) Calculus is divided into two categories: what are they?

37) Who invented calculus?

38) Define Fibonacci numbers.

39) The square root of a negative number is ______________.

40) Multiplying two negative numbers together produces a ______________number.

257(4)-WHAT IS CHEMISTRY?… is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate to form other substances, and how substances …Chemistry is a branch of science dealing with matter, its composition, its structure and the changes it undergoes during physical and chemical reactions or interactions.

INSTRUCTIONS: This is the real world; you can use any and all information from all sources to answer the questions below. WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO: DUOAFREE@GMAIL.COM  Copy the questions one at a time; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information that will answer the question. To listen to videos,type in You Tube at the end of the question.

1) Define an element and a molecule and explain the difference.

2) How does a compound differ from a mixture?

3) What is the basic building block of matter?

4) Give the location, charge and relative mass of a proton, neutron and electron.

5) Who formulated the modern periodic table of the elements.

6) Explain the difference between the atomic number and the atomic weight.

7) What information does a chemical formula give you?

8) Give the chemical formulas for these 8 common substances…water, carbon dioxide, sugar, salt, carbon monoxide, oxygen, sand, drinking alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and Rust.

9) what is the difference between a chemical change and a physical change?

10) Differentiate between an exothermic and an endothermic reaction.

11) Define matter.

12) What comprises the nucleus of an atom?

13) What are the chemical symbols for the following common elements: hydrogen, sodium, lead, carbon, aluminum, iron, gold, silver, Mercury, helium, chlorine, potassium and uranium.

14) What is an isotope?

15) An atom becomes an ion as a result of what occurrence?

16) What distinguishes an organic compound from other compounds?

17) What is the difference between an ionic and a covalent compound and give an example of each.

18) What is pH?

19) What is the pH of water…of an acid…of an alkaline solution?

20) A salt is typically a _____________united with a _____________.

21) Name 3 inert gases. Why are they call this and what is another name for them?

22) Define allotrope and give an example.

23) Ninety nine percent of the earth’s atmosphere is composed of these two gases. Name them. Give the percentages of these gases.

24) What is combustion?

25) When a substance burns in air, what gases are normally released.

26) If combustion taking place in air is incomplete, what gas is released?

27) When elements combine in a chemical reaction, how are electrons effected?

29) How is the movement of molecules affected when the substance is cooled?

30) When a material melts, it is said to undergo what kind change?

31) How does Anti-freeze work?.

32) What are the characteristics of a polar and a non-polar molecule and two examples of each.

33) Why is water called the universal solvent?

34) When one substance dissolves in another, it is said to be, what?

35) The application of heat causes the atoms of most substances move faster and spread apart. Thus the material is what?

36) Why does water bead up on a waxed surface?

37) Why don’t water and oil mix?

38) Describe the difference between physical properties and chemical properties.

39) What are the 3 states of matter?

40) What’s the difference between an ionic, covalent and hydrogen bonds?

41) if an atom of an element contains 12 protons and 11 neutrons its atomic mass is what?

42) If atom loses 3 electrons, it will have a _______________electrical charge.

43) Define the mole.

44) What is Avogadro’s number?

258(5)- MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS BIOLOGY?…Biology is the science of life. Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin , evolution and distribution of living organisms…The cell is the basic unit of life, genes, composed of DNA are the units of heredity and evolution is the mechanism by which new species are created.
INSTRUCTIONS: This is the real world; you can use any and all information from all sources to answer the questions below. WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO: DUOAFREE@GMAIL.COM  Copy the questions one at a time; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information that will answer the question. To listen to videos,type in You Tube at the end of the question.

1) What is protoplasm?

2) What is the control center of the cell is called?

3) What are similar cells comprise of?

4) What makes up an organ?.

5) Sub-cellular bodies within the cells are______________. Name one.

6) Name 4 characteristics of living organisms.

7) What is an autotroph and a heterotroph and give an example of each.

8) The largest taxonomic classification of living entities is what?

9) The process by which life appeared in the primordial soup from chemicals in the seas billions of years ago is called _________________.

10) What is metabolism?

11) The process by which plants capture energy from the sun is called ______________.

12) Animals break down __________________to obtain energy to sustain functions.

13) Animals breathe in _____________ and release _________________.

14) Plants take in the gas _____________ and release ________________.

15) In the evolutionary scheme, reptiles gave rise to ______________.

16) True or false, monkeys were the ancestors of modern man.

17) The green pigment in plants is _______________.

18) The area in which an animal lives is its ________________.

19) The well-know acronym, DNA, stands for _________________.

20) DNA’s chief function is to carry out _____________.

21) Explain the difference between viruses and bacteria.

22) Which one of the above is treated with antibiotics?

23) List 4 traits of mammals and name 4 mammals.

24) Explain why a whale is NOT a fish.

25) A butterflies belong to what class?

26) To which genus and species do humans belong.

27) What is the largest organ in the human body?

28) What is a nerve cell called?

29) What is the iron-containing pigment in the blood called?

30) Excess energy is stored in the body as _________________.

31) Food energy is measured in units called __________ and an adult man requires about how many per day?

32) Excretory organs are the _______________.

33) Explain why sharks are not true fish.

34) The light sensitive layer at the rear of the eyeball is the _____________ and the two types of receptors are _____________& ______________.

35) Name the four chambers of the heart.

36) Why are elevated levels of cholesterol unhealthy?

37) What are the two blood pressure readings called? What is the average reading?

38) Explain why viruses are considered to be on the boundary between living and non-living.

39) The membrane that allows the exchange of gases and nutrients between the mother and the fetus is the ____________.

40) Humans shared 98% of our DNA with with animal?

259(6)-MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY?…Psychology is the study of behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of human experience. It is an academic discipline and an applied science which seeks to .

INSTRUCTIONS: This is the real world; you can use any and all information from all sources to answer the questions below. WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO: DUOAFREE@GMAIL.COM  Copy the questions one at a time; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information that will answer the question. To listen to videos,type in You Tube at the end of the question.

1. The word “psychology” is derived from what Greek words. What is the meaning of each root?

2. In 1694, the word psychology was first used by whom in The Physical Anatomy Dictionary?

3. Broadly speaking, psychology is the study of what two aspects of the human experience?

4. One who practices psychology is called by what title?

5. Practitioners are categorized into what 3 major groups?

6. Practitioners delve into many areas of the human experience. Name 6 of these areas.

7. Many practitioners in their therapeutic efforts, act as this type of health professional.

8. Name 3 ancient civilizations that pursued psychology from a philosophical perspective.

9. What Ancient Greek physician stated that mental disorders were the result of physical and not supernatural causes?

10. What ancient civilization concluded that the brain was the center of intelligence and sensation?

11. Explain the difference between psychology and Parapsychology.

12. Give two subtopics of parapsychology.

13. Why have some asserted that psychology is not a “hard science”, like chemistry and physics.

14. What does a neuropsychologist do?

15. What was Paul Broca’s important contribution to psychology?

16. Who classified humans into four behavioral groups based on ethnicity?

17. Name the four groups and give this investigators description of each.

18. What was Pavlov’s contribution to psychology?

19. Describe his experiment.

20. Define phobia.

21. What is cognitive psychology?

22. Name four areas that cognitive psychology is concerned with.

23. Cognitive bias is analogous to what?

24. What is confirmation bias?

25. How does a psychoanalyst practice his craft?

26. Who was the arguably the most pre-emanate psychoanalyst?

27. What two methods is the above person noted for?

28. What early Swiss psychiatrist promoted and expanded the theory of collective unconsciousness?

27. What approach emphasizes a person’s basic drive towards self-actualization?

28. Freud believed that personality was based on the interplay of what three facets of the mind?

29. Briefly describe each of the three.

30. What is the unconscious mind?

31. What is a “Freudian slip”?

32. Name 5 basic drives of animals and humans.

33. What does CBT stand for?

34. What is the the test which employs ink blots?

35. What is IQ a measure of?

36. Typically, a psychiatrist will use what two modalities to improve a patient’s mental state.

37. Define schizophrenia.

38. What is anxiety?

39. What is paranoia

40. How are psychological mysteries solved?

41. How did human nature evolve?

42. Why do people blush?

43. Why do we care about what others think about us?

44. Why do people fall in love?

45. Why are some relationships successful and others fail?

46. How do people get their personality?

47. Why are siblings different?

48. What is self-esteem?

49. Why do we have emotions?

50. What are subliminal messages?

51.Why are some people narcissist?

52. What are psychic abilities?

53. Why don’t adolescence act like adults?

54. How are women and men different?

55. What makes people unhappy?

56.What is stress?

57. Why do we dream?

58. Why do people make mountains out of mole hills?

59. Why is self-control so hard for some people?

60. Why do we forget things?

260(7)- MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS COMPUTER SCIENCE?…Computer science is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications…

INSTRUCTIONS: This is the real world; you can use any and all information from all sources to answer the questions below. WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO: DUOAFREE@GMAIL.COM  Copy the questions one at a time; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information that will answer the question. To listen to videos,type in You Tube at the end of the question.

1. What is a an APP?

2. Explain the difference between a BYTE and a BIT.

3. The Computer’s CHIP, is its “brains”, and is sometimes referred to as what? Hint: Initials are CPU.

4. What does a DRIVER do?

5. Most computers have EXPANSION SLOTS. What is their purpose?

6. When should you FRAGMENT your hard drive? What does this mean?

7. How many bytes are in a GIGABYTE?

8. What is stored on a computer’s HARD DRIVE?

9. Where would you find an ICON and what good is it to the user?

10 What sort of programs usually require a JOY STICK?

11 How many bytes are in a KILOBYTE?

12. To LOAD a program on to your computer is to do what?.

13.RAM is a type of computer MEMORY. What does RAM stand for?

14. Bytes are moved from
The hard drive to RAM very quickly, in NANOSECONDS. What is a NANOSECOND?

15. Name two types of OPERATING SYSTEMS. How do they function in the computer?

16. What does the acronym PC stand for. PC’s compete with what other widely sold computer platform.
17. QUICKTIME enables you to do what on a computer?

18. Explain what a router does.

19. What is the function of a SERVER?

20. Distinguish between SOFTWARE and the computer’s hardware.

21. What is a TROJAN HORSE?

22. An UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SOURCE a safe guard against what kind of problem?

23. Explain how a computer VIRUS is analogous to a biological virus.

24. In the 90’s, WINDOWS replaced what operating system on IBM/PC machines?

25. What is WIFI?

26. YAHOO is a search engine. Name another popular search engine.

27. What is 8bit? – Computer Hope?

28.What is .8bit, 32-bit, 64-bit Processors?

29. .What do you mean by 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit microprocessor?

30.-What was The World’s First Nine Dollar ComputerYouTube?

31. What is a  computer chip | electronics |

32. .How do they make Silicon Wafers and Computer Chips? – YouTube

33..What is a Transistor?

34. How Does a Transistor Work? – YouTube

35. .What Is Nanotechnology?

36. .What is a Search Engine?

37. What is Nanotechnology. This Video Will Blow Your Mind – YouTube

38. What is silicon chip?

39. How do they make Silicon Wafers and Computer Chips? – YouTube

40. What is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)?

41. What are Keyboard Symbols | Computer *** – Signs & Symbols?

42. What is an e Mail Server and How Does it Work? (

43..How your email server works – YouTube

44. . How does the Internet work?

45. Who invented the internet?

46. What is.ARPAnet – the team behind the internet – YouTube

47. .What Are Logarithms? –

48. What is.Base Ten Definition – Mathematics ?

49. Base 10 Number System – YouTube

50. .What is a .Binary number?

51. What is computer science?

52 What is the history of computer science?

53. Is Computer Science a good major? – YouTube

54. What is an algorithm and why should you care? | Intro to Algorithms

261(8)- A MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS WORLD  HISTORY?…is a study of historiography that was written by the English historian E. H. Carr…Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it…World history is a subject that embraces all humanity, not just certain nations, ethnic groups, or civilizations.

INSTRUCTIONS: This is the real world; you can use any and all information from all sources to answer the questions below. WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO: DUOAFREE@GMAIL.COM  Copy the questions one at a time; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information that will answer the question. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is history?
  2. Why should we study history?
  3. What is World History?
  4. Who was H. G. Wells?
  5. Who wrote the Outline of History?
  6. Why is an Outline of History important?
  7. When people stopped being hunters and gathers about 10,000BC and settled down to farming, how did this change history forever?
  8. What was the Stone Age?
  9. What was the River Valley Civilization?
  10. How did Hammurabi Code of Law change History?
  11. What was the Greek Civilization?
  12. What was the enlightenment of the Buddha?
  13. What was the Roman Empire?
  14. Who was Confucius and how did he make and change history?
  15. Who was Jesus Christ?
  16. What was the Rise of Christianity and the Fall of Rome?
  17. How did Solon make history?
  18. What was Feudalism and the Age of Faith?
  19. How did Hippocrates make history?
  20. How did Caesar crossing the Rubicon make history?
  21. Who was Constantine?
  22. How did the Prophet Muhammad change history?
  23. What was the Byzantine Empire?
  24. What was the Moslem Empire?
  25. What was the Russian Empire?
  26. How did the founding of a University in 1088 change history?
  27. What was the Civilization in India 2200 B.C to1700  A. D.?
  28. Who was Dante?
  29. What was the Black Death?
  30. Who was Christopher Columbus?
  31. What did Michelangelo contribute to history?
  32. What was the Renaissance 1300-1650?
  33. Who was Erasmus?
  34. How did Martin Luther change history?
  35. How did the defeat of the Spanish Amanda change history?
  36. What was the Age of Discovery 1450-1750?
  37. What was Civilization in India?
  38. Where did the Renaissance begin?
  39. What was the Power Struggle of European Kings?
  40. What was the Age of Science and Reason?
  41. What was the Age of Democratic Revolution?
  42. What was Western Civilization?
  43. What was the Growth of Nationalism and Democracy?
  44. Who was Adam Smith?
  45. Who was Louis Pasteur?
  46. What was the Industrial Revolution?
  47. What was the Triumph of Imperialism?
  48. What was World War One?
  49. What was the League of Nations?
  50. What was the Versailles Treaty?
  51. Who were the Wright Brothers and what did they do of importance?
  52. What was the Russian Revolution of 1917?
  53. Who was Karl Marx?
  54. Who was Woodrow Wilson?
  55. What was the Great Depression?
  56. Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt?
  57. Who was Adolf Hitler?
  58. What was World War Two?
  59. What was the first Atomic Bomb?
  60. What was the Surrender of Japan?
  61. What was the Marshall Plan?
  62. What was the Cold War?
  63. Who was Mikhail Gorbachev?
  64. What was the China Revolution of 1949?
  65. Who was Mao Tse-Tung?
  66. What was the Korean War?
  67. What was the Vietnam War?
  68. Who was John F. Kennedy?
  69. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
  70. What was the Iranian Revolution?
  71. What was the First Gulf War?
  72. What was September 9/11?
  73. Who was Osama bin Laden?
  74. Who is Al-Qaeda?
  75. What was the Second Iraq War?
  76. Who is ISIS?

262(9)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY?…Geography is the study of Earth’s landscapes, peoples, places and environments…and its place in our solar system…Geography is the study of life on the surface of the earth. Historically it has consisted of two main branches, human geography and physical geography.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW; WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH; AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy the question ; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

1.What is Geography?

2. How many planets are in our solar system and name them?

3.What is special about planet earth?

4.How many continents are there and  name them?

5. How many ocean are there, name them?

6. What is the difference in a sea and an ocean?

7. What are the longest rivers on planet earth?

8. What are the five tallest mountains?

9.How many countries on the continent of North America, name them?

10. How many countries are there on the continent of South America, name them?

11 How many countries are there on the continent of Africa?

12. How many countries are there on the continent of Europe?

13.  How many countries are there on the continent of Asia?

14.  How many countries are the on the continent of Australia?

15. How many countries are there on the continent of Antarctic?

16. How many countries are there on planet earth?

17. How many countries are members of the United Nations?

18. What countries are not members of the United Nations?

19. What is the definition of a country?

20. What are the 20 largest countries in the world?

21. What are the capitols of the ten largest countries in the world?

22 What countries are members of NATO?

23. What is the purpose of NATO?

24. How far is the earth from the Sun?

25. How fast is the speed of light?

26. Name the ten tallest mountains?

27. Name ten of the largest lakes?

28. Name three Canals?

29. What is a Dam?

30. What is a levee?

31. What is a Gulf?

33. What is longitude?

34. What is Latitude?

35. What is your geographical  address where ever you are?

36. What is weather?

37. What is Climate?

38. How does geography control the economy?

39. What is geothermal energy.?

40. How does geography control population?

41. How does agriculture drive population?

42. Is nature separate from humanity?

43. How do humans affect the land, water, and air?

44. What is the Biosphere?

45. What elements make up the Atmosphere?

46. What is a map maker called?

47. What is cartography?

48.What is the history of map making?

49. What is adaptation geography?

50. What is human geography?

51. How many people are living on planet earth 2016?

52 How can population growth be contained?

53. How many more people can planet earth house and feed?

54.What is geographical determinism?

55. What is Anthropocene?

56. How has civilization affected climate change?

57. How have humans affected global land change?

58. What is the geography of diseases?

59. What is political geography of ecology?

58. What causes global poverty?

59. What is the new Global Economy?

60. What is the migration conundrum?

61. What is the Geography of Language?

62. What is Culture Geography?

62. How can we deal with future Geographical Problems?

63.Why is Geography about much more than just naming countries of the world?

64. Take a good look at global map and a flat global may, how are they different?

65. What is a pandemic?

66. How does geography play a roll in controlling Global diseases?

67. How does the World Health Organization use geography to fight diseases?

263(10). MAJOR SUBJECT..WHAT IS GEOLOGY?..Geology is the study of the earth (geo means earth, and ology means study of). This is a very simple definition for something so complex…

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW; WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH; AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy the question ; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What are the seven layers of the atmosphere?
  2. What is the biosphere?
  3. What is the earth’s crust?
  4. What is the mantel of the earth?
  5. What is the outer core of the earth made of?
  6. What is the core of the earth made of?
  7. What are tectonic plate and how many major plate are there?
  8. What are subduction zones and how do they work?
  9. What is the ocean floor?
  10. What are mountain ridges?
  11. What is ocean ridges
  12. What is the ring of fire?
  13. What are volcanoes?
  14. What causes earth quakes?
  15. What is the ocean salty?
  16. Was the earth born out of the sun?
  17. What is a tsunami?
  18. How old is the earth?
  19. How does the sun affect the earth?
  20. What creates the magnetic field of the earth?
  21. What is a fault?
  22. What is a volcano?
  23. What is the Coriolis effect?
  24. Have the magnet poles reversed?
  25. What is difference in lava, ash and magma?
  26. What was the break-up of Pangaea?
  27. What is horizontal movement of earth’s crust plates?
  28. What is continental drift?
  29. What is the geological history of North America?
  30. How fast does the earth turn?
  31. How fast is the earth moving around the Sun?
  32. How far is the earth from the sun?
  33. How fast is the solar system moving?
  34. What causes ice and glaciers?
  35. What is an ice age?
  36. How hot is the solid core of the earth and how hot is the liquid core?
  37. How thick is the solid core of the earth and how thick is the liquid corer?
  38. Where does the earth get its heat?
  39. How does the earth keep it all together since it is rotating?
  40. What roll does gravity play?
  41. How much of earth is covered by water, deserts and mountains?
  42. How are rivers and streams created?
  43. What is a lake?
  44. What is the difference in an ocean and a sea?
  45. What is a canal?
  46. How is oil made?
  47. What is the difference in an ocean and a gulf?
  48. Why does the dead sea have so much salt?
  49. What is the tilt of the earth?
  50. What is a rock?
  51. What kind of rocks are there?
  52. How are rocks made?
  53. How thick is the earth’s crust and what is it made of?
  54. What is the mantel and how thick is it?
  55. How was the grand canon formed?
  56. How are mountains formed?
  57. What is erosion?
  58. What is mud?
  59. What causes mud slides?
  60. Describe how the earth works?
  61. What impact has geology had on history?
  62. How has geology dated the earth?
  63. How thick is a tectonic plate?
  64. How are minerals the building blocks of rocks
  65. What roll does magma play in building rocks?
  66. What happens when continents collide?

264(11)-MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS ASTRONOMY?…astronomy is the study of the sun, moon, stars, planets and other objects and phenomena in space. It has a long, rich history..

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

1. List five different kinds of objects that make up the solar system.

2. How far is the sun from the earth?

3. What is a light year? How many miles in one?

4. Which planet is known as earth’s twin?

5. In what year did humans step onto the moon?

6. What is the star, besides the sun, closest to the earth? How far away is it?

7. Compare the size of the moon to that of the earth.

8. The sun produces energy by what nuclear process?

9. How many earths would fit inside the sun?

10. Explain why stars twinkle but planets don’t.

11. What is the name of the galaxy nearest earth and how far away is it?

12. What is a galaxy?

13. Explain the difference between a solar and a lunar eclipse.

14. What is a sidereal day?

15. What makes it necessary to add one day every four years…leap year?

16. What happens at the vernal and and autumn equinox?

17. What is the largest planet in the solar system?

18. What caused craters on the moon and why do we have so few of them on earth?

19. Explain what causes the ocean tides?

20. As the earth orbits the sun, why doesn’t it fly off into space?

21. How would you describe the universe?

22. How long does it take the moon to orbit the earth?

23. Explain what causes the moon’s phases.

24. What is the age of the cosmos?

25. How old is the earth?

26. What is a super nova? What of astronomical significance happened in 1054 AD?

27. Stars convert which element to what other element to produce energy?

28. What is the Milky Way?

29. What are the brightest and most distant objects in the universe?

30. What is an eclipsing binary?

31. How is it possible that the astronauts in the space station are weightless, given that they are only 250 miles above the earth and NOT outside the earth’s gravity?

32. What is the diameter of the “visible universe”?

33. The sun is said to be a second or third generation star. What is meant by that?

34. What makes the planet Venus so uninhabitable?

35. How do the force of gravity, as well as light and radiation, decrease with the distance from the source?

36. What causes a meteor to glow brightly when it enters the earth’s atmosphere?

37. What is SETI?

38. Explain what “red shift” is.

39. Who discovered that the universe is expanding.

40. How Do We Measure the Distance to Stars?

41.Who was Edwin Hubble?

42. What is the Hubble Telescope?

43. What Galaxy is Earth in?

44. What are the many kinds of Galaxies?

45. What are some mysteries of deep space?

46. What is an expanding Universe?

47. What are echoes of the Big Bang Theory?

48. How do scientist date the beginning of the Universe?

49. What are the Suns and Stars?

50. How is a Star born?

51. What are the life and death of a star?

52. What are Neutron and Pulsar Stars?

53. What are Black Holes?

54. What is Dark Matter?

55. What are Clusters of Stars?

56. What is Planet Mercury?

57. Why is Venus called the Hell Planet?

58. Why is Earth the Life Giver Planet?

59. Why is the no life on the Moon?

60. Why is Mars called the Red Planet?

61. What are Asteroids?

62. Is Jupiter the largest planet in our Solar System?

63. What are the rings around Saturn?

64.What is Ultraviolet Light?

65. Why is the Planet Uranus tilted?

67. Why is Neptune call he outermost giant planet?

68. Why is Pluto called a Dwarf Planet?

69. What are Comets?

70. What is your Theory of the Universe?

265(12)- MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS METEOROLOGY?…Weather is the state of the atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

1. What is the name given to the study of weather?

2.What is the atmosphere?

3. What is the biosphere?

4.What is an ecosystem?

5. In the northern hemisphere, high pressure systems rotate in which direction?

6. What is the dew point?

7. Define humidity?

8. When the dew point is the same as the temperature, what is likely to happen?

9. Name 4 cloud types based on their shape and/or altitude.

10.What causes weather?

11. At an altitude of 18,000 feet, how much of the atmosphere is below you?

12. What instrument measures atmospheric pressure?

13. When the atmospheric pressure is on the rise, it’s generally an indication that what kind of weather is about to arrive?

14. What is the movement of air called?

15. If the air pressure at point A is lower than at neighboring point B, which direction will the air move?

16. What is a typical atmospheric pressure reading and what units is it measured in?

17. What is a millibar?

18. What is the difference between sleet and freezing rain?

19. What is condensation?

20. What is evaporation?

21. Explain why 90 degrees in a dessert environment may feel comfortable, while the same temperature in a swamp may be very uncomfortable.

22. Explain how sweating cools the body.

23. What is the difference between a tropical and a sub-tropical climate?

24. What is the Gulf Stream and how does it affect weather.

25. What is El Niño?

26. What instrument measures wind speed?

27. Explain how clouds form.

28. What is NOAA?

29. Describe a marine climate and where in the US is it found?

30. How would you define a dessert?

31. What is a tundra?

32. Explain why winter brings cold weather.

33. Which warms and cools more quickly…land masses or large bodies of water.

34. Define compressional heating.

35. Name 4 kinds of weather fronts.

36. Echoes on radar usually means what?

37. The first day of winter is known as what?

38. What are the westerlies?

39. What are trade winds?

40 What happens when water vapor changes to liquid an heat is released?

41.How doers the sun drive the hydrology cycle?

42. Where did the water on earth come from?

43. How do streams shape the land?

44.What is ground water?

45. What do shore lines produce?

46. Why does the earth wobble?

47. What are glaciers?

48. What causes short term and long term climate change?

49. What effect do humans have on climate change?

50. What is the greenhouse effect?

51. What are some renewable sources of energy?

52. How can volcanoes effect the weather?

53. What is a hurricane?

54. How can an asteroid striking the earth effect the weather?

54. Where do weather people get their information for making a weather forecast?

55.What is tornado?

56. What is lightening?

57. What is a hail storm?

266(13)-MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS PHILOSOPHY?.. The term was probably coined by Pythagoras… a search for knowledge and wisdom…

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is philosophy?
  2. Who was Socrates?
  3. Who was Plato?
  4. Who was Aristotle?
  5. Did the Greeks invent philosophy?
  6. Who was Pythagoras?
  7. Is Herodotus the lamp of history?
  8. What is truth?
  9. What is virtue?
  10. What was Plato’s Republic about?
  11. What is Justice?
  12. What was Hippocrates ‘s science of life?
  13. What were Aristotle’s’ ideas on knowledge?
  14. What is Metaphysics?
  15. What were Aristotle’s ideas on friendship?
  16. What is the  philosophical Rule of Law?
  17. Who were the Stoics?
  18. How did Roman Law affect the whole-wide world?
  19. Who was Augustine and what were his thoughts on human nature?
  20. What was Islam philosophy?
  21. What is Secular Philosophy?
  22. What was the philosophy of a University?
  23. What are the experiential sciences?
  24. What was the Theory of Natural Law?
  25. When did the Renaissance really begin?
  26. How were Witches burned to save them?
  27. Who was Francis Bacon and his Philosophy of experience?
  28. Who was Descartes and his Philosophy of Reasoning?
  29. What was the Hobbes Social Machine?
  30. Why was Newton call the Saint of Science?
  31. What was Locke’s science of the mind?
  32. What was the challenge of materialism?
  33. What was Hume’s pursuit of happiness?
  34. What was the Scottish school of Thomas Reid?
  35. What was the relationship of Philosophy and France?
  36. What are the Federalist Papers?
  37. What was Kant’s Philosophy on Freedom?
  38. What is the philosophy of moral science and the Natural World?
  39. What was the philosophy of Hegel?
  40. What was the Aesthetic Movement?
  41. Who was the philosopher, Nietzsche?
  42. Who was the Liberal philosopher, J . S. Mills?
  43. What was Darwin’s philosophy on Nature’s Purposes?
  44. What was Marxism Philosophy?
  45. What was the philological world of Freudian?
  46. What was the pragmatic philosophy of William James?
  47. Who was Wittgenstein?
  48. What did Alan Turing have to do with the philosophy of the computer?
  49. What is the philosophy of a good life?
  50. What is the philosophy of Ontology?
  51. What is the philosophy of science?
  52. What is the philosophy of psychology/
  53. What is the philosophy of mind?
  54. What makes a problem moral?
  55. What is a just war?
  56. What is the philosophy of law?
  57. What is the philosophy of beauty without an observer?
  58. Is there a God?

267(14)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS AMERICAN HISTORY?…The date of the start of the history of the United States is a subject of debate among historians. Older textbooks start with the arrival of Christopher Columbus on August 3, 1492 and emphasize the European background, or they start around 1600 and emphasize the American frontier.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. Who were the early explorers of the North America Continent?
  2. Who were the Norse Sailors?
  3. What was the Northwest Passage?
  4. Who was Leif Ericson?
  5. Who was Amerigo Vespucci?
  6. Who was America Ponce de Leon?
  7. Who was Christopher Columbus?
  8. Who was Ferdinand Magellan?
  9. Who was Hernando Cortes?
  10. What was the Aztecs Civilization?
  11. What was  the Maya Civilization?
  12. What was the Colonial Period?
  13. What was James Town, Virginia?
  14. What were the names of the thirteen English Colonies?
  15. What kind of governments did the English colonies have before the Revolution?
  16. What was the French and Indian War 1754-63?
  17. Were all of the colonies interested in the revolution at the time it started?
  18. What was the Stamp Act?
  19. What was the Townsend Act?
  20. What was the Tea Tax?
  21. What was the Boston Tea Party?
  22. What led up to the Declaration of Independence?
  23. What was the Declaration of Independence?
  24. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
  25. What was the first Continental Congress?
  26. What were the Articles of Confederation?
  27. What was the Constitutional Convention?
  28. Who was Ethan Allen?
  29. What was the Revolution?
  30. What country helped the Colonies win the war?
  31. What was the Constructional Convention?
  32. What was the Constitution of the USA?
  33. Who wrote the Constitution?
  34. What year was the Constitution ratified?
  35. What is the Bill of Rights?
  36. Who was George Washington?
  37. Who was John Adams?
  38. Who was Alexander Hamilton?
  39. Who was Thomas Jefferson?
  40. Who was Thomas Paine?
  41. What were the Federalist Papers?
  42. Who was John Jay?
  43. Who was James Madison?
  44. Who was Ben Franklin?
  45. How were the views of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson different on the Constitution?
  46. What were the first political parties?
  47. What is the difference in the belief of a Conservative and a Liberal?
  48. Which political party representative each above idea today?
  49. What did President Jefferson (the third President) do of great importance, name ten?
  50. What was the War of 1812?
  51. Who was the Fifth President and what did he do of Importance?
  52. Who was the Seventh President of the USA and why was he important?
  53. What was Manifest Destiny?
  54. What was the Mexican-American War?
  55. What were the three campaign promises that James K. Polk made and kept?
  56. What was Slavery?
  57. What were the Lincoln- Douglas Debates?
  58. Who were the Afro-Americans?
  59. What caused the Civil War?
  60. Who was Abraham Lincoln?
  61. Who was General Lee?
  62. Who was General Grant?
  63. What was the Morrell Act, known as The Land-Grant College Act?
  64. What was the Pacific Railroad Act
  65. What was the Gettysburg Address?
  66. When did General Lee Surrender?
  67. Who assassinated President Lincoln?
  68. What is Imperialism?
  69. What was the Spanish-American War?
  70. Who was Theodore Roosevelt?
  71. What is Progressivism?
  72. Who was Woodrow Wilson?
  73. What was the First World War?
  74. What was the League of Nations?
  75. What was the Versailles Treaty?
  76. Who was Herbert Hoover?
  77. What was the Great Depression?
  78. Who was Franklin Roosevelt?
  79. What was the New Deal First Phase?
  80. What was the New Deal Second Phase?
  81. Who was Adolf Hitler?
  82. What was World War Two?
  83. Who was Harry Truman?
  84. How were the first Atomic bombs used?
  85. What was the Marshall Plan?
  86. What was the Cold War?
  87. What is NATO?
  88. Who was John F. Kennedy?
  89. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
  90. Who was Lyndon Johnson?
  91. What was the Vietnam War?
  92. What was the Civil Rights Bill?
  93. What is Medicare?
  94. Who was Richard Nixon
  95. Who was Gerald Ford?
  96. What was the Iranian Revolution?
  97. Who was Jimmy Carter?
  98. Who was Ronald Reagan?
  99. Who is George H. W. Bush?
  100. What was the First Gulf War?
  101. Who is Bill Clinton?
  102. What was the Impeachment?
  103. What was the Welfare Reform?
  104. What was 24 Million New Jobs?
  105. Who was Monica Lewinsky?
  106. Who is George W. Bush?
  107. What was September 9/11?
  108. Who was Osama bin Laden?
  109. Who killed Osama bin Laden?
  110. Who was AL-Qaeda?
  111. Who is ISIS?
  112. Who is President Obama?

268(15)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS ENGLISH LITERATURE?…English literature is generally seen as beginning with the epic poem Beowulf, the most famous work in Old English, which was written in England some time between the 8th and the early 11th century.[1] Despite being set in Scandinavia, Beowulf has become a national epic of England.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  2. What is Beowulf?
  3. Who was Jane Austen?
  4. Who was William Blake?
  5. Who was Geoffrey Chaucer?
  6. Who was William Shakespeare?
  7. Who was John Donne?
  8. Who was Charles Dickens?
  9. Who was George Eliot?
  10. Who was John Milton?
  11. Who was George Orwell?
  12. Who was Harold Pinter?
  13. Who was Samuel Taylor Coleridge?
  14. Who was John Bunyan?
  15. Who was Daniel Defoe?
  16. Who was Jonathan Swift?
  17. Who was Samuel Richardson?
  18. Who was Henry Fielding?
  19. Who was Mary Shelley?
  20. Who was Thomas Love Peacock?
  21. Who was Emily Bronte?
  22. Who was William Thackeray?
  23. Who was Nathaniel Hawthorne?
  24. Who was Lewis Carroll?
  25. Who was Mark Twain?
  26. Who was Robert Lewis Stevenson?
  27. Who was Jerome K. Jerome?
  28. Who was Arthur Cowan Doyle?
  29. Who was Oscar Wilde?
  30. Who was Stephen Crane?
  31. Who was Bram Stoker?
  32. Who was Theodore Dreiser?
  33. Who was Rudyard Kipling?
  34. Who was Jack London?
  35. Who was Frederick Rolfe?
  36. Who was Kenneth Grahame?
  37. Who was HG Wells
  38. Who was Ford Maddox?
  39. Who was Somerset Maugham?
  40. Who was Edith Wharton?
  41. Who was James Joyce?
  42. Who was Sinclair Lewis?
  43. Who was EM Forster?
  44. Who was Anita Loos?
  45. Who was Virginia Woolf?
  46. Who was F. Scoot Fitzgerald?
  47. Who was Sylvia Townsend?
  48. Who is Earnest Hemingway?
  49. Who is Aldous Huxley?
  50. Who was Stella Gibbons?
  51. Who was John Steinbeck?

269(16)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS AMERICAN LITERATURE?…The New England colonies were the center of early American literature. The revolutionary period contained political writings by Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine. In the post-war period, Thomas Jefferson‘s United States Declaration of Independence solidified his status as a key American writer. It was in the late 18th and early 19th centuries that the nation’s first novels were published…

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  2. Who was John Smith and what did he write?
  3. Who was William Penn and what did he write?
  4. Who was the first real American Writer?
  5. Who was William Faulkner and what did he write?
  6. Who was George Orwell, explain something he wrote?
  7. Who was Mark Twain, name three things he wrote and read one of them?
  8. Who was Earnest Hemingway, read the SUN ALSO RISES?
  9. Who was Thomas Payne, read COMMON SENSE?
  10. Who was Thomas Jefferson, what did he write?
  1. Who wrote the Federalist Papers?
  2. Who was Waldo Emerson, read SELF RELIANCE?
  3. Who was David Thoreau, name two of his writings?
  4. Who was Nathaniel Hawthorne?
  5. Name an Afro-American Writer?
  6. Who was the first American Woman writer?
  7. Who was Ellery Chaining, what were some of her writing?
  8. Who was Margaret Fuller?
  9. Who was John Brown?
  10. Who was Fredrick Douglass?
  11. Who was Emily Dickinson?
  12. Who was Walt Whitman?
  13. Who was John Steinbeck?
  14. Who was Horace Mann?
  15. Who was John Dewey?
  16. Who was Henry James?
  17. Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe?
  18. Who was Herman Melville?
  19. Who was Henry James?
  20. Who was Edith Wharton?
  21. Who was Stephan Crane?
  22. Who was Theodore Dreiser?
  23. Who was Eugene O’Neill?
  24. Who was Tennessee Williams?
  25. Who was Mark Twain?
  26. Who was Arthur Miller?
  27. Who was Henry Miller?
  28. Who was Harper Lee?
  29. Who was Norman Mailer?
  30. Who was Joseph Heller?
  31. Who was John Updike?
  32. Who was Vonnegut Jr.?
  33. Who was Phillip Roth?
  34. Who was Sinclair Lewis?
  35. Who was Gore Vidal?
  36. Who was Ray Bradbury?
  37. Who was Truman Capote?
  38. Who was Louisa May Alcott?
  39. Who was Alice Walker?
  40. Who was Frank Baum?
  41. Who was Stephen King?
  42. Who was Ayn Rand?
  43. Who was Pearl S. Buck?
  44. Who was Alex Haley?
  45. Who was Carl Sandburg?
  46. Who was Willa Cather?

270(17)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS ORGANIC CHEMISTRY?…Organic chemistry is a chemistry sub-discipline involving the scientific study of the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds and organic materials.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  2. What is Carbon?
  3. What is Oil?
  4. What are Hydrocarbons?
  5. What kind of products are made from oil?
  6. What is the definition of Chemistry?
  7. Why is Carbon the only element with its own branch of Chemistry?
  8. What are the five branches of Chemistry
  9. What makes carbon the best element for building structures?
  10. What is an element?
  11. Who was Dmitri Mendeleev?
  12. What is the Periodic Table of Elements?
  13. Who was Democritus?
  14. What is a Molecule?
  15. What is a compound?
  16. What is urea?
  17. Why is carbon better than silicon for structure?
  18. What is Valence?
  19. What is Co valence?
  20. How many bonds does carbon have?
  21. How do you draw chemical structures?
  22. How do you draw chemical reactions?
  23. What is acid-base chemistry?
  24. What is Stereo-chemistry?
  25. What is Molecular Handedness?
  26. What are Alkalies?
  27. What are Cyclic Alkanes?
  28. What are Alkenes?
  29. What are Alkynes?
  30. What are Alkyl Halides?
  31. What are Substitution Reactions?
  32. What are Elimination Reactions?
  33. What are Addition Reactions?
  34. What is an Alcohols?
  35. What is an Ether?
  36. What is an Aldehyde?
  37. What is a Ketone?
  38. What are Organic Acids?
  39. What are Organic Esters?
  40. What are Amines?
  41. What are Imines?
  42. What is Synthesis?
  43. What are Nitrites?
  44. What are Amino Acids?
  45. What are Amides?
  46. What are the Diels-Alder Reactions?
  47. What is Benzene?
  48. What are Aromatic Compounds?
  49. What is modifying Benzene?
  50. What is Aromatic Substitution?
  51. What are Sugars?
  52. What are Carbohydrates?
  53. What is DNA?
  54. What are Nucleic Acids?
  55. What are Peptides?
  56. What are Proteins?
  57. How are Metals used in Organic Chemistry?
  58. What are Synthetic Polymers?
  59. What is a UV-Visible Spectroscope?
  60. What is an Infrared Spectroscope?
  61. How do you measure Hardness with Polarimetry?
  62. What is Nuclear Magnetic Resonance?
  63. What are some advanced Spectroscopic Techniques?
  64. What is Purifying by Re-crystallization?
  65. What is Purifying by Distillation?
  66. What is Purifying by Extraction?
  67. What is Purifying by Chromatography?
  68. What do you think is the Future for Organic Chemistry?

271(18)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS BUSINESS?…A business, also known as an enterprise, agency or a firm, is an entity involved in the provision of goods and/or services to consumers… Businesses buy goods and services and sell them at a price to make a profit. Two talents are needed: you need to be a good salesperson and have a good working knowledge of arithmetic…Bushiness are different than governments: business buy and sell to make a profit, governments encompass all of humanity, they redistribute money so good and services can be directed where needed. Governments can not be run like a business that is why people who have made a lot of money buying and selling at a profit are not well educated enough to run governments.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  2. What is a Sole Proprietorship?
  3. What is a Partnership?
  4. What is a Business Corporation?
  5. What is a Non-Profit Corporation?
  6. Where do you get a business license?
  7. What is an Assets and Liabilities Spread Sheet?
  8. What is an income outgo spread sheet?
  9. What is a balance sheet?
  10. Where do you get a charter for a corporation?
  11. Where do you get an IRS number?
  12. What kind of software do you need to control your business?
  13. Why is a good knowledge of sixth grade arithmetic important for running a business?
  14. Why is it important to be a good salesperson to run a business?
  15. What is arithmetic?
  16. What is salesmanship or salespersonship?
  17. Who was Percy Whiting?
  18. Who was the greatest salesman?
  19. Look up and down any commercial street, you will find they are all doing the same…describe what they are doing.
  20. Visit any shopping center, what are all the business doing?
  21. Visit an industrial park, are all the businesses making something and selling it for more than it cost to make?
  22. Why do you only need one good idea to make a million that you can make a lot of and sell at a profit?
  23. Isn’t the best way to get into business is to have and idea and start with what you have from where you are?
  24. Why is it important to read Three Steps to Success by James M. Carroll?
  25. Why is it important to read the book that all of today’s rich people have read if you want to get rich: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill?
  26. What is the philosophy Capitalism?
  27. What is the philosophy  Socialism?
  28. What is the philosophy Mixturism?
  29. If you had to create a product to better the world, what would you make and why? How would you make it? What do you think the cost of production would be and how much would you sell it for?
  30. Would you set up a corporation or a sole proprietorship if you went into business? Why would your choice be the better option?
  31. Why would you not want to set up a partnership instead of going into business by yourself?

272(19)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS EDUCATION?…Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. Who was Horace Mann?
  2. Who was Thomas Dewey?
  3. Who was William, H. McGuffey?
  4. Who was Confucius?
  5. Who was Aristotle?
  6. Who was Johanna Amos Comenius?
  7. Who was Booker T. Washington?
  8. Who was Noah Webster?
  9. What is Preschool?
  10. What is Kinder Garden School?
  11. What is Elementary School?
  12. What is Middle School?
  13. What is Junior High School?
  14. What is High School?
  15. What is Adult Education?
  16. What are Trade Schools?
  17. What are Private Schools?
  18. What are Church Schools?
  19. What are Communities Colleges?
  20. What is Public Education?
  21. What are Junior Colleges?
  22. What are Colleges and Universities?
  23. What is the National Education Association?
  24. What is the American Federation of Teachers?
  25. What is the Federal Department of Education?
  26. What are State Departments of Education ?
  27. What are City and County Departments of Education?
  28. What are Schools Board?
  29. What are Superintendents of School?
  30. What are Preschool students taught in America?
  31. What are students in America taught in Kindergarten?
  32. What are students taught in elementary school?
  33. What are students taught in middle school?
  34. What are students taught in junior high school?
  35. What are students taught in high school?
  36. What are students taught trade schools?
  37. What are students taught in communities colleges?
  38. I am not going to ask what they are taught in colleges and universities?

273(20)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS ECONOMICS?…Economics is the social science that describes the factors that determine the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is Economics?
  2. What is Capitalism?
  3. What is Socialism?
  4. What is Mixturism? Try this link:Mixturism
  5. What is Production?
  6. What is Distribution?
  7. What is Consumption?
  8. What is Government?
  9. What is Private Enterprise?
  10. What is Public Enterprise?
  11. What is Classical Economics?
  12. Who was Adam Smith?
  13. What is Classical Macroeconomics?
  14. What is Keynesian Economics?
  15. What is Nature’s Basic Law of Economics? Try this link:Mixturism
  16. Who is James M. Carroll? Try this
  17. What is Noe-Classical economics?
  18. What is a Free-Marketed Economy?
  19. What is a State Controlled Economy?
  20. What is a Social Safety Net Economy?
  21. Why is a Social Safety Net so important?
  22. Why is Workers Rights so necessary?
  23. Why are Labor Unions needed?
  24. Why is Universal Health Care Paramount?
  25. What is GNP?
  26. What is GDP?
  27. What is Economic Growth?
  28. 300,000 people retire every month in the USA, and only 150,000 new jobs are needed for people coming into the work force for the first time, why should there be an unemployment problem?
  29. What is the Five Finger Mixturist Agenda for solving economic problems?
  30. Who was Milton Friedman?
  31. Who is Paul Krugman?
  32. why is Natural Resources, People Resources and Money the only real things needed for economic growth and stability?
  33. Why is education the most important part of the economic infrastructure?
  34. Why is Digital University of America an important part of the infrastructure?
  35. Why are the 30 plus essential for living and not just existing so important for everyone?
  36. Why must corporations be for more than just making profit for the share holder?
  37. Isn’t Economics really about the 30 essentials for living?
  38. Why must Business and Governments work together to maintain economic stability?
  39. Why do economies rise ans fall?
  40. What is a successful economic system?
  41. Who was John Kenneth Galbraith?
  42. Who was Roosevelt and the new economic deal?
  43. What is Fast Economic Growth?
  44. How did Japan obtain Fast Economic growth?
  45. What would be a balanced economy in which growth would not be needed to provide full employment?
  46. What are trade deficits?
  47. Who gets the best deal in a trade deficit, the one who gets the most goods or the one who get the most money?
  48. What is an integrated economy?
  49. Why does China create their own money rather than barrow it?
  50. Why does the USA barrow money from China rather than create their own?
  51. How does competition create economic growth?
  52. What is competition?
  53. Why are governments necessary to keep a level playing field?
  54. Why is a balanced money supply necessary?
  55. Why are personal savings important for the economy?
  56. Who was John Maynard Keynes?
  57. Why is Free and Fair Trade so important?
  58. Is getting more bang for the buck always a good idea?
  59. What is a balance of payments?
  60. Why is the World coming to an economic system of Mixturism?
  61. What are the top 10 economies in the world?
  62. Who was David Ricardo?
  63. How do we measure economic growth?
  64. What is the difference in a free market and a state controlled market?
  65. What is the history of economic growth?
  66. What is the difference in an open and closed economy?
  67. What is a global economy?
  68. What is economic corruption ?
  69. What is an underground economy?
  70. What is Nature’s Basic Law of economics?

274(21)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS SOCIOLOGY?…the study of society; a social science involving the study of the social lives of people, groups, and societies…

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

1. The term “sociology” is derived from both Latin and Greek. What literally do the first and second halves of the word mean?

2. Explain what is, in a general sense, studied in the subject area of sociology.

3. Sociology is a social science. How, then, does it differ from the physical or “hard” sciences?

4. What two approaches does a sociologist use to understand trends in sociology?

5. Who was Auguste Comte and what was his contribution to sociology?

6. Both Comte and Karl Marx held their own views on sociology. How were those views different?

7. Name 3 sub topics that the study of this subject brings into clear focus.

8. Sociology commonly involves examining social stratification, secularization, mobility and deviance to name a few. Briefly explain what each of those terms mean.

9. List 5 groups or professions that make use of sociological research data.

10. Sociological data is closely associated with statistics. Explain how.

11. What specific fields of endeavor might a sociologist be involved with.

12. What is meant by positivism and what part did it play in the development of sociology as an academic subject?

13. How did pioneer Max Weber define sociology?

14. Where and when was the first course entitled “sociology” taught,

15. Sociological research usually follows two lines of research. Name them and briefly describe the difference.

16. Explain how or why the ten-year US census consists of raw sociological data.

17. What could you do with a degree in sociology? Name agencies or institutions you might work for.

18. List 3 course titles you would take in a study of sociology.

19.  How might a politician make use of sociological data?

20. How might a criminologist use the data?

21. Societal behavior is dependent on or dictated by primarily 4 factors. Name them.

22. How are sociology and psychology related?


INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  2. Why is selling the greatest profession in the world?
  3. Why nothing ever happen until something is sold?
  4. Why can a salesperson always get a job or make their own?
  5. Who was Og Mandino?
  6. Why should you read Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography?
  7. Who was Napoleon Hill?
  8. Why is Think and Grow Rich one of the greatest success books ever written, read it and find out?
  9. Who was Dale Carnegie?
  10. Why is reading How to Win Friends and Influence People worth ten times the time it takes to read?
  11. What is the Philosophy of Salesmanship?
  12. Who was Percy Whiting?
  13. Read the Five Great Rules of Selling.
  14. Who was Earl Nightingale?
  15. Who was Philip Delves Broughton?
  16.  Read Three Steps To Success… Click on this link: 3 Steps to Success.
  17. If you read the books suggested above, you will be rewarded many times over?
  18. The Art of The Deal by Donald J. Trump? you tube
  19. Why is Salespersonship so important to success?
  20. How do you learn to be a great salesman by studying all the great salesman  of the past?
  21. Why is it important for you to get a client to agree to listen to your sales pitch before you start?
  22. Why is it important for you to convince your client that what you are selling will benefit him or her?
  23. Why is important to ask the client to buy after you finish your presentation?
  25. Why should you read THE FIVE GREAT RULES OF SELLING by Percy Whiting?
  26. All success takes THREE STEPS: objective, plan and action; why should you read the book Three Steps to Success by James M. Carroll?
  27. If you want to make a lot of money, why should you read the greatest success book every written: THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill?
  28. Isn’t it a fact that everything must be sold to be a success.
  29. Why can a salesman always get a job when other jobs are hard to get?
  30. Show me a person who will go out and tell his or her story to four or five people every day five or six days a week, and I will show you a person who can not fail, Why is that statement true?
  31. What is the best way to convince your client to purchase your product?
  32. Scenario: You’re trying to convince your neighbor to purchase your product. Your product in this scenario is homemade chocolate pudding. How would you convince your client to purchase your pudding? Be as specific as possible.
  33. Why should you always be honest with your client?
  34. With salespersonship also comes customer service. How can you provide the best quality customer service? Why is this important?

276(23)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS HEALTH AND MEDICINE…The most solid aspects of wellness that fit firmly in the realm of medicine are the environmental health, nutrition, disease prevention, and public health matters …

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

1. Give a general definition for DISEASE.

2. What is pathology?

3. Define pathogen.

4. There are four main types of disease. Name them.

5. What is a communicable disease?

6. In addition to bacteria, name 3 agents capable of causing disease.

7. Name 3 non-infectious diseases.

8. Define a chronic disease and acute disease and give two examples of each.

9. Distinguish between an illness, medical condition and a disorder.

10. Define epidemiology.

11. Contrast morbidity and mortality.

12. What is a syndrome?

13. How is a mental illness different from an organic disease?

14. Explain incubation and latency period.

15. What is a refractory disease and a degenerative disease?

16. What is the etiology of a disease?

17. Why are cancer, heart disease and mental illness not contagious?

18.  Name 3 risk factor factors for heart disease?

19. What is the medical term for high blood pressure?

20. What do the two numbers used to measure high blood pressure refer to?

21. What is an ideal blood pressure?

22. What is an autoimmune disease? name two.

23. Diabetes is a major health problem affecting millions. Describe what goes wrong when this disease manifests.

24. A high white blood cell count usually indicates what to a clinician?

25. What is COPD and what contributes to it?

26. What is a malignancy and define metastasis.

27. What information does an EKG reveal to a doctor?

28. Name a disease that affects only men.

29. Name a disease that only affects women.

30. What two events happen in asthma that make breathing difficult?

31. What likely occurs in brain tissue to cause multiple sclerosis?

33. What is the most common cause of dementia?

34. What organ in the body is almost never attacked by cancer?

35. What is DVT and what conditions are likely to cause it?

36. Name two types of cholesterol and which is most harmful.

37. What is emphysema and what is a major contributor to its development?

38. What blood glucose reading would indicate diabetes?

39. Distinguish between type I and type II diabetes.

40. How often should one have a physical check up?

1. Quote the Hippocratic Oath.

2. Describe the difference between homeopathic medicine and more “traditional ” modern medicine.

3. The title MD we all know stands for Medical Doctor. What does DO stand for, as a title, and what is the difference between an MD and a DO?

4. Distinguish between a doctor as an intern and one as a resident.

5. Where can the consumer find information on a particular Doctor?

6. What two health care practices in medicine are employed to maintain and restore health to the patient?

7. For centuries, the practice of medicine was based on religious and philosophical teachings and to some extent local culture. Why was this not effective?

8. An important part of diagnosing a patient’s problem is taking his/her medical history as well as the medical history of the patient’s family. Why is this so important?

9. One part of the physical exam is auscultation. What is that and what does it indicate to the examining Doctor?

10. List 8 “vital signs”.

11. Cardiovascular assessments focus on what two items?

12. A neurological assessment focuses on 6 areas of interest. Name 5.

13. Lab studies of the patient might include information on which organs or systems.

14. Define diagnosis and prognosis.

15. What institution is the world’s largest non-government provider of medical services?

16. Which is the only developed country to not provide universal health care coverage to its citizens?

17. What privileges does a doctor have that a physician’s assistant does NOT have?

18. Regarding health insurance, what is a deductible and a co-pay?

19. Name 5 medical specialties and explain what each is concerned with.

20. What is a NICU?

21. What do CCU and ICU mean?

22. Why is there an age limit for admitting patients to the neonatal unit?

23. What part of the body does a podiatrist treat?

24. What is epidemiology concerned with?

25. Why is it never a good idea to pressure your doctor into prescribing anti-biotics for you?

26. What is histology all about and why is it important in diagnosing disease?

27. Define pathology.

28. Why is it a great idea to prepare a list of your symptoms before your exam?

29. What is “surgery”?

30. Is an internist likely to treat a broken arm? Why or why not?

31. What’s the difference between an intern and an internist?

32. Who does a pediatrician treat?

33. Who does a geriatrician treat?

34. Name two types of anesthesia. Which one is used in major surgery?

35. What does OB/GYN stand for?

36. Why would a man not go to an OB/GYN doctor?

37. Suppose you have a bad sore throat. What specialist would you want to see?

38. What specialist would diagnose cataracts?

39. What’s the difference between an ophthalmologist and an optometrist?

40. The patient has a right to expect confidentiality from his doctor and the hospital. What legislation guarantees that right?

1. What is good nutrition?

2. Why is the best medicine you can take is at the end of a fork?

3. Why is the statement, you are what you eat, drink and breath, so true?

277(24)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS NUTRITION?…Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism. It includes food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is Nutrition?
  2. Why are you what you eat?
  3. Why is the best medicine you can take is at the end of a fork?
  4. What is the food Pyramid Guide?
  5. What is MyPlate Food Guide?
  6. What is the Six Major Nutrients Categories?
  7. What is an atom?
  8. What is a molecule?
  9. What is an element?
  10. What is a compound?
  11. What is carbon?
  12. What is carbon dioxide?
  13. What is chlorine?
  14. What is hydochloric acid?
  15. What is hydrogen
  16. What is iodine?
  17. What is sulfur?
  18. What is oxygen?
  19. What is phosphorus?
  20. What is potassium?
  21. What is a calorie?
  22. What is a kilo calorie?
  23. What is a gram?
  24. What is beriberi and the cause?
  25. What diabetes and the cause?
  26. What is hypertension and the cause?
  27. What is night blindness and the cause?
  28. What is obesity and the cause?
  29. What are rickets and the cause?
  30. What is scurvy and the cause?
  31. What is an amino acid?
  32. What are the 20 amino acids?
  33. which 10 amino acids are essential?
  34. What is cholesterol?
  35. What are the two kinds of fat?
  36. What is glucose
  37. What is glycogen?
  38. What are Minerals?
  39. What is photosynthesis?
  40. What is protein and the foods you can get it?
  41. What are Saturated Fats?
  42. What is starch and food you can get starch?
  43. What are unsaturated Fats?
  44. What are vitamins?
  45. What is cellulose?
  46. What is roughage?
  47. What is water and why should you drink 8 glasses per day?
  48. What is the ultimate source of energy for all plants and animals?
  49. How does the body utilize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for fuel?
  50. What are the six major foods listed MyPlate Food Guide?
  51. What are the Maximum number of calories you should eat per day?
  52. How many calories are their in a pound?
  53. How many calories should come from fat?
  54. What important nutritional elements do fruits and vegetables provide?
  55. What are good substitutes for meat?
  56. What kind of problems can be caused by eating too much sugar?
  57. Why do you sweat?

278(25)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS HUMAN BIOLOGY?…Your body is an amazing system! The human body is made up of groups of organs, called organ systems, that work together to keep the body in balance. (This course may help you learn how to become a physician’s assistant)

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is Blood and Lymph?
  2. What is the difference in blood and lymph?
  3. What are some blood diseases?
  4. What are some lymph diseases?
  5. What is plasma?
  6. What are erythrocytes?
  7. What are platelets?
  8. What is a centrifuge?
  9. What is a hematocrit?
  10. What are proteins?
  11. What are antibodies?
  12. What are albumin’s?
  13. What are globulin’s?
  14. What is osmotic pressure?
  15. What are hormones?
  16. What is hemoglobin?
  17. What are veins?
  18. What are arteries?
  19. What are capillaries?
  20. What is anemia?
  21. What is polycythemia?
  22. What is leukemia?
  23. What is vitamin K?
  24. What is a thrombus?
  25. What is a stroke?
  26. What is hemophilia?
  27. What is eryrthropoietin?
  28. What are monocytes?
  29. What are neutropils?
  30. What are Lymphocytes?
  31. What are basophils?
  32. What are eosinophils?
  33. What are red blood cells?
  34. What disease is caused by too many red blood cells?
  35. What disease is caused by to few red blood cells?
  36. What is the main job of white blood cells?
  37. What is the function of platelets?
  38. How long do red blood cells live?
  39. What is the function of the lymph system?
  40. What are the different blood types?
  41. What blood types can you mix?
  42. This is the end of blood and lymph.
  2. Name the parts of a plant cell.
  3. Name the parts of a human cell.
  4. What is a cell membran4?
  5. What is a mitochondria?
  6. What is the nucleus?
  7. What are ribosomes?
  8. What is chromatin?
  9. What is cytoplasm?
  10. What is protoplasm?
  11. What is cellulose?
  12. What is osmosis?
  13. What is diffusion?
  14. What is mitosis?
  15. What is meiosis?
  16. What is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)?
  17. What is a gene?
  18. What is the powerhouse of a cell?
  19. What is the hereditary material of a cell?
  20. What are the storage depots of a cell?
  21. What are the properties of a cell that allows some molecules to pass through but stops other?
  22. What is an enzyme?
  23. What is a triplet code?
  24. Described the stages of mitosis.
  25. Who was Robert Hooke?
  2. What is the heart?
  3. What is coronary circulation?
  4. What is portal circulation?
  5. What is pulmonary circulation?
  6. What is renal circulation?
  7. What is systemic circulation?
  8. What is the atrium of the heart?
  9. What is the bicuspid valve?
  10. What is the cardiac?
  11. What is the diastole?
  12. What is the septum?
  13. What are the semilunar valves of the heart?
  14. What is the sinoatrial node of the heart?
  15. What is systole?
  16. What is a tricuspid valve of the heart?
  17. What is a ventricle of the heart?
  18. What is the aorta of the heart?
  19. What is blood pressure?
  20. What is a blood vessel?
  21. What is a capillary?
  22. What is a Cather?
  23. What is catheterization?
  24. What is a pulse of the heart?
  25. What is a vein?
  26. What is the cardiac cycle?
  2. What is the upper digestive track?
  3. What is the lower digestive track?
  4. What is the alimentary canal?
  5. What are the salivary glands?
  6. What are the submaxilary glands?
  7. What is the sublingual gland?
  8. What is the parotid gland?
  9. What is the pharynx?
  10. What is the epiglottis?
  11. What is the esophagus?
  12. What is the cardiac sphincter?
  13. What is the stomach?
  14. What is the small intestine?
  15. What is the duodenum?
  16. What is the jejunum?
  17. What is the ileum?
  18. What are villi?
  19. What is the gall bladder?
  20. What is the liver?
  21. What is the pancreas?
  22. What is the digestive duct?
  23. What is the ileocecal valve?
  24. What is the large intestine?
  25. What is the appendix?
  26. What is the caecum?
  27. What is the ascending colon?
  28. What is the descending colon?
  29. What is the rectum?
  30. What is the anus?
  31. What are the anal sphincters?
  32. What is the bolus?
  33. What is digestive bile?What is saliva?
  34. What is  digestive peristalsis?
  35. What are digestive enzymes?
  36. What is chyme?
  37. What is Feces?
  38. What is diarrhea?
  39. What is diabetes?
  40. What is dysentery?
  2. What are endocrine glands?
  3. What are hypothalamus glands?
  4. What is the pituitary gland?
  5. What is the thyroid gland?
  6. What is the thymus gland?
  7. What is the pineal body?
  8. What are ductless glands?
  9. What are steroids?
  10. What are hormones?
  11. What are enzymes?
  12. What are poly peptides?
  13. What are the parathyroid glands?
  14. What is the pancreas?
  15. What are the islets of Langerhans?
  16. What are adrenal glands?
  17. What are the gonads?
  18. What are receptor site?
  19. What is the permeable membrane?
  20. What is the endocrine gland?
  21. What is the corpus luteum?
  22. What is the follicle?
  23. What is the vasopressin?
  24. What is the oxytocin?
  25. What are glucocorticoids?
  26. What are thyroid stimulating hormone?
  27. What are prolactins?
  28. What is insulin?
  29. What are glucagons?
  30. What is testosterone?What is estrogen?
  31. What is melatonin?
  32. What is a goiter?
  33. What is cushing’s disease?
  34. What is cretinism?
  35. What is graves’ disease?
  36. What is hypothyroidism?
  37. What is hypoglycemia?
  38. What is Addison’s disease?
  39. What is dwarfism?
  40. What is gigantism?
  2. What is the urinary system?
  3. What is nitrogenous waste?
  4. What is micturition?
  5. What is urea?
  6. What is a bowman’s capsule?
  7. What is a loop of henle?
  8. What is a glomerulus?
  9. What is a nephron?
  10. What is a collective duct?
  11. What is renal cortex?
  12. What is a renal artery?
  13. What is a renal vein?
  14. What is the medulin?
  15. What is the ureter?
  16. What is the bladder?
  17. What is the renal pelvis?
  18. What is urethra?
  19. What is the urinary orifice?
  20. What is osmotic balance?
  21. What is tubular secretion?
  22. What is tubular re absorption?
  23. What is filtration?
  24. What is homeostasis?
  25. What are aldosterones?
  26. What is renin?
  27. What is angiotensin?
  28. What is vasopressin?
  29. What is nephritis?
  30. What is edema?
  31. What are kidney stones?
  32. What is uremia?
  33. What is toxicity?
  34. What is diabetes insipidus?
  35. What is diabetes mellitus?
  36. What is dialysis?
  37. What is fanconi’s syndrome?
  38. What is alport syndrome?
  2. What are neurons?
  3. What is the central nervous system?
  4. What is the peripheral nervous system?
  5. What is the autonomic nervous system?
  6. What is the parasympathetic nervous system?
  7. What is the sympathetic nervous system?
  8. What are ganglions?
  9. What is an effectror gland?
  10. What is a synapse?
  11. What is action potential?
  12. What is a reflex arc?
  13. What is a dendrite?
  14. What is a nerve?
  15. What is an axon?
  16. What is a neurotransmitter?
  17. What are schwann cells?
  18. What is depolarization?
  19. What is synaptic vesicle?
  20. What is a presynaptic cell?
  21. What is a postsynaptic cell?
  22. What are sensory neurons?
  23. What are motor neurons?
  24. What are interneurons?
  25. What is myelin?
  26. What is a myelin sheath?
  27. What is a node of ranvier?
  28. What is saltatory conduction?
  29. What is a synaptic gap?
  30. What is cytoplasm?
  31. What is a acetyicholine?
  32. What is a receptor?
  33. What is metabolism?
  34. What is a hormone?
  35. What is a ventricle?
  36. What is the cerebellum?
  37. What is the medulla oblongata?
  38. What is the cerebrum?
  39. What are ponds?
  40. What are corpuscallosum?
  41. What is the cerebral hemisphere?
  42. What is the brain-stem?
  43. What is white matter?
  44. What is gray matter?
  45. What is cerebrospinal fluid?
  46. What is the thalamus?
  47. What is the spinal chord?
  48. What is limbic system?
  49. What is the retina?
  50. What is cochlea?
  51. What is olfactory center?
  52. What are taste buds?
  53. What are touch receptors?
  54. What is the sixth sense?
  1. What is the Reproductive System?
  2. What is male reproduction?
  3. What is female reproduction?
  4. What is sexual reproduction?
  5. What are gametes?
  6. What is a penis?
  7. What are testes?
  8. scrotum?
  9. What are sperms?
  10. What is semen?
  11. What is seminal fluid?
  12. What are seminiferous tubules?
  13. What is a epididymis?
  14. What are vase efferentia?
  15. What is a vas deferens?
  16. What are seminal vesicles?
  17. What is the prostate gland?
  18. What are Cowper’s glands?
  19. What is inguinal canal?
  20. What is the urethra?
  21. What is flagellum?
  22. What is testosterone?
  23. What are interstitial cells?
  24. What are the ovaries?
  25. What are Fallopian tubes?
  26. What is the uterus?
  27. What is the corpus luteum?
  28. What is the vagina?
  29. What is the cervix?
  30. What is the vulva?
  31. What is ovulation?
  32. What is ova?
  33. What is menstruation?
  34. What is progesterone?
  35. What is estrogen?
  36. What is fertilization?
  37. What is a zygote?
  38. What is an embryo?
  39. What is a fetus?
  40. What is a cesarean section?
  41. What is an amniocentesis?
  42. What is the placenta?
  43. What is the amnion?
  44. What is the amniotic fluid?
  45. What is heredity?
  46. What is gene?
  47. What are chromosome?
  48. What is Meiosis?
  49.  What are diploid number?
  50. What are haploid numbers?
  51. What dominant gene?
  52. What is recessive gene?
  53. What is taysachs disease?
  54. What is albinism?
  55. What is down’s syndrome?
  56. What is hunting disease?
  57. What is sickle cell anemia?
  58. What is cystic fibrosis?
  59. What poly cystic disease?
  2. What is the breathing process?
  3. What are some diseases and disorders of the respiratory system?
  4. What are the nasal nares?
  5. What is the pharynx?
  6. What  is the larynx?
  7. What is the trachea?
  8. What is the pleura?
  9. What is the bronchi?
  10. What is the bronchial rami?
  11. What are the bronchi oles?
  12. What is the medulla?
  13. What is the diaphragm?
  14. What are the alveolis?
  15. What is cartilage?
  16. What are intercostal muscles?
  17. What carotid arteries?
  18. What is the mouth?
  19. What are capillaries?
  20. What are blood vessels?
  21. What is an artery?
  22. What is a vein?
  23. What is the nasal cavity?
  24. What is lactic acid?
  25. What are turbinate bones?
  26. What is mucus?
  27. What is tidal volume?
  28. What is complemental volume?
  29. What is residual volume?
  30. What is asthma?
  31. What is emphysema?
  32. What is cystic fibrosis?
  33.  What is tuberculosis?
  34. What is pneumonia?
  35. What is bronchitis?
  36. What is an allergy?
  37. What is asbestosis?
  38. hat is black lung?
  39. What is influenza?
  40. What is a common cold?
  41. What is pleurisy?
  42. What are the sinusitis?
  43. What is cancer?
  44. What is sudden infant death syndrome?
  45. What is choking?
  46. What is silicosis?
  47. What is hyper ventilation?
  1. What are touch receptors?
  2. What are taste buds?
  3. What are olfactory receptors?
  5. What is deafness?
  6. What are decibels?
  7. What is otitis media?
  8. What is frequency?
  9. What is the auditory nerve?
  10. What are the Eustachian tubes?
  11. What is the basliar membrane?
  12. What is the organ of cor-ti?
  13. What is the oval window?
  14. What is the cochlea?
  15. What is the stirrup?
  16. What is the ear anvil?
  17. What is the ear hammer?
  18. What is ossicles?
  19. What is tympanum?
  21. What is glaucoma?
  22. What are cataracts?
  23. What is opaque structure?
  24. What is macular degeneration?
  25. What is astigmatism?
  26. What is focal point?
  27. What is myopia?
  28. What is hyperopia?
  29. What is presbyopia?
  30. What is accommodation of the eye?
  31. What is refraction?
  32. What is photo pigment?
  33. What is the blind spot?
  34. What is the optic nerve?
  35. What are ganglions?
  36. What are the bipolar neurons?
  37. What is the fovea centralis?
  38. What are cones?
  39. What are rods?
  40. What is the retina?
  41. What is the choroid coat?
  42. What is the aqueous humor?
  43. What is the vitreous humor?
  44. What is the iris?
  45. What is the cornea?
  46. What is the sclera?
  47. What are lens?
  48. What are the eyes
  51. What are  striated muscles?
  52. What are smooth muscles?
  53. What are cardiac muscles?
  54. What is the skeleton?
  55. What are fibrils?
  56. What are myofibrils?
  57. What is actin?
  58. What is myosin?
  59. What What are sarcomeres?
  60. What is sarcoplasmic?
  61. What is T-tuble?
  62. What are synapse?
  63. What are neurotransmitters?
  64. What are acetylcholines?
  65. What is adenosine triphosphate?
  66. What is collagen?
  67. What is the humerus?
  68. What is scapula?
  69. What is the ulna?
  70. What radius?
  71. What is a flexion?
  72. What is the endo skeleton?
  73. What are osteocytes?
  74. What is matrix?
  75. What are haversian canals?
  76. What the periosteum?
  77. What is marrow?
  78. What is cartilage?
  79. What is synovial fluid?
  80. What are tendons?
  81. What is point of origin?
  82. What is point of insertion?
  83. What are ligaments?
  84. What is tendinitis?
  85. What is arthritis?

279(26)MAJOR SUBJECT…HOW TO USE A PERSONAL  COMPUTER?…A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out an arbitrary set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. Their ability to follow a sequence of operations, called a program, make computers very flexible and popular. Such computers are used as control systems for a very wide variety of industrial and consumer devices. This includes simple special purpose devices like microwave ovens and remote controls, but more importantly in general purpose devices like personal computers and mobile devices. The internet is run on computers, and connects millions of these other computers.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. How do you learn how to use a personal computer?
  2. What is the QWERTY touch type system?
  3. What is one hand touch typing?
  4. What is hunt and peek typing?
  5. What are different methods of typing?
  6. What are basic computer skills orientation…you tube?
  7. How to learn computer basics tutorial for beginners…you tube?
  8. What is computer hardware?…you tube
  9. What is computer soft wear? you tube
  10. What is a floppy disk?
  11. How do you keep from  loosing what you have typed?
  12. What does each symbol on the personal computer mean?…you tube
  13. Where you place each finger on  the key board of computer ?…Wikipedia
  14. What are the symbols you see on the computer screen? you tube
  15. What are the symbols you see on the screen of the personal computer? Wikipedia
  16. Why is it important to protect your computer from viruses and malicious software?
  17. Where can you get anti-virus software?
  18. What are the names of four anti-virus software companies?
  19. How often should you check for viruses?
  20. Why is it important to defragment your hard driver?
  21. To access the internet, whom must you contact?
  22. What does a wireless router do?
  23. What is a browser?
  24. What are the names of three different browsers?
  25. Where can you get a browser?
  26. What is an operating system?
  27. What are some operating systems for a PC computer?
  28. What are some operating systems for an Apple computer?
  29. What are APPS?
  30. Where can you get Apps?
  31. What device should you have to protect your computer from lightening strike?
  32. If storing video files or lots of pictures are important, what component of the computer should be as large as possible?
  33. If speed is important,what two features are important to maximize speed?
  34. On both Apple and PC computers there are right click and left click, what are the reasons to use each?
  35. Coping and pasting are two important functions of the computer, how do you use each?
  36. What does in-home WIFI enable you to do?
  37. What is Wikipedia?
  38. What is You Tube?
  39. What is the internet and how does it work?
  40. What is a sever?
  41. What is a domain name?
  42. What is an email server?
  43. How do you set up Facebook?
  44. How do you set up a Twitter Account?
  45. How do you set up a pay pale account?
  46. How do you use Micro soft ware?

280(27)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS?…Real estate is “property consisting of land and the buildings on it, along with its natural resources such as crops, minerals or water; immovable property of this nature; an interest vested in this (also) an item of real property, (more generally) buildings or housing in general. Also: the business of real estate; the profession of buying, selling, or renting land, buildings or housing.”[1] It is a legal term used in jurisdictions such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Pakistan, Australia, and New Zealand

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What does a real estate agent do?
  2. How do you get a real estate license?
  3. What is a listing agent?
  4. What is a buyers agent?
  5. Can you own a real estate business with out being a licensed agent?
  6. Can a real estate business be run with out a broker?
  7. What is a real estate broker?
  8. How do you get a real estate broker license?
  9. Why do ten percent of real estate agent sell ninety percent of all the real estate?
  10. Why do 90 percent of real estate agents fail?
  11. Why do you need to be a good sales person to be successful in the real estate business?
  12. Why are you taught in real estate school the rules for getting a license only?
  13. Why should you also do a major in WHAT IS SALESMANSHIP?–  if you major in Real Estate?
  14. What is a real estate commissioner?
  15. What is a local real estate association?
  16. What is a state real estate association?
  17. What is the National Real Estate Association?
  18. What is a Quick Claim Deed?
  19. What kind of real estate deeds are there?
  20. What is a fee tail deed?
  21. What is a warranty deed?
  22. What is Tenant-In-Possession deed?
  23. What is a real estate listing?
  24. Can a real estate agent pay for a listing?
  25. Can a real estate agent talk to a property owner about listing their property if it is already listed by another real estate agency?
  26. When can a real estate agent place his or her real estate sign on a piece of property for sale?
  27. What is the HUD settlement statement?
  28. What is the Fair Housing Act?
  29. Where can you take a course to get a real estate license?
  30. Why do states require that you take an approved course  on real estate before you can take the test for a license?
  31. Why do states want you to know their rules for buying and selling real estate?
  32. Where can you find sample questions for the real estate test?
  33. Remember that a real estate course doesn’t teach you how to be a salesman, but the Real Estate Commissioner Rules you will need to learn to get a license.
  34. If you want to be a successful real estate salesman, you have to be a good salesman?
  35. Why must you read a lot of books and listen to a lot of successful sales people of the past and present on how to be a good salesman?
  36. If you don’t want to be a sales person, you might as well forget about being successful at anything since everything must be sold?
  37. If you learn to be a good sales person, you will never be without a job or being able to have other people help you reach any goal you choose.
  38. You can be a real estate agent, but you must be a salesman to be a successful real estate agent.
  39. If you own a Real Estate Business, you have to be able to sale other sales people to work with you.
  40. All of the above questions and statements require that you write an essay on each.

281(28)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS A GENERAL CONTRACTOR?…A general contractor is responsible for providing all of the material, labor, equipment (such as engineering vehicles and tools) and services necessary for the construction of the project. The general contractor hires specialized subcontractors to perform all or portions of the construction work…Responsibilities may include applying for building permits, securing the property, providing temporary utilities on site, managing personnel on site, providing site surveying and engineering, disposing or recycling of construction waste, monitoring schedules and cash flows, and maintaining accurate records.[4]

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. Who can be a general contractor?
  2. How do you get into the building business?
  3. How do you get a general contractors license?
  4. Can you be your own general contractor?
  5. Do general contractors really build anything or do sub-contractors really do the building?
  6. How many different kind of sub-contractors does it take to build a family home?
  7. Why is it important to check with the metro planning agency before buying a piece of property to build on?
  8. Why is it important to check with the EPA before buying a piece of property?
  9. Why is it important to know what you want to do with a piece of property before buying it?
  10. Why is it important to check out all the buildings codes before buying a piece of property?
  11. What is The National Association of Contractors?
  12. What is a State Association of Contractors?
  13. What is a Local Association of Contractors?
  14. What is a Quick Claim Deed?
  15. What is a Fee Tail Deed?
  16. What is a warranty deed?
  17. What is title insurance
  18. What is a Tenant-In-Possession Deed?
  19. How many Kinds of deeds are there?
  20. What is a title company?
  21. Does a general contractors need to know something about real estate?
  22. What is a draftsman?
  23. What is a civil engineer?
  24. What is a structural engineer?
  25. What are house or building plans?
  26. What is an electrician?
  27. What is a plumber?
  28. What is a backhoe operator?
  29. What is an heating air condition?
  30. What is a Carpenter?
  31. What are sheet rocker hangers?
  32. What is  a painter?
  33. What is a building framer?
  34. What is a floor tile layer?
  35. What is a carpet layer?
  36. What is a trim carpenter?
  37. What is a brick mason?
  38. What is a concrete finisher?
  39. What is an insulation person?
  40. What is concrete?
  41. What is a window and door hanger?
  42. What is a roofer?
  43. What is a cubic yard of concrete?
  44. How many square feet of four inches thick will a cubic yard of concrete pour?
  45. What are footers of a building?
  46. What are steel hangers?
  47. What is a crane?
  48. What is a surveyor?
  49. What is a blue print?
  50. What is a building engineer?

282(29)MAJOR SUBJECT…WHAT IS PUBLIC SPEAKING?…Public speaking (sometimes termed oratory or oration) is the process or act of performing a presentation (a speech) focused around an individual direct speech to a live audience in a structured, deliberate manner in order to inform, influence, or entertain them. Public speaking is commonly understood as the formal, face-to-face talking of a single person to a group of listeners. It is closely allied to “presenting”, although the latter is more often associated with commercial activity. Most of the time, public speaking is to persuade the audience.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the question; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

    1. In Public Speaking, why is it important to tell people what you are going to tell them, tell them what you said you were going to tell them and then tell them what you told them?
    2. Why is it important to only deal with one subject in a speech?
    3. Why is it never a good idea to stray from what you told you audience you were going to tell them?
    4. What is Toastmasters?
    5. Why should you join a local Toastmasters club if you want to learn to be a good speaker?
    6. Who was Dale Carnegie?
    7. Why should you take the Dale Carnegie Speech Course if you want to be a good speaker?
    8. What are10 Public Speaking Tips from Dale Carnegie You Can Use Today?
    9. How did Warren Buffet overcome his fear of public speaking?
    10. How do you over come obstacles in public speaking?
    11. Why do you need to practice your delivery in public speaking?
    12. Why do you need to be yourself in public speaking?
    13. Why do you need to be humorous in public speaking?
    14. Why do you need to make your speech a story?
    15. How do you build a logical case in public speaking?
    16. How do you paint a picture in public speaking?
    17. How do you focus on your audience in public speaking?
    18. How do you share a vision in public speaking?
    19. How do you change minds and hearts in public speaking?
    20. How do you call for positive action in public speaking?
    21. Who was Martin Luther King?
    22. Who was Mark Anthony?
    23. Who was  Rev.Billy Graham?
    24. Who was Patrick Henry?

289(30)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is Botany…the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. Compare and contrast a botanist and a horticulturist.
  2. What is the Botanical Society of America?
  3. What is a plant? Name and describe the different types of plants.
  4. Name and describe the parts of a plant cell.
  5. Name and describe the layers of a leaf.
  6. What are the main ingredients for plant growth?
  7. What is a hydroponic system? Name and describe the six basic types of hydroponic systems.
  8. Compare and contrast angiosperms and gymnosperms.
  9. What are the two categories of angiosperms? Compare and contrast them.
  10. What are the four categories of gymnosperms? Compare and contrast them.
  11. What is transpiration? Guard cells? The Carbon cycle?
  12. What is vascular tissue? Xylem? Phloem?
  13. What is photosynthesis? Chloroplasts?
  14. What is a food chain? Are plants always the beginning of all the chains?
  15. Compare and contrast an arboretum and a botanical garden.
  16. How do plants reproduce?
  17. What are the female parts of a plant and what are their functions? What are the male parts of a plant and what are their functions?
  18. Compare and contrast pollination and fertilization.
  19. What are the two types of pollination? What are some methods of pollination?
  20. What are plant viruses? Give at least five examples of the different viruses that affect plants? Can these viruses also affect humans? Why or why not?
  21. What is the Kingdom Plantae?
  22. What are plant hormones? Name and describe the five main types.
  23. What is phototropism? Gravitropism? Thigmotropism?
  24. Who was Robert Whittaker? What was his five-kingdom system?
  25. Compare and contrast rhizomes and roots.
  26. What are the five functions of roots?
  27. What is germination? Name and describe the five parts to this.
  28. Who was Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann? What was their contribution to botany?
  29. Who was Buckminster Fuller? What was his contribution to botany?
  30. Compare and contrast annual and perennial plants.
  31. Why are forest fires sometimes a good thing for the environment?
  32. What is dormancy? How do plants prepare for winter?

284(31)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is Zoology… the scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. Compare and contrast animals and plants.
  2. Name and describe all the different branches of zoology.
  3. What is a zoologist?
  4. What is an ecosystem? Compare and contrast terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and be sure to give examples of each.
  5. What are habitats? Name and describe the different types of habitats.
  6. Compare and contrast animal biology and animal science.
  7. Name and describe the eight classifications of animals. What would be the classification levels of humans?
  8. What do animals need to live? Name and describe the different categories animals can be separated into based on their diets.
  9. What is binomial nomenclature? Who first proposed this?
  10. What are animals made up of? Compare and contrast animal cells and plant cells.
  11. Name and describe the four types of animal tissue cells.
  12. Are sponges considered to be animals? What makes up their skeletons? How do they circulate water?
  13. Compare and contrast endotherms and ectotherms.
  14. Compare and contrast homeotherms and poikilotherms.
  15. Compare and contrast the three types of body plans for animals.
  16. Compare and contrast vertebrates and invertebrates.
  17. Compare and contrast innate behaviors and learned behaviors. Give examples of each.
  18. Name and describe the six basic animal groups. Give at least two examples for each category.
  19. What is the general and basic history of animal evolution?
  20. What is a food chain? Draw your own example of a food chain.
  21. What is Wildlife Rehabilitation?
  22. What is extinction? What factors drive animals to extinction?

291(32)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is Political Science…the branch of knowledge that deals with systems of government; the analysis of political activity and behavior

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is political science?
  2. What is government? Name and describe the different branches of government.
  3. What is politics?
  4. What is the Constitution? What does it state? How many states were needed to ratify the Constitution?
  5. What is the Enlightenment philosophy? How did it influence the Constitution?
  6. Who was James Madison? How was he influential at the Constitutional Convention?
  7. What are the bill of rights?
  8. What are the 27 Amendments? Name and describe each one.
  9. What is the Declaration of Independence? How did Common Sense influence this document?
  10. What are the articles of Confederation? How did they create a weak government?
  11. What is the President? How many terms does s(he) serve?
  12. What is the election process to becoming president? What are the requirements?
  13. What are the House of Representatives? How many terms do they serve?
  14. Compare and contrast a Democrat and a Republican.
  15. Compare and contrast a liberal and a conservative.
  16. What is an independent?
  17. Who is Benjamin Franklin? George Mason? Robert Yates?
  18. What are checks and balances? Compare and contrast federalists and anti-federalists.
  19. Compare and contrast bicameralism and unicameralism.
  20. Compare and contrast legislative oversight and congressional oversight.
  21. What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
  22. Compare and contrast a socialist and a capitalist.
  23. Compare and contrast socialism and capitalism.
  24. What is mixturism? What is a mixturist?
  25. What is communism? Nationalism? A dictatorship?
  26. What is the KKK?
  27. What was the court case Marbury vs. Madison?
  28. What is the national debt? How was this affected by Roosevelt’s New Deal?
  29. What is the National Labor Relations Act?
  30. What is the court case Brown vs. Board of Education?
  31. Who is Rosa Parks? What did her arrest spark?
  32. What is the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee?
  33. Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? What did he advocate for?
  34. What is the Federal Reserve? What is the Federal Reserve Act?
  35. What are US senators?
  36. What are Supreme Court Justices? How long are their terms?
  37. What does it mean to be politically correct? Give at least three examples on how to be politically correct and their terms.
  38. What is Plato’s Republic? Aristotle’s Politic?
  39. What is the IMF? Do they lend money to low-income members? If so, what type of loans are they?
  40. What is NATO? Why was it formed?
  41. What is the neocolonialism theory? The modernization theory?
  42. What is a multipolar system? Hegemony? Power parity?
  43. Who is Thucydides?
  44. What are sanctions? Oaths? Taboos?
  45. What are conventions? Embargoes?
  46. What are local content requirements?
  47. What is lobbying? Coercion? Bribes?
  48. What is a Congressional Campaign Committee? Super PACs?
  49. What is runoff voting? Instant-runoff voting?
  50. What is a plurality system of elections?
  51. Compare and contrast political parties and interest groups.
  52. What is foreign policy?

292(33)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is Agriculture…the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is the Neolithic revolution? What happened during this time frame?
  2. What are animals? Plants? Fungi?
  3. What is soil? Name and describe the different types of soil.
  4. How did farming change peoples’ lives?
  5. What is the George-Barden Act? Smith-Hughes Act? Morrill Act?
  6. What is agricultural science?
  7. What is nomadic herding? Livestock ranching?
  8. What is shifting cultivation? Rudimentary sedentary tillage?
  9. Name at least 10 domesticated farm animals and what they can produce/how we use them.
  10. How can an animal’s diet effect their production of goods? (For example, how can a high fiber diet affect a dairy goat?
  11. Compare and contrast Intensive Subsistence Farming with Rice Dominant and Intensive Subsistence Farming without Rice Dominant.
  12. What are commercial plantations? Mediterranean agriculture?
  13. What is industrial farming? Intensive farming? Intensive animal farming?
  14. What is commercial grain farming? Livestock and grain farming?
  15. What is fertilizer? What is it made of? How can it help plants?
  16. What are pesticides? How can they benefit/harm plants?
  17. What is subsistence crop and stock farming? Dairy farming? Specialize horticulture?
  18. Compare and contrast horse power and ox power.
  19. What is a horse collar? Turning plow? Bottom plow?
  20. How does tractor power improve agriculture?
  21. What is the USDA?
  22. What are natural resources? Give at least five examples of resources.
  23. What is horticulture? Animal science?
  24. What is leanness? Marbling? Maturity?
  25. How do you determine the texture of meat?
  26. What are food systems? Give an example (possibly draw) of one food system on a farm.
  27. What are some types of machinery used in agriculture?
  28. What are planting seasons? Give at least three examples of crops that you can grow in each planting season.
  29. Why is it important to know when to plant seeds?
  30. What is the nitrogen cycle? Volatilization? Oxygen cycle?
  31. What is atmospheric fixation? Biological (nitrogen) fixation? Nitrogen fixation?
  32. What is Photosynthesis? Name and describe the six steps.
  33. What does it take to produce a pound of meat?
  34. Compare and contrast biofuel, biodiesel, and Ethel alcohol.
  35. What do you feed hogs? Chickens? Horses? Cows? Sheep? Mules? Goats?
  36. What is biomass? Name and describe the types of biomass.
  37. What are seeds? Silage? A silo?
  38. What is a biome? Name and describe the different types of biomes.
  39. What were the agricultural differences between the South and the North before the Civil War? What did they grow?
  40. What is the carrying capacity of a farm?
  41. What is rill erosion? Gully erosion? Sheet erosion?
  42. What is the American Farm Bureau?
  43. What is an agricultural extension agent? Name at least two program examples that these agents can provide.
  44. What is methanol? Ethanol? Petroleum?

293(34)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is Government…system by which a state or community is controlled…normally consists of legislators, administrators, and arbitrators…means by which state policy is enforced

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a government? Name and describe the different types of government.
  2. What is a mayor? Vice mayor? What are their jobs?
  3. What is a city council? School board? Superintendent of schools?
  4. What is the police department? Fire department? How do they help the community?
  5. What is a Department of Revenue? Sales tax? Tax Assessor?
  6. What is the Department of Public Utilities? (Metro) Planning Commission?
  7. What is a county sheriff? Deputy Sheriff? Highway patrol?
  8. What is the lame duck period? Cooling off period?
  9. What is a caucus? Iron triangle? Issue networks?
  10. What are the three branches of government? Name and describe each branch.
  11. How does a bill become a law?
  12. What is a county judge? General Session Court? Criminal court?
  13. Compare and contrast a prosecution and a defense attorney.
  14. What is the Constitution? Bill of Rights?
  15. Name and describe the 27 amendments to the Constitution?
  16. What is a political party? Name and describe the different political parties.
  17. What is a county court clerk? Registrar of Deeds?
  18. What is a President? Vice President? What are their duties?
  19. What is Congress? House of Representatives? Senate?
  20. What is a filibuster? Line-item veto? Pocket veto?
  21. What is the National Guard? Name and describe the different departments of the National Guard.
  22. What are executive orders? Executive privileges? Executive agreements?
  23. What is a treaty? Free Trade Agreement? An Act?
  24. What is a bureaucracy? Governor? Lieutenant Governor?
  25. What is a State Legislature? Secretary of State? Majority Rule?
  26. What is the Department of Education? Highway Commissioner?
  27. Compare and contrast national and regional governments.
  28. What is the Supreme Court? State Supreme Court? Justices?
  29. What is the State Attorney General? Department of Insurance and Banking? Department of Real Estate?
  30. What are property taxes? Income taxes? Corporate tax?
  31. What is the Cabinet? What are the 15 Executive departments under the Cabinet?
  32. What is Limited Government? Direct Democracy? Unitary System?
  33. What is a federal system? Divided government? Representative Democracy?
  34. What are checks and balances? Popular Sovereignty?
  35. Compare and contrast colonialism and imperialism.
  36. What is capitalism? Socialism? Mixturism?
  37. What is a block grant? Categorical grant? Grant-in-aid program?
  38. What is a revenue sharing program? Devolution?
  39. What are reserved powers? Delegated powers? Concurrent powers?
  40. What are expressed powers? Implied powers?
  41. What is the elite theory? Political theory? Bureaucratic theory?
  42. What are candidates? An election? Votes?
  43. What are some roots for the American democracy?

294(35)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is Art…the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is art? What is an artist? Who is your favorite artist and why? Favorite art piece and why?
  2. What is the Renaissance? What are the most famous artworks to come out of this time? Famous artists?
  3. What is Baroque style art? Gothic art? Rococo?
  4. Compare and contrast classicism and neoclassicism.
  5. What is mannerism? Romanesque art? Empire style?
  6. Who is Leo Tolstoy? Michelangelo? Donatello?
  7. What is pottery? Sculpting? Water colors?
  8. What is painting? What are the different types of paint you can use?
  9. What are sculptures? Name and describe the two types of sculptures.
  10. What is abstract art? Modern art? Pop art?
  11. What is cubism? Contemporary art? Impressionism art?
  12. What is surrealism art? Fantasy art? Graffiti art?
  13. Who is John James Audubon? Thomas Gainsborough? Leonardo da Vinci?
  14. Who is Raphael? Georgia O’Keeffe? Picasso?
  15. Who is Monet? Frida Kahlo? Mary Cassatt?
  16. What is the history of art?
  17. What is Greek art? Roman art? Byzantium art?
  18. What is calligraphy? Mosaic art? Stained glass art?
  19. What is Egyptian art? Islamic art? Italian art?
  20. What is African art? Japanese art? Chinese art?
  21. What is Russian art? Indian art? Mongolian art?
  22. What is aboriginal art? European art? Architectural art?
  23. What is the art of showmanship? Drawing? Printmaking?
  24. What is ceramics? Photography? Video?
  25. What is Filmmaking? Design? Crafts?
  26. Who is Frank Gehry? Van Gogh? Rambrandt?
  27. Who is Andy Warhol? Jackson Pollock? Caravaggio?
  28. Who is Francis Bacon? Peter Paul Rubens? Sandro Botticelli?
  29. What is art nouveau? Expressionism? Art deco?
  30. Compare and contrast realism and literary realism.

295(36)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is Music…is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound and silence

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is music? What is your favorite type of music and why?
  2. What is the history of music?
  3. Who was Beethoven? Johann Sebastiano Bach?
  4. Who was Leonard Bernstein? Mozart?
  5. What is orchestra music?
  6. What is pitch? Melody? Harmony?
  7. What is rhythm? Tempo? Meter?
  8. What is articulation? Dynamics? Timbre? Texture?
  9. What is classical music? Orchestra music? Opera music?
  10. What is popular music? Country music? Rock music?
  11. What is blues music? Jazz music? Band music?
  12. What is music theory?
  13. Why is it important to learn how to read music?
  14. What is a music Staff? Treble clef? Bass clef?
  15. What are whole notes? Half notes? Quarter notes?
  16. What are measures? Bar lines? Double bar lines?
  17. What are note values? Time signatures?
  18. Compare and contrast 2/4, ¾, and 4/4 time signatures.
  19. What is a quarter rest? Half rest? Whole rest?
  20. What is a dotted note? Dotted half note? Dynamics?
  21. Compare and contrast crescendo and decrescendo.
  22. Compare and contrast ties and slurs.
  23. What is a repeat sign? A first ending? A second ending?
  24. What are 1/8 notes? An 1/8 rest? Dotted ¼ notes?
  25. What is a flat? Sharp? Naturals?
  26. What is an andante? Larghissimo? Largo? Larghetto?
  27. What is a rubato? Marcato? Fermata?
  28. What is a tenuto? Staccato? Chord?
  29. What is the Circle of Fifths? Half steps? Whole steps?
  30. Name the Major Flat keys. Name the Major Sharp keys.
  31. What is the chromatic scale? Diatonic scale? Major scale?
  32. What is a melodic interval? Chord inversions?
  33. What is the Kodály methodology? Dalcroze?
  34. What is the Suzuki methodology? Gordon?
  35. What kind of healing actions can music induce?
  36. What are key signatures?
  37. What is D.C. and D.S.? What is the difference playing these in Coda vs in Fine?
  38. What are sixteenth notes? Sixteenth rests? Dotted eighth notes?
  39. Compare and contrast diatonic and chromatic intervals.
  40. What are triplets? Syncopation? Major triads?
  41. What is chord progression? Compare chords and keys.
  42. What are augmented chords? Augmented triad?
  43. What are diminished chords? Diminished triad?
  44. What is the dominant 7th chord? How does this compare to a major 7th?
  45. How do you compose a melody?
  46. Why is it important to first learn how to hold/handle your instrument when you’re beginning how to play?
  47. Who is a choral director? Conductor? Name and describe the different hand motions and their meanings that a conductor can give to their chorus/choir/band?
  48. What are solfa patterns? A repertoire?

290(37)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is Anthropology… the study of various aspects of humans within past and present societies

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is anthropology?
  2. What are the four sub-fields of anthropology? Name and describe them all.
  3. What is social anthropology? Visual anthropology?
  4. What is inherent in the holistic approach to learning about humans?
  5. What is culture? What is integration as it pertains to cultures?
  6. What is prehistoric archaeology?
  7. What types of resources do anthropologists take advantage of to learn new information about humans?
  8. What are some methods used by anthropologists to study the past?
  9. What is the scientific method of inquiry?
  10. What is anthropological theory?
  11. What is business anthropology?
  12. What is sociocultural anthropology?
  13. What is a history museum? Artifacts?
  14. Compare and contrast medical and forensic anthropology.
  15. What is environmental anthropology?
  16. What is the Sapphira-Whorf Hypothesis?
  17. What are the different types of classes? Name some facts about class struggles.
  18. What is extinction? Name at least three different reasons that certain species of humans have died out.
  19. What is evolution? Why is this an argumentative topic?
  20. What is a non-honing canine? What is non-honing chewing?
  21. What is bipedalism? Why is this an important topic?
  22. What is natural selection? What is adaptive radiation?
  23. What is catastrophism?
  24. What is genetic drift? What is the law of segregation?
  25. What is gene flow? A mutation? Lamarckism?
  26. What is taxonomy? What are the seven levels of classification? How would you classify humans?

291(38)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is Secularism…the principle of the separation of government institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious institutions and religious dignitaries

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is secularism? What are some of its principles?
  2. What is humanism? Atheism? Holiness?
  3. Compare and contrast science vs religion.
  4. What is willful blindness? Free thinker? Critical thinking?
  5. Compare and contrast rationalism and empiricism.
  6. What are evolutionists? Agnostics?
  7. What is moral absolutism? Name at least three examples of these types of dilemmas.
  8. Who is Robert Ingersoll? Bertrand Russell?
  9. What is school prayer? Describe the disagreement on this topic and write down your stance on the matter.
  10. Who is John Locke? Thomas Payne?
  11. What are anti-vaxxers? Describe the disagreement on this topic and write down your stance on the matter.
  12. What is climate change? Describe the disagreement on this topic and write down your stance on the matter.
  13. Who is Epicurus? Charles Darwin?
  14. What is the rise of secularism? What is the relation of this to the Alt-Right?
  15. Who is Voltaire? Marcus Aurelius?
  16. Who is Baruch Spinoza? James Madison?
  17. Who is Waldo Emerson? Thomas Jefferson?
  18. What is transcendentalism?
  19. Who is Bill Maher? Ronald Reagan Jr.?
  20. What are the 22 commandments not from heaven but from earth? Write a half page essay on each of the commandments using only your ideas and opinions.

292(39)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Health and Life Insurance Agent…work for insurance companies and reach out to new and existing clients to sell insurance. Insurance agents call clients and potential clients to grow their customer base, meet with potential clients to get information about their needs and coverage, match insurance policies to their needs and explain the options to customers.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a health and life insurance agent?
  2. What is the full scope of what a health and life insurance agent does?
  3. What is life insurance and what does it cover?
  4. What is the difference between a long term and a short term policy?
  5. Who are the beneficiaries, underwriters, and dependents? Name an example for each.
  6. What is a premium?
  7. What is COBRA?
  8. What is Portability?
  9. What is Medicare?
  10. What is Medicaid?
  11. What is Worker’s Compensation?
  12. What is Disability Social Security?
  13. What is whole life insurance?
  14. What is term life insurance?
  15. What is a viatical settlement?
  16. What is variable life insurance?
  17. What is level term life insurance?
  18. What is decreasing term life insurance?
  19. Name at least three reasons to buy term life insurance.
  20. How many days does an insured person have to review and ask for a return of his/her premium after receiving their health insurance policy?
  21. Short term policies have a benefit period of how long? What about long term policies?
  22. If an employee quit his/her job and had a group insurance policy with the company, what type of health insurance is guaranteed to him/her if any?
  23. What applies to a standard risk classification?
  24. What is a characteristic of term life insurance?
  25. What is a characteristic of adjustable life insurance?
  26. What is a per capita beneficiary?
  27. What is a type of short term insurance? long term?
  28. Name three exclusions of a health policy.
  29. What is the type of insurance which pays for employees who were hurt in the course and scope of their job?
  30. Name all the parties to a life insurance contract.
  31. Who will have to meet an insurable interest requirement in order for a policy to issue?
  32. What type of life insurance is considered to be more risky based on its investment component?
  33. What factors do underwriters look at when determining the acceptance of an applicant?
  34. How do you file an insurance claim? What are the steps in the entire process?
  35. What is the Principles of Insurance Law? What is it about? Who wrote it?
  36. What is the Law of Agency?
  37. What can be considered as a life changing event that could result in a change in the amount of life insurance coverage needed for an insurer?
  38. Should term life insurance always be used in a buy/sell agreement? If not, why?
  39. Corporate owned life insurance proceeds may be used for what purposes?
  40. What is the most common component in all life insurance policies?
  41. What are the two components that permanent life insurance policies always have?
  42. What value will a beneficiary on a life insurance policy receive upon the death of the insurer?
  43. What is an accelerated death benefit?
  44. How are living benefits on a life insurance policy accessed?
  45. Why are insurance contracts considered to be contracts of adhesion?
  46. What is an insuring clause?
  47. What is a beneficiary designation?
  48. What is a rider? Insurance rider?
  49. What are at least three forms of health insurance?
  50. What is HMO? PPO? HSA?
  51. What criteria must be established when constructing a major medical insurance policy?
  52. What is ‘twisting’? Rebating? Misrepresentation? Bait and switch?
  53. What is a deductible?
  54. What is the Reimbursement Policy?
  55. What is a copayment?
  56. What is a corridor?
  57. What is coinsurance?
  58. What is the elimination period?
  59. What are the HCPCS Codes? CPT Codes?
  60. What is an RVU and what does it stand for?
  61. What is OPPS?
  62. Should social security be considered ones’ primary disability income coverage? If not, why?

293(40)-MAJOR SUBJECT….What is a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)…works under the supervision of doctors and RNs, performing duties such as taking vital signs, collecting samples, administering medication, ensuring patient comfort, and reporting the status of their patients to the nurses.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a LPN and what is the full scope of what they do?
  2. What is an Occupational therapist and what do they do?
  3. What is a physical therapist and what do they do?
  4. What is a speech and language therapist and what do they do?
  5. What is a case manager and what do they do?
  6. What are calories?
  7. What is the recommended daily caloric intake for sedentary older men, active adult women, and active children?
  8. What is surgical asepsis?
  9. What is the difference between medical and surgical asepsis?
  10. What is catabolism?
  11. What is Tuberculosis?
  12. What is Kaposi’s Sarcoma?
  13. What is Toxoplasma gondii?
  14. What is Wilms’ Sarcoma?
  15. What is Peripheral Neuropathy?
  16. What is cachexia and what symptoms are associated with this disease?
  17. What is venous stasis and where does it typically occur?
  18. Name at least three possible opportunistic infections that adversely affect HIV/Aids infected patients.
  19. What can help reduce a patient’s anxiety and post surgical pain?
  20. What is cancer?
  21. What is hypothyroidism? What are all the signs and symptoms?
  22. What is hyperthyroidism? What are all the signs and symptoms?
  23. What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
  24. What is cardiac failure?
  25. What disease or diseases decreases the metabolic rate?
  26. What and where is the carotid pulse? Pedal? Brachial? Radial? Femoral?
  27. When caring for an infant during cardiac arrest, which pulse may be palpated to determine cardiac function?
  28. Why should a patient be sitting down when he/she is deep breathing and coughing?
  29. Which procedures necessitate the use of surgical asepsis techniques?
  30. What is the main purpose and goal of performance improvement activities?
  31. What is the main difference between practical nursing licensure and a nursing certification in an area of practice?
  32. What intervention is the best to relieve constipation during pregnancy?
  33. What are the differences between a horizontal and a vertical evacuation? What are some of the emergency procedures being followed in both situations? (i.e. under no circumstances should elevators be used in either evacuation)
  34. What are electrolytes?
  35. Which electrolyte is essential for enzyme and neurochemical activities?
  36. What are the correct steps as to how to use a fire extinguisher?
  37. What are the correct steps to take if you suspect another LPN is verbally and physically abusing a patient?
  38. What is WHO and what is their definition of health?
  39. Who is Dorothea Orem and what is her healthcare model?
  40. Who is Madeleine Leininger and what is her famous theory?
  41. Who is Martha Rogers and what is her famous theory?
  42. Who is Sister Callista Roy and what is her famous theory?
  43. What element is minimally assessed during a basic prenatal physical examination?
  44. Why is a positive over-the-counter pregnancy test considered a probable sign of pregnancy?
  45. Describe all the phases in the nursing process. (i.e. the assessment phase)
  46. Why is “the patient will cough and deep breathe every two hours” a great worded expected outcome?
  47. What are the differences between a problem oriented medical record and a source oriented medical record?
  48. What are some of the necessary elements of a malpractice?
  49. What is the correct sequence of the proper fire emergency interventions?
  50. What is Cushing’s Syndrome?
  51. What is a sterile field?
  52. If you are preparing a sterile field for an operating room surgical procedure, when should you stop the preparation of this sterile field?
  53. What should avulsed teeth be placed in?
  54. What is Cystic Fibrosis?
  55. What is Respiratory Compromise?
  56. What are some challenges faced when a child has an illness vs. an adult?
  57. Name and describe all the periods during a woman’s pregnancy. (i.e. the embryonic period)
  58. What happens during each trimester of a woman’s pregnancy?
  59. Name at least 10 basic human needs and why they are important.
  60. What are vectors?
  61. What can be a vector for infection?
  62. What is Herpes Simplex and what are some signs a person may have this?
  63. What is Candidiasis and what are some signs a person may have this?
  64. What is Alphthous ulcers and what are some signs a person may have this?
  65. What is Leukoplakia and what are some signs a person may have this?
  66. Which type of cancer has the poorest prognosis?
  67. States throughout our country vary in terms of things that nursing assistants can and cannot legally do. Name three examples of these differences.
  68. What are the four pelvic structure types a woman can have?
  69. Name and describe the different ways a woman can give birth.
  70. A cesarean mode of delivery is the most common mode for females with which pelvic type?
  71. How many bones does a full grown adult have in their body?
  72. How many bones does a newborn baby have?
  73. What is a Mallory-Weiss tear?
  74. Describe infection control techniques. Don’t forget to include the hand washing steps.
  75. What are Minims?
  76. What is Periwound Maceration?
  77. What is Cholelithiasis? Choledocholistiasis? Which type of patient is at greatest risk for catching these diseases?
  78. What is Meniere’s Disease?
  79. What is a healthcare acquired infection? How can a patient get this?
  80. Name and describe the stages of infection.
  81. What is the single most important thing nurses do in order to prevent the spread of infection?
  82. What is the difference between RH negative and RH positive people?
  83. What does RH negative maternal blood indicate?
  84. What is low birth weight in terms of a newborn? What is a normal healthy weight for a newborn?
  85. What is a cleft palate?
  86. If a neonate has a cleft palate, when is the appropriate age range for him/her to be ready for surgical correction? Why does it have to be this age range?
  87. What percentage of term newborns have a congenital heart disease due to environmental risk factors? (i.e. maternal alcoholism or drug ingestion)
  88. Who should document care?
  89. How should you care for a normal deceased patient? How should you care for a deceased high risk patient? (i.e. a patient who is HIV positive)
  90. Name and give examples of at least three types of pain. (i.e. radicular pain)
  91. What are all the stages of viral hepatitis?
  92. What is fibromyalgia?
  93. What are the risk factors? Name some examples and classifications. (i.e. biophysical risk factors)
  94. What rate does multifetal twin births occur? Triplets?
  95. Name the different types of abortions and their characteristics.
  96. What is drug tolerance? How does this occur?
  97. What is drug addiction? How does this occur?
  98. What is the normal sodium level in the human body?
  99. How is evidence-based practice similar to research-based practice?
  100. Name some ethical principles and their descriptions. (i.e. self-determination)
  101. What is the policy for treatment when a patient comes in with multiple traumas? (For example, what would you treat first?)
  102. What is appendicitis?
  103. Which skin disorder closely resembles dandruff?
  104. What is scabies?
  105. What is dermatitis?
  106. What is acne vulgaris?
  107. How do you get rid of a lice infestation?
  108. Which atrioventricular heart block is also referred to as Mobitz II?
  109. What is papilledema and who is at greatest risk for this disease?
  110. What is orchititis?
  111. Which healthcare providers can legally have access to all, or part of, a patient’s medical records because they have a ‘need to know’? Give examples as to what they may be looking for and why.
  112. What is a Wenckeback block?
  113. What are premature arterial contractions?
  114. What are torsades de pointes?
  115. What are premature ventricular contractions?
  116. What is a root cause analysis?
  117. What are advanced directives? What in all do they contain?
  118. What is a durable power of attorney?
  119. Name and describe the stages of a pressure ulcer.
  120. What is Tetralogy of Fallot?
  121. What is evisceration?
  122. What is serosanguineous?
  123. Name and describe the different pain scales and what age range each scale is used during.
  124. Name and describe different hazards of immobility.
  125. How many daily feedings are considered normal for a newborn?
  126. Which hormone produces mother’s milk?
  127. What is diabetes mellitus?
  128. How long following surgery are sutures and staples typically removed?
  129. What are vesicular breath sounds? Fine rales? Rhonchi? Wheezes?
  130. Name and describe the different types of burns.
  131. How long can a woman lactate for?
  132. What is rheumatoid arthritis?
  133. Name and describe all 12 of the cranial nerves.
  134. Name all the parts and functions of the heart.
  135. What does the term PERLA stand for?
  136. What is Moro Reflex?
  137. What is Osgood-Schlatter disease?
  138. What is an episiotomy?
  139. Name and describe the six levels of consciousness.
  140. Name and describe the levels of shock.
  141. Name and describe the stages of anesthesia.
  142. What is deep vein thrombosis? What are the risk factors of this disease?
  143. What does ABCDE stand for?
  144. What is the Glasgow scale?
  145. What is the Snellen chart?
  146. What is the Norton scale?
  147. What is the Morse scale?
  148. What is a Wilms’ tumor?
  149. Which foods aid in the absorption of iron/an iron supplement?
  150. What are some myths surrounding pain, pain management, and addiction? Explain why each myth is false.
  151. How do you determine a conception date? How do you determine an expected day of delivery?
  152. What are adjuvant medications?
  153. What is biofeedback?
  154. What is giant cell arteritis?
  155. What is the wound irrigation process?
  156. What is the Lund and Browder chart?
  157. What is idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura?
  158. Name and describe the different types of skull fractures.
  159. Name and describe the different positions. (i.e. supine position) When would you use each position?
  160. On a newborn, what is the vernix? Lanugo? Milia? Vibrissea?
  161. What is effacement?
  162. Name and describe the different types of joints in the human body.
  163. Who is Faye Glenn Abdellah and what model/theory is she famous for developing?
  164. Who is Virginia Henderson and what model/theory is she famous for developing?
  165. Who is Imogene King and what theory is she famous for developing?
  166. Who is Hildegard Peplau and what model is she famous for developing?
  167. What is the difference between a one-point and a two-point discrimination?
  168. Name and describe different examples of internal disasters. (i.e. a computer hacking episode)
  169. Who is Jean Piaget and what is he credited for?
  170. Who is Erik Erikson and what is he credited for?
  171. Who is Sigmund Freud and what is he credited for?
  172. Who is Robert Liston and what is he credited for?
  173. Name three examples of a good toy, activity, or diversional item you can use in a pediatric unit.

294(41)-MAJOR SUBJECT….What is a Physician’s Assistant… under doctors and surgeons and practice medicine, from assisting during surgery to emergency care, even psychiatry….often the primary care medical staff in remote places or rural venues.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a physician’s assistant and what is the full scope of what their duties are?
  2. What is Giardiasis and what are the symptoms/signs of this disease?
  3. What are streptococcus viridians?
  4. What is staphylococcus aureus? Who is most commonly infected by this organism?
  5. What is staphyloccus epidermidis?
  6. What is streptococcus bovis?
  7. What are HACEK organisms and which patients are they most commonly associated with?
  8. What are X-Rays?
  9. What are echocardiograms?
  10. What are angiograms?
  11. What are flat plates?
  12. What is an ultrasound?
  13. What is an anal abscess?
  14. What is an perianal fistula?
  15. What are hemorrhoids?
  16. Compare internal and external hemorrhoids.
  17. What is ulcerative colitis?
  18. What is proctalgia fugax?
  19. What is chronic emphysema?
  20. What is chronic bronchitis?
  21. What is asthmatic bronchitis?
  22. What is cor pulmonale?
  23. What is bronchiectasis?
  24. What is central scotoma?
  25. What is macular degeneration?
  26. What are cataracts?
  27. What is multiple sclerosis?
  28. Compare and contrast unilateral and asymmetrical bilateral scotoma.
  29. What is rifampin?
  30. What is isoniazid?
  31. What is streptomycin?
  32. What is ethambutol?
  33. What is para-aminosalicylic acid?
  34. What is an epiphyseal plate?
  35. Name and describe all the Salter Harris fracture classifications.
  36. What is a purpuric rash?
  37. What is a glucose test and why would a patient need to have one done?
  38. What is a CSF Analysis test and why would a patient need to have one done?
  39. What is a urinalysis test and why would a patient need to have one done?
  40. What is a white blood cell count differential test and why would a patient need to have one done?
  41. What is iritis?
  42. What is glaucoma?
  43. What is herpes keratitis?
  44. What is Alzheimer’s disease?
  45. What is Huntington’s chorea?
  46. What is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
  47. What is multiple myeloma?
  48. What is osteoporosis?
  49. What is proctitis?
  50. What is cholecystitis?
  51. What is mesenteric adenitis?
  52. What is diverticulitis?
  53. What is mesenteric ischemia?
  54. What are beta-blockers? Name and describe at least five examples.
  55. What are birefringent crystals?
  56. What is pseudogout gout?
  57. What is chlamydia? How would you treat a pregnant woman with chlamydia?
  58. What is penicillin?
  59. Name at least five examples of insect/bug/spider bites and how they may effect you.
  60. What is Postrenal ARF?
  61. Name and describe some examples of substance abuse disorders.
  62. What is naloxone?
  63. What is a murmur?
  64. What is a thoracentesis?
  65. What is pneumonia?
  66. What is lethargy?

295(42)-MAJOR SUBJECT….What is a Veterinarian’s Assistant….care for animals under the supervision of a veterinarian or veterinary technician…responsible for feeding, bathing, and exercising the animals….restrain them during examinations and treatment.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a veterinarian assistant and what is the full scope of their duties?
  2. What are the front desk personnel (receptionists) responsible for?
  3. Who are the groomers and what do they do?
  4. What are veterinary nurses not allowed to do and why?
  5. What is the proximate clause and what does it imply?
  6. To avoid a lawsuit, all members of the veterinary facility need to ensure what?
  7. What forms do all clients need to sign and what is stated on each?
  8. What is the VCPR?
  9. What are animal rights? Give three examples.
  10. What is animal abuse? Give three examples.
  11. Name and describe all the areas in a veterinary clinic/hospital.
  12. What is behavior?
  13. What is a refractometer?
  14. What is a chemistry analyzer?
  15. What is an automated blood analyzer?
  16. What is a urinalysis machine?
  17. What is depression and how can you tell an animal is depressed?
  18. What is stress and how can you tell an animal is stressed?
  19. What is anxiety and how can you tell an animal has anxiety?
  20. What is fear and how can you tell an animal is scared?
  21. What is happiness and how can you tell an animal is happy?
  22. What is eustress?
  23. What is burnout?
  24. How can a veterinarian practice proper self care?
  25. Why is it important to know an animals’ behavior in order to properly handle/restrain them?
  26. Why should computers be used in preference to paper records?
  27. Where should computer systems, files, and records be backed up?
  28. When medical records need to be sent to different locations outside the hospital, how can they be sent?
  29. What problems can computers and software experience?
  30. Name five examples of general good safety tips and why they are important.
  31. When stocking chemicals, how should you place them?
  32. If you got a chemical substance in your eye, what procedures do you follow?
  33. What safety tips do you follow when lifting heavy objects?
  34. What are the procedures for running extension cords?
  35. What is ethylene oxide gas and how does it work?
  36. What is an autoclave?
  37. How can you tell an autoclave has reached the appropriate temperature during sterilization?
  38. What is a sterilant?
  39. What is zoonotic disease and how can you prevent yourself and others from getting it?
  40. What is ringworm and how do you treat it?
  41. What is tapeworm and how do you treat it?
  42. What is hookworm and how do you treat it?
  43. What is whipworm and how do you treat it?
  44. What is roundworm and how do you treat it?
  45. What is rabies and how do you treat it?
  46. Compare and contrast encephalitic and paralytic rabies.
  47. What is cowpox?
  48. What is influenza and what are the symptoms an animal may have this?
  49. Name and describe the stages of parasites.
  50. When acceptable social behavior should you follow when using the phone with a client?
  51. What are recalled products?
  52. What are messages to clients whose pets are due for a certain procedure?
  53. Can a pets’ medical condition be diagnosed or treated over the phone? Why?
  54. You should answer the phone within how many rings? Why?
  55. When hiring someone, what are some appropriate questions to ask?
  56. What chemical is nolvasan solution and scrub made of?
  57. List and describe the stages of grief.
  58. What do you use to stop an animals’ nail from bleeding if you cut in too deep?
  59. What is the Right to Know Law and what does it state?
  60. What is medical waste? Name three examples.
  61. Name and describe each stage in the anesthetic process.
  62. What does it mean when there is a lack of emotion on the clients’ part after the loss of an animal?
  63. Why are postdated checks illegal in some states?
  64. What is body language? Verbal communication? Written communication? Auditory communication?
  65. What is a vector?
  66. What is accounts receivable?
  67. What is coinsurance? Deductible? Copay? Premium?
  68. What is a radiograph?
  69. What is an x-ray?

296(43)-MAJOR SUBJECT…….What is a Chiropractic (Clinical) Assistant…usually help chiropractors working in private offices….some of their duties include checking patients in and out, doing medical billing and coding, and answering phone calls.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a chiropractor?
  2. What is a chiropractic assistant and what is the full range of their jobs?
  3. What is the spine and what is its purpose?
  4. Name and describe all the different bones in the spine.
  5. What is the spinal cord?
  6. What are the vertebrae?
  7. What are spinal discs?
  8. What is the spinal column?
  9. What’s the differences between a spinal column injury and a spinal cord injury?
  10. What is the ectoderm and what does it give rise to?
  11. What is the notochord and what does it induce?
  12. What is the neural plate and what does it form?
  13. What is the neural crest and what does it develop into?
  14. What is the endoderm epithelium and what does it form?
  15. What is the primitive gut? Name and describe all the parts to it.
  16. What are somite cells? What do they form?
  17. What is the sclerotome?
  18. What is the foramen ovale?
  19. What is the fossa ovalis?
  20. What is the ductus arteriosus?
  21. What is the dectus venosus?
  22. Name and describe the different parts of the brain.
  23. What is the cerebral cortex?
  24. What is the neocortex?
  25. What is the allocortex?
  26. What is the diencephalon?
  27. What is thalamus?
  28. What are the basal ganglia?
  29. What do striatal lesions of the basal ganglia cause?
  30. What is the brainstem? Name and describe the different parts.
  31. What are CN nuclei?
  32. What is the choroid plexus? What does it produce?
  33. Name and describe all the meninges.
  34. What is a spinal tap? Describe the procedure.
  35. What is the neural tube? Name and describe the layers of the tube.
  36. What are the corticospinal tracts? Describe both the lateral and anterior tracts.
  37. What are the reticulospinal tracts? Describe both the pontine and medullary tracts.
  38. What are neurons? Which ones run through the spine?
  39. What are motor neurons?
  40. How do the different neurons send information?
  41. What is the tectospinal tract?
  42. What is the rubrospinal tract?
  43. What is the vestibulospinal tract?
  44. What is the lateral spinothalamic tract?
  45. What is the syringomyelia?
  46. What are the dorsal columns and what are their function?
  47. What is the femoral nerve?
  48. What is the obturator nerve?
  49. Compare and contrast postganglionic and preganglionic sympathetic axons.
  50. Name and describe the deep muscles of the back.
  51. Name and describe the different branchial arches.
  52. What muscle(s) make up the neck?
  53. What is the sciatic nerve?
  54. Compare and contract spinal and cranial roots.
  55. What is the ilioinguinal nerve?
  56. What is the genitofemoral nerve?
  57. What is the iliohypogastric nerve?
  58. Compare and contrast dorsal and ventral nerve roots.
  59. What is the lumbar region?
  60. What is the umbilical vein? Umbilical arteries?

297(44)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Bank Teller…..responsible for handling customer financial transactions like deposits, withdrawals, transfers, money orders, and checking….know the ins and outs of the bank’s systems and policies….asked to promote the bank’s services, like a special savings account or an additional checking account to customers.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a bank teller and what is the full scope of their duties?
  2. What is the difference between a bank card and a credit card?
  3. What is a loan?
  4. What is debt?
  5. What are checks?
  6. What are transit checks?
  7. What does it mean when a check bounces?
  8. What is a cashier’s check?
  9. What is the difference between a checking account and a savings account?
  10. What is the difference between the top and bottom drawers?
  11. When a customer is making a cash deposit, how many times do you need to count the cash and when?
  12. What is force balancing?
  13. What identification does a customer need to show when interacting with you?
  14. What would a non-customer need to show when interacting with you?
  15. What is On-us check cashing?
  16. What is an override?
  17. What is the difference between primary and secondary identification?
  18. What is a POD?
  19. What is a COO?
  20. What is proof work and how do you organize it?
  21. What is a money order?
  22. What is a savings bond?
  23. What is a notary and how do you become one?
  24. Name and describe the different types of endorsements. (i.e. restrictive)
  25. Describe the difference between making a deposit and making a withdrawal.
  26. What is a SAR? Name an example for when you would have to fill out a SAR.
  27. What is a CTR?
  28. What does it mean when your account has been overdrafted?
  29. What happens when there is suspected CC fraud on an account?
  30. Name at least two examples when you would have to put a hold on a clients’ CC.
  31. Name at least two examples when you would have to put a hold on a clients’ bank account.
  32. How many pennies are in a roll? Dimes? Nickles? Quarters?
  33. Would you accept a mutilated coin?
  34. What is banking integration?
  35. What is banking placement?
  36. What is banking layering?
  37. What is bait money?
  38. How should you organize your bills in the cash drawer?
  39. How should you organize the proof work when you have a: check, cash-out ticket, and a deposit ticket? Why?

298(45)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Cosmetologist…..should have a wide range of skills in beauty services, good communication skills, and the ability to advise clients on suitable hairstyles, nail colors, and skin care regimes….should also have the retail skills necessary to sell other beauty services and products.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a cosmetologist? Name and describe the different sub fields of cosmetology.
  2. What is shampoo? Conditioner? Petroleum Cream? A stabilizer?
  3. What are the steps to take when shampooing a client’s hair? What precautions do you have to take?
  4. What is a foot spa and how often should it be cleaned?
  5. What is a disinfectant? What if you added water to a disinfectant?
  6. What are ethics? What do they state?
  7. What is communication?
  8. Name at least three different ways one might prepare if they wanted to be a salon manager.
  9. Name and describe the different layers of the epidermis.
  10. What might a dermatologist inject into your skin to increase its strength? How does it work?
  11. How many cranial bones do humans have?
  12. What is the process of sterilization?
  13. Name and describe the different levels of decontamination? Give an example for each level.
  14. Name and describe the steps in the hand washing process. What type of precaution is this?
  15. Name and describe the different parts of the hair. What are their responsibilities?
  16. What is chemical wave solution? Which part of the hair is this solution absorbed the fastest?
  17. What is keratin? What on our bodies is made from keratin?
  18. What is keratinization?
  19. What is androgenetic alopecia?
  20. What FDA approved product might a woman use to treat hair loss? How might it work?
  21. What are split ends?
  22. What is hair color solution? How does it work? Describe the process.
  23. What is under-processing? What causes this?
  24. Name all the different types of facial shapes. What hairstyles look best with each shape?
  25. Why should you add height to the crown if a client has a round facial shape?
  26. What are the levels of hair color?
  27. What is a permanent? Why would you not be able to give a client a perm?
  28. Name and describe the types of permanents.
  29. What is chemical relaxer?
  30. Compare and contrast warm vs. cool hair colors.
  31. What is hair lightening? What is the process?
  32. Name and describe the different ways you can lighten hair.
  33. What is nail polish? How should it be applied?
  34. What does it mean when a haircut has a constant elevation of 90 degrees? What will this result in?
  35. What is hydrogen? Salt? Disulfide? Which of these has a bond that individually, is very weak?
  36. How do you perform a manicure? Pedicure? (note: make sure you state what direction to file the nail)
  37. What are hot oil manicures?
  38. What are sebaceous glands? Where are they not found on the skin?
  39. What is a “no base” relaxer? What precaution should you always do when using this?
  40. What are lice? How do you get rid of them? Can we safely get rid of lice in a salon?
  41. What is waving lotion? What are the steps to applying this? What are some precautions you need to take when using this?
  42. What is the PH scale?
  43. What is a sodium hydroxide relaxer? What is its PH range?
  44. What is porosity? How do you check hair to see if it has porosity?
  45. What is fragility? How do you check hair to see if it has fragility?
  46. What is elasticity? How do you check hair to see if it has elasticity?
  47. What is density? How do you check hair to see if it has density?
  48. What is a towel/neck strip? What is its purpose?
  49. What is trichology?
  50. What is the lunula? Cuticle?
  51. Name and describe the different parts of the nail bed.
  52. What is an ingrown nail? Paronychia? Melanonychia?
  53. What is Seborrhea? Sebum?
  54. What is thermal waving?
  55. What percent of its length does wet hair stretch to?
  56. What rules and precautions should you use when using a razor for hair cutting?
  57. What is texturizing?
  58. What are pterygiums? Agnails?
  59. What is leucoychia?
  60. What is finger waving? Why is it important for stylists to learn this technique?
  61. What are end papers? What are their purpose?
  62. Name some manicuring implements. How often should they be cleaned?
  63. What is backcombing?
  64. What is dandruff? What is the medical term for dandruff? How do you get rid of dandruff?
  65. What is myology? Why is this important to know for you to be a cosmetologist?
  66. In massage terms, what is friction? Percussion? Petrissage? Effleurage?
  67. What is the headache movement? How is it performed?
  68. Describe (and possibly name) the different shapes of the eyebrow. Which shape is the most natural and attractive?
  69. Name and describe the types of elevation.
  70. Describe the best posture your body needs to be in when sitting in a chair.
  71. What is a predisposition test? Why are cosmetologists legally required by Federal law to perform this before any color treatment?
  72. What is the Material Safety Data Sheet? What will this sheet for a disinfectant tell you?
  73. What is hot wax? How should you test the temperature of the wax before using it on a client?
  74. What is face powder? Name at least three purposes face powder has.

299(46)-MAJOR SUBJECT….What is an Audiologist…diagnose, manage, and treat a patient’s hearing, balance, or ear problems….work in healthcare facilities, such as physicians’ offices, audiology clinics, and hospitals.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is audiology?
  2. When did audiology begin? What professions did audiology develop from?
  3. What is an audiologist? What is the full scope of their duties?
  4. What is sound? How does it travel?
  5. How does temperature and humidity effect sound? How does water effect sound?
  6. Name and describe the different parts of the inner ear.
  7. Name and describe the different parts of the middle ear.
  8. Name and describe the different parts of the outer ear.
  9. Name and describe the different parts of the brain.
  10. How does your brain process sound?
  11. What is the auditory nerve?
  12. How do audiologists check your hearing? Describe the test.
  13. What is impedance?
  14. What is resistance?
  15. What is static admittance? What is the normal static admittance?
  16. What is otosclerosis?
  17. What is ossicular discontinuity?
  18. What is the MEP for otosclerosis? Ossicular discontinuity?
  19. What is cochlear pathology?
  20. What is retrocochlear pathology?
  21. What is SRS? What is the SRS for cochlear pathology?
  22. What is an ART? SRT? ABR? Reflex Decay?
  23. True or false: If SA: 1.8 MEP: more positive than -100 ECV: 2.4, than this is ossicular chain discontinuity. Explain.
  24. True or false: If SA: no response MEP: no response ECV: 0.4, than this is an impacted cerumen. Explain.
  25. What is a Stenger test? Will an honest person raise their hand during this test?
  26. What is an impacted cerumen?
  27. What is the probe tone method?
  28. What is noise-induced pathology?
  29. What is a vestibular schwannoma?
  30. What is meniere’s disease?
  31. What is ototoxicity? Can it be reversed?
  32. What is presbycusis?
  33. What is SAT or SDT?
  34. Name at least three different ways you can prevent hearing loss.
  35. What is the noise reduction ratings?
  36. What is occupational nose exposure?
  37. Compare and contrast afferent fibers vs efferent fibers.
  38. Compare and contrast infrasound vs ultrasound.
  39. Compare and contrast bone conduction vs air conduction.
  40. Compare and contrast conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss.
  41. Compare and contrast habilitation and aural rehabilitation.
  42. Name and describe the two professional documents that govern the practice of audiology.

300(47)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Teacher…is responsible for preparing lesson plans and educating students at all levels….duties include assigning homework, grading tests, and documenting progress….must be able to instruct in a variety of subjects and reach students with engaging lesson plans.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a teacher? What is the full scope of their responsibilities?
  2. Who is the principal? Superintendent? Guidance Counselor?
  3. Who is the Board of education? What do they do?
  4. Who is the PTA? What do they do?
  5. Name and describe the different rooms of a school.
  6. What is the strategy Reader’s Theater?
  7. What is the strategy Metacognition? Give at least five examples how you can use this teaching strategy.
  8. What is the strategy Repeated Reading?
  9. What is the strategy Visualization? Name at least three examples.
  10. What is the strategy Cooperative Learning? Name at least three examples.
  11. What is inquiry based instruction?
  12. What is the strategy Differentiation?
  13. Name some positive ways technology is used to help learning in the classroom.
  14. Name some negative ways technology is used in the classroom.
  15. What are active listening techniques? Name at least four examples.
  16. What is a lesson plan?
  17. What do you do with a student who was caught stealing?
  18. What do you do if you suspect a child is being bullied? What are some signs to look for?
  19. What are the procedures on how to handle a bully? What about how to help the victim?
  20. What are the procedures to follow when you suspect a student is being abused or neglected at home? What are some signs to look for?
  21. What are some examples of annoying classroom distractions? Name at least 5 ways you can prevent distractions.
  22. How can you help students who have trouble interacting with authority figures?
  23. How can you deal with a child who becomes argumentative upon confrontation?
  24. What types of steps can be followed to resolve a child’s constant misbehavior?
  25. How do you handle a student who constantly disrupts the class in order to gain the teacher’s attention?
  26. What do you do with a student who calls out answers or comments during class?
  27. How do you effectively handle a class clown?
  28. How do you handle a student who constantly demands your attention?
  29. What can you do about a student who fails to ask for help with matters they don’t fully understand in the curriculum or classroom in general?
  30. How do you handle students who frequently shift their attention and/or interests in class?
  31. What do you do with students who lack motivation, have a very negative attitude towards school, and come to class unprepared?
  32. What methods can be used to motivate students and increase their interest in learning?
  33. What do you do with students who show a lack of respect for adults, peers, their belongings, and the property of others?
  34. What can you do when you are confronted with students who are negative about rational requests and/or rules?
  35. What is the difference between learner-centered and curriculum-centered teachers?
  36. What are some great standards for good teaching?
  37. What are some advantages and disadvantages of textbooks?
  38. What is problem-solving? What are the three basic functions of problem-solving?
  39. What are AT devices? What are some examples of AT devices?
  40. What is a learning disability? Name a few examples.
  41. What signs will a learning disabled student show?
  42. What are gifted students? What are some characteristics of gifted students?
  43. What is the auditory-oral strategy? What is its purpose?
  44. What does it mean by having an inclusive classroom?

NOTE: There are different levels and subject matters you’ll need to know that are not listed within these questions. Depending on which grade level and which subject you want to teach is what you’ll need to study for the Praxis exam.

301(48)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is an Interior Designer…make interior spaces functional, safe, and beautiful by determining space requirements and selecting decorative items, such as colors, lighting, and materials….read blueprints and must be aware of building codes and inspection regulations.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is an interior designer? What is the full scope of their responsibilities?
  2. What is a contract? Name some examples of what could be in a contract.
  3. What is a blue print?
  4. What is lattice?
  5. What is furring?
  6. What is drywall?
  7. What is a dB decibel the measurement for? Why is this important in interior designing?
  8. What is a STC Rating?
  9. Why are surface materials the most important consideration when considering acoustical design considerations?
  10. What is a stud? Jack studs?
  11. What is a beam? A Lintel?
  12. What is a prequalification of bidders?
  13. What are bid openings? Who else typically attends these besides the interior designer?
  14. What are liens?
  15. What is a labor and material bond?
  16. If the bids of qualified contractors on a project are opened and they are all over budget, what should the designer do? For your answer, name some examples of what might you can do.
  17. What is an allowance?
  18. What is an impact assessment? Life cycle assessment?
  19. What is a matrix comparison chart?
  20. What is LEED certification? Name and describe the different levels.
  21. What is a mullion? A Jamb? Flashing? A muntin?
  22. What is the minimum allowable thickness for a concrete slab when supported directly by the ground? How do you prepare it?
  23. What is thin set installation?
  24. What are exits? Name some examples of what they may include. (i.e. ramps)
  25. What is a psychrometer?
  26. What is a ballast? An electrical ballast?
  27. What are foot lamberts?
  28. What are Lever Handle-Pressure Balanced Control Valves? How can they help someone who has arthritis?
  29. A woman is wanting to redesign her restaurant to make it more environmentally friendly. What type of suggestions could you make?
  30. Draw a potential design from question #29.

302(49)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Electrician….works on electrical equipment and in homes, factories, businesses and buildings, both existing and under construction, to install, repair and maintain power, lighting, communications and control systems.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is an electrician and what is the full scope of their responsibilities?
  2. What is a service disconnect?
  3. What is a knife blade switch? Is it a service disconnect?
  4. What is a fuse block? Is it a service disconnect?
  5. What is a circuit breaker? Is it a service disconnect?
  6. What is a bus bar? Is it a service disconnect?
  7. What is a fuse? Conduit? A fuse box?
  8. What is a power outlet? Socket? Fittings?
  9. Name and describe the different parts and functions of a power outlet.
  10. What are some common rules you need to follow with outlets? (i.e. not overload the outlet)
  11. What material doesn’t conduct electricity? How is this possible?
  12. Compare and contract conductors and insulators.
  13. What is a disconnect switch?
  14. What is AWG?
  15. What is current carrying capacity?
  16. What is an overcurrent protection device?
  17. Compare and contrast a panel board and a distribution board.
  18. What is a ground fault circuit interrupter? Where would this most likely be installed in a home?
  19. Compare and contrast open, closed, and short circuits.
  20. Compare and contrast single and three phase.
  21. Compare direct and alternating current.
  22. What is Coulomb’s law?
  23. What is Kirchhoff’s law?
  24. What is Ohm’s law?
  25. What are volts? Watts?
  26. Compare and contrast Electron theory and Conventional theory.
  27. What will not affect the resistance of a circuit? How is that possible?
  28. Name and describe at least 5 sources of electricity.
  29. What is a DC circuit? What is a series circuit? How can a DC circuit become a series circuit?
  30. What is a parallel circuit?
  31. What is a voltmeter?
  32. Compare and contrast THHN, THWN, and XHHW.
  33. What is an ampere? kVA? VA?
  34. What is a junction box?
  35. What is splicing? How do you splice conductors?
  36. Compare and contrast regular and LED lighting.
  37. What is a luminaire? How is this different than a light fixture?
  38. What is a service drop conductor? Service meter? Breaker panel?
  39. What is the National Electrical Code (NEC)? What does the NEC regulations say to this: how many feet does an eye-bolt need to be installed above a finished grade if a galvanized eye-bolt is to be used as the point of attachment for an electrical service?
  40. What is electrical continuity? What is the continuity test?
  41. What is required for a metallic conduit? Why?
  42. What is solar PV? How does it work?

303(50)-MAJOR SUBJECT….What is a Podiatrist…provide medical and surgical care for people with foot, ankle, and lower leg problems…diagnose illnesses, treat injuries, and perform surgery involving the lower extremities.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a podiatrist and what is the full scope of their responsibilities?
  2. Name and describe the different bones in the feet and ankles.
  3. Name and describe the different muscles in the feet and ankles.
  4. What is Candida Albicans Infection? Which medication(s) would you use to treat this? How does the drug work?
  5. What are NSAIDs? What are the possible side effects?
  6. What are ACE inhibitors?
  7. What is the Plantar? Dorsal? Proximal? Distal?
  8. What is the peritoneal nerve?
  9. Where are the anterior and lateral landmarks?
  10. Name and describe the three body planes.
  11. What does it mean to be flat footed? What are the associated symptoms with this?
  12. What is an Evans procedure?
  13. What is the fixated technique? Describe the difference between using a screw vs a locking plate.
  14. What does a bone need to heal? What is the most important factor for healing?
  15. What is mechanical stabilization?
  16. What is a bone graft? Name and describe the three types of bone grafts.
  17. Compare and contrast osteoconduction and osteoinduction.
  18. What is osteogenesis? Osteostimulation?
  19. What is a bunion? What is the associated complications?
  20. Describe the difference between HA and IA.
  21. What are orthotics?
  22. What are MTP joints?
  23. What is the Rhomberg’s test?
  24. What does it mean to be B12 deficient?
  25. Describe the five zones of injuries.
  26. What is a laceration? What is recommended in how you close a laceration?
  27. Compare and contrast external and internal fixation.
  28. What is Plavix?
  29. Compare and contrast the Anderson and Gustilo classifications.
  30. Compare and contrast bone pain and post-static pain.
  31. What are navicular fractures? Why are they so troublesome?

304(51)-MAJOR SUBJECT….What is a Professional Truck Driver…transport finished goods and raw materials over land to and from manufacturing plants or retail and distribution centers…inspecting vehicles for mechanical items and safety issues and perform preventative maintenance….planning routes and meeting delivery schedules

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a truck driver and what is the full scope of their responsibilities?
  2. Name and describe the different parts of a truck.
  3. What type of license will you need to obtain? What class?
  4. What are escape ramps?
  5. What is hydroplaning? When does it typically occur?
  6. What are air storage tanks?
  7. What is an anti-lock braking system? What happens when only the tractor is equipped with ABS?
  8. How is the parking brake released?
  9. What happens if the brakes become too hot?
  10. What do you need to do after starting a trip while transporting cargo? (i.e. do you need to inspect the cargo?)
  11. What is jackknifing?
  12. How is gravity effected with any upgrade? How does this happen?
  13. What are power steering hoses?
  14. What should you look for in a pre-trip inspection? Post-trip?
  15. What are some causes of deaths and injuries in work zones? What’s the number one reason?
  16. What is black ice?
  17. What is everything a vehicle needs to be equipped with?
  18. What is the suspension system?
  19. What happens to your vehicle when you overload it with cargo?
  20. What is a dual air brake system?
  21. What should you do to prevent your tires and engine from overheating in hot weather?
  22. What could it possibly mean when a driver has the window down in cold weather?
  23. How can you maintain alertness while driving?
  24. Name a few ways to avoid glare at night from oncoming vehicles.
  25. What occurs for a fatigued driver?
  26. What are air tank drains?
  27. What is going on when your low air pressure warning light comes on?
  28. Which type of gas should be used in your vehicle? Why?
  29. What is the problem with the side mirrors and oncoming traffic?
  30. What should occur when you have a wide load?
  31. What is the exhaust system?
  32. What are the rules to follow when you have to transport cargo?
  33. What can effect your stopping distance?
  34. What is the safety valve? What psi is the valve set to open?
  35. When traveling down a steep grade, when should you switch into a lower gear? Why?
  36. What is the coolant temperature gauge?

305(52)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is an Auto Mechanic…maintains service operations by inspecting and maintaining vehicles

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is an auto mechanic and what is the full scope of their responsibilities?
  2. What are brake pads? How do you change them?
  3. What are drum brakes? Disc brakes?
  4. What is the caliper? Lugs? Water pump? Thermostat?
  5. What is the radiator? Why is it important to make sure the radiator has enough coolant?
  6. What could be wrong if a low mileage vehicle is running hot?
  7. What could be wrong if a car is pulling to one side as it drives? Which common problem would you check first and why?
  8. How do you change the oil?
  9. How do you change a tire?
  10. How do you rotate tires? Why do you need to do this?
  11. What is an oil drain plug? How do you replace it?
  12. What are spark plugs? In what order should you replace them?
  13. What is the fuel tank? How do you replace it?
  14. What is the transmission? What are some common problems and their solutions to transmission issues?
  15. What is the insulation? Gears? Fuel lines? Engine?
  16. How do you flush the radiator?
  17. Why might an engine be misfiring? Why might an engine be hesitating?
  18. What is an air filter? How do you replace it?
  19. What is the exhaust system? If black smoke is mixed in with the exhaust, what might be the problem?
  20. What if a vehicle comes in with gray or blue smoke in the exhaust?
  21. What are the ignition wires? Fuel filter?
  22. What does it mean when your engine is knocking? What is most likely the cause?
  23. What is a timing belt? How do you know when to change it?
  24. What might be the reason why a brake pedal has to go down too far to stop?
  25. What fuse types would you expect a car made before 1980 to have? What about after 1980? Why?
  26. What is the cooling system?
  27. What are some reasons a car will not start? Which one is the most common?
  28. What is the difference between a 4 cylinder and a 6 cylinder engine?
  29. What might be the reason an engine has recently been using a lot of oil and the coolant is foamy and brown?
  30. Where on the transmission might a leak start occurring?
  31. What might be the issue if a vehicle is having trouble steering?
  32. What are some reasons the Check Engine Light might come on?
  33. Compare and contrast front and rear wheel drive.
  34. How do you clamp a boot/CV joint?
  35. What is the open circuit voltage (OCV) test?
  36. What is the starter motor? Why would it make a whining sound?
  37. What is a halogen bulb? Why should you never touch the tip?
  38. What is the compressor drive belt? What would cause it to get edge wear?
  39. What would create a flapping sound near the front of an engine? How?

306(53)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Pharmacy Technician…work with pharmacists to help prepare and give out prescription medication….they take prescriptions over the phone and in person, work with health professionals and customers, help mix medicines, count pills, measure medication, label and give instructions for medicine, and help take payments

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a pharmacy technician and what is the full scope of their duties?
  2. What is a pharmacist? Pharmacologist?
  3. What is the meaning of Pharmac-? Where did it originate?
  4. Compare and contrast name brand and generic drugs.
  5. Compare and contrast prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
  6. What is the dosage, strength, and route of administration of a drug?
  7. What are side effects? Give at least 10 examples of common possible side effects?
  8. What is tolerance? Cross-tolerance? Abuse? How do these occur?
  9. How can certain foods alter the effectiveness of a drug?
  10. What is a drug-disease interaction?
  11. What is laboratory testing? Name at least two types of test that could be performed. Why do we need to do this?
  12. What is a drug’s indication? Could a drug be used off-label? How?
  13. What is a drug’s contraindication? How does this occur?
  14. Why might a drug be illegal?
  15. What are some benefits and risks of vitamin supplements?
  16. What are some benefits and risks of mineral supplements?
  17. What are some benefits and risks of dietary supplements?
  18. What are some benefits and risks of herbal substances?
  19. Describe the difference between calculating dosages for solids vs liquids.
  20. How could you administer a drug? Is there a perfect way to administer a medication?
  21. Name and describe some influences a medication could be effected in its action and effectiveness.
  22. Compare and contrast sterile and non-sterile compounding processes.
  23. How do you properly dispose of drugs and materials?
  24. Name and describe some infection control techniques.
  25. What is the United States Pharmacopeia?
  26. What is a Master Formulation Record? Compound Record?
  27. How do you refill a prescription?
  28. What is required to be on the label of the prescription?
  29. Name and describe the four main types of packaging for prescriptions. Why is the proper packaging important?
  30. What is the dispensing process? Name and describe the steps of the dispensing process.
  31. How do you properly store and handle medication?
  32. Who is OSHA? The CDC?
  33. What are Material Safety Data Sheets? Why are they important?
  34. What is an exposure incident? What are the proper steps to take after an exposure incident?
  35. What are blood borne pathogens? What are Exposure Control Plans?
  36. What are state pharmacy laws? Name and describe some examples that need to be followed.
  37. What is the Board of Pharmacy? What is the Joint Commission?
  38. What is OBRA ’90?
  39. What is Medicare? Medicaid?
  40. What is HIPAA? Why is this important?
  41. What is HITECH?
  42. What are controlled substances?
  43. Who is the DEA? What do they require?
  44. What is the DEA Form 222? What is the DEA registered reverse distributor?
  45. How do you properly dispose of expired, returned, and recalled drugs?
  46. What is the DEA number? Why is it important?
  47. Who is the FDA? What is the FDA recall system?
  48. What is medication reconciliation? What are the steps?
  49. What is medication adherence? How can SIMPLE help improve the rates of adherence?
  50. What are DURs?
  51. What are adverse drug effects (ADEs)?
  52. What are LASA drugs?
  53. What is a high alert medication?
  54. What are anticoagulants? Insulin? Narcotics? Sedatives?
  55. What are medication errors? How do they occur?
  56. What is a trailing zero? What is a leading decimal? How are these potentially dangerous for pharmacists?
  57. What is tall man lettering? How can they help with medication errors?
  58. What are quality assurance programs?
  59. What are national drug code numbers?
  60. What is stock rotation?
  61. What is risk management? What are some examples?
  62. Describe the pharmacist-patient relationship? What can you do to upkeep communication and a good relationship with a patient?
  63. What is productivity? Efficiency? How can you improve both of these?
  64. What is the Connect and Care model?
  65. What is the preferred drug list?
  66. What is the Medicaid Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee?
  67. What is the Department of Health and Human Resources?
  68. What is drug safety? Drug efficacy?
  69. What is the 340B drug program?
  70. What is the pharmacy information system?
  71. What is e-prescribing? A digital signature? What is the EDI?
  72. What is a drug database?
  73. What is the orange book?
  74. What is a drug patent? Drug exclusivity?
  75. What is a HMO plan? Who is the PCP?
  76. What is a premium? Deductible? Copay? Out of pocket maximum?
  77. What is PPO? Compare and contrast the difference between being in-network and out-of-network.
  78. Compare and contrast individual health insurance and group health insurance. Is one better than the other one?
  79. What is Obamacare?
  80. What is the coordination of benefits? Compare and contrast primary and excess carrier. What is the birthday rule?
  81. What are third party organizations? Name at least five examples and their descriptions.
  82. What is MACRA? Drug pricing? Shifting payment models?
  83. Who are the PTCB? What is the PTCE test?

307(54)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is an AC Repairman…work in industrial, commercial and residential settings installing, repairing and maintaining HVAC systems

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is an AC repairman and what is the full scope of their responsibilities?
  2. What are cold air returns? Where are two locations that a cold air return should be installed?
  3. What are the three laws of thermodynamics?
  4. Compare and contrast sensible and latent heat.
  5. What is a BTU?
  6. What is an evaporator? Condenser?
  7. What is an air conditioning system?
  8. What is a refrigeration system?
  9. What is a sealed system?
  10. What is a compressor? Name and describe 4 types of compressors.
  11. What is Fahrenheit? What is Celsius? How do you change Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa?
  12. What is conduction? Convection? Radiation?
  13. What is ice? Where does it exert pressure?
  14. What is pressure? How is it measured?
  15. What is atmospheric pressure?
  16. What is vaporization? How can it be increased?
  17. What is impedance? What is its symbol?
  18. Compare and contrast the principles of electrical and refrigeration theories.
  19. What is the safety ground conductor for the AC unit? What color is it?
  20. What is a sling psychrometer? What does it measure? How?
  21. What is a compression ratio (pumping ratio)?
  22. What is a thermal expansion valve? What will it cause if the valve is stuck wide open?
  23. Compare and contrast a heat pump and an air conditioner. What is the main difference?
  24. What is an outdoor ambient thermostat? What does it control?
  25. What factors should be considered when installing an outdoor unit?
  26. What are access panels? What is the minimum clearance for access panels on an outdoor condensing unit?
  27. What is natural gas? What is its primary composition?
  28. What is the electric heat element? What is it usually made of and why?
  29. What is a resistive load? Name at least one example.
  30. What is energy management?
  31. What is a carbon footprint?
  32. What is R-407C?
  33. What are POE oils? If you store them in plastic containers, what will happen to the oils?
  34. What can an oversized heating and cooling system cause?

308(55)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Journalist…gather information, write news pieces, and present the news in an honest and balanced manner…investigating and reporting on current events…work on articles and features that update and influence public opinion

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a journalist and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is journalism?
  3. What is a paraphrase? Write out an example.
  4. Compare and contrast hard and soft news.
  5. What are the seven types of leads? Name and describe them.
  6. What is a profile story? What kind of lead does it have?
  7. What is a feature story?
  8. What is a partial quote? Write out an example.
  9. What is a direct quote? Write out an example.
  10. What is a source? Name/describe at least two different sources you can have.
  11. What is a reporter? What is attribution?
  12. What is it meant by balance in a news story? Write out an example.
  13. What makes a story “newsworthy”?
  14. How does a reporter balance a story?
  15. What is a review? Write out an example. What must you write out in a review to show that you are an expert?
  16. What are shield laws?
  17. What are libel laws?
  18. What is an editorial? Why is it important to quote sources in an editorial?
  19. What are the 5 W’s and 1 H?
  20. What is an orphan quote? Cutline?
  21. What is the first amendment? What does it state?
  22. What are sunshine laws?
  23. What was the 1735 trial of John Peter Zenger? What was the legal significance for the practice of journalism?
  24. Who is Edward R. Murrow? What was his contribution to journalism?
  25. Who is Frederick Douglass? What was his contribution to the development of the American press?
  26. In an authoritarian society, what are at least three traditional roles of the official press?
  27. What are some examples of how the medium affects the interpretation of the information reported?
  28. What is the significance of the Supreme Court case Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeier?
  29. What are irrelevant details? Write out at least three examples.
  30. What are some important ways that business interests influence the content of television news? What are some negative ways?

309(56)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Home Health Aide…enables patients to stay in their homes by monitoring and recording patient condition, providing support and personal services, and teaching families…monitors patient condition by observing physical and mental condition, intake and output, and exercise

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a home health aide and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is a bed bath? How often should the water be changed when giving a bed bath?
  3. What are bed sores? What can be used in the prevention and treatment of bedsores (pressure sores/ulcers)?
  4. What are proper feeding techniques?
  5. What is an anti-embolism stocking? What would you assess if a client was wearing one of these?
  6. When performing any health skills on a client, what is always important to do? Why?
  7. What is dehydration? What are the signs and symptoms?
  8. How can you help an elderly client practice good skin care?
  9. How can you take a client’s pulse? How long should you take it?
  10. What is dementia? If a client with dementia becomes agitated, what would be helpful to do?
  11. What is diabetes? If you want to give foot care to a client with diabetes, what are some things you should NOT do for the client?
  12. What is a UTI? What are the signs and symptoms?
  13. What should you do if a client complains of intense chest pain that goes down the arm? What might be happening? How do you know?
  14. What is a normal blood pressure reading?
  15. What are urinary leg bags?
  16. Name and describe the three types of burns. What can you do for a client who got a minor burn as an emergency procedure?
  17. What should you keep in mind when helping a client in and out of a wheelchair? How should you help them in and out of a wheelchair?
  18. What are the different ways you can take someone’s temperature? What are the normal degrees for each area taken? How long should you wait to take an oral temperature if the client has been drinking fluids?
  19. What is urine? What is the correct measurement of urinary output?
  20. What are some examples of stressful situations for an elderly patient (elderly couple)? (I.E. moving to a retirement home)
  21. How should you handle a client who is frustrated, upset, and raising their voice in complaint? What should you not do?
  22. What is anxiety? How do you deal/help a client who is anxious?
  23. What should you do if you notice a change in a client’s mental condition?
  24. What is depression? What are the signs/symptoms?
  25. How can you help a client who just found out about a death in the family?
  26. How can you care for a dying client?
  27. What is communication? What are some great ways to communicate with your clients? What are some horrible ways?
  28. What should you do if a client expresses certain religious beliefs that you as a HHA don’t agree with?
  29. What should you do if your client makes a sexual statement/comment that catches you off guard?
  30. What are the five senses? In what order does a dying client begin to lose these?
  31. What should you do if a client is trying to tell you something that doesn’t make any sense?
  32. What should you do for a client who is hard of hearing and refuses to wear a hearing aide?
  33. What should you do if a client, co-worker, or caregiver makes you angry?
  34. What should you do if a client’s family wants to tip you for the work you’ve done?
  35. What is coercion? Neglect? Abuse? Give examples of each.
  36. What is assault? Battery? Slander? Libel?
  37. What should you do if a co-worker is sexually abusing a client? If you choose to ignore it, what are you guilty of?
  38. What is fire? How does it start? What are the different types?
  39. What is a fire extinguisher? Name the different types of extinguishers and which types of fire they put out.
  40. How do you perform the Heimlich maneuver? CPR?
  41. How can you practice safety in the kitchen?
  42. What are some proper safety techniques when ambulating a client?
  43. What are some safety precautions when a client is receiving oxygen through a nasal tube?
  44. How do you properly wash your hands?
  45. What is the most important number to call in an emergency? Why?
  46. If you arrive at a client’s home who lives alone and not only do they not answer when you knock, but the door is locked, what should you do?

310(57)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Plumber…installs, maintains, and repairs pipes and fixtures associated with heating, cooling, water distribution, and sanitation systems in residential and commercial structures….fixes domestic appliances, such as dishwashers and gas cookers…inspects drainage and other plumbing systems for compliance with local and national regulations

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a plumber and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is the plumbing permit? What information is needed in order to apply for a permit? A replacement of what requires a plumbing permit?
  3. In order to get licensed, who do you have to go through?
  4. What is the DWV system? How do you check it for leaks?
  5. What are pipes? What types of markings will pipes have being used in plumbing applications?
  6. What is a toilet? What is a handicap toilet? What is the likely height of a handicap toilet?
  7. What is a backflow preventer? How often do you need to inspect the backflow prevention device?
  8. Compare and contrast dimensional lumber trusses and engineered trusses.
  9. What are mechanical joints? Can they join materials of different types?
  10. What is a sanitary drainage system?
  11. What is the indirect waste line? What is the best method to connect this to the sanitary drainage system?
  12. What is gray water? What can it be used for?
  13. What is a combination waste and vent system? What fixtures can be served by this type of system?
  14. What is a horizontal branch? What is the maximum number of fixtures that can be connected to a horizontal branch?
  15. What is the maximum distance that employees can be required to walk in order to reach a restroom? Why?
  16. What is the Critical Level?
  17. What is a certificate of occupancy?
  18. What is discharge tubing? Relief valve? Indirect waste receptor?
  19. What is a dishwasher? What is the maximum degree of heat that can be used by a commercial dishwasher?
  20. What is a cleanout? Trap arms? P-traps? Flexible water connections?
  21. What is a water heater? Hose bibs? Sill cocks? Vacuum breakers?
  22. What is a vent? Name and describe the purpose of the different types of vents.
  23. What is GPM? What is a sewer pump?
  24. What is a Med Gas System? Vacuum pumps?
  25. What is the brazing process? What is flux? When can flux only be used in the brazing process?
  26. What is a storage tank? Is this the same as a collection reservoir? Why or why not?
  27. What is a water heater drip pan? What is the minimum depth thickness of the pan?
  28. What is a laundry chute? Can gas piping be installed in a laundry chute? Why?

311(58)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Dental Assistant…perform a variety of patient care, office, and laboratory duties, and often work chair-side as dentists examine and treat patients…hand instruments and materials to dentists and keep patients’ mouths dry and clear by using suction or other devices, and also sterilize and disinfect instruments and equipment, prepare trays of instruments for dental procedures, and instruct patients on postoperative and general oral health care.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a dental assistant and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is a dentist?
  3. What are teeth? How many are you born with?
  4. What is the permanent dentition? Name and describe the 32 different teeth.
  5. What are wisdom teeth? Why do you get them removed? How do you remove them?
  6. What are the Eye Teeth? Why are they called that?
  7. What are the four sections of the mouth? Name and describe them.
  8. How do you perform a root canal?
  9. What are lips? Gums (gingiva)? Tongue?
  10. What is the frenum? Hard palate? Pterygoid process?
  11. What is gingivitis?
  12. How do you properly brush your teeth? How many times a day should you brush your teeth?
  13. How often should you go see a dentist? How often should a patient be asked to update their medical and dental history?
  14. What is a clinical examination form?
  15. What vital signs would be a cause for concern during dental treatment? Why?
  16. What is the universal numbering system?
  17. How should the assistant be positioned in a four-handed dentistry procedure?
  18. What is the Operator’s zone? Transfer zone? Assistant’s zone? Static zone?
  19. What is a hatchet? Chisel? Excavator? Gingival trimmer?
  20. What is a burnisher?
  21. What are anesthetics? Name and describe the different anesthetics dentists use.
  22. How do you extract a tooth?
  23. What is an incision and drainage procedure?
  24. What is amalgam? How do you perform an amalgam restoration procedure?
  25. What is a condenser? Carver? Diamond Bur?
  26. What is enamel? Can it be replaced or do you lose it forever?
  27. What are veneers? What types of dental problems do veneers correct?
  28. What is a bevel instrument? High speed handpiece? Ultrasonic handpiece?
  29. What is an air abrasion handpiece? Sealants?
  30. How do you remove external stains on teeth as a dentist?
  31. How do you take a mandibular preliminary impression?
  32. What is a biohazard bag? Wide-Blade spatula? Polycarboxylate? Alginate measure scoop?
  33. Compare and contrast exfoliation of teeth and eruption of teeth.
  34. What is tooth resorption?
  35. What is the temporomandibular joint?
  36. What tool are dental assistants not allowed to use? Why?
  37. What is a matrix band? Celluloid matrix strip?
  38. Name at least 5 different ways to help infection control.
  39. Name and describe the proximal surfaces of a tooth.
  40. What is sodium hypochlorite? Rubber dam? Gutta percha?
  41. Compare and contrast direct and indirect dental restoration.
  42. Name and describe the six cavity classifications.
  43. What is dental porcelain?
  44. What are the three main classifications of bites?
  45. What are the three main classifications of the face?
  46. What are intermediate restorations?
  47. What are whitening strips? Bleaching gel? Brush on whitening?
  48. What is a sulcus measurement? What measurement is considered normal during a periodontal probing?
  49. What are the different modes of disease transmissions?
  50. What is a latent infection? Acute infection? Chronic infection? Opportunistic infection?
  51. What is an oral yeast infection? What can cause this?
  52. What are the OSHA regulations for infection control?
  53. What are the CDC regulations for infection control?
  54. What is an exposure control plan?
  55. What is Universal Precautions?
  56. What are your PPEs in the dental office?
  57. What is general waste? Hazardous? Contaminated? Infectious?
  58. What is occlusal film? Cephalometric film?
  59. What is a panoramic x-ray? What are its main components?
  60. What is an electronic sensor? MRI sensor? FMX?
  61. What are bitewing x-rays? PA x-ray?
  62. What is digital radiography? Why does it require less radiation than traditional x-rays?
  63. What are dental bridges? Pontics?
  64. What is a CBCT?
  65. What is Rinn? EndoRay? Hemostat? Bite block?
  66. Compare and contrast primary and secondary radiation.

312(59)-MAJOR SUBJECT…..What is a Carpenter…jobs include examining blueprints and drawings, determining and estimating project materials and requirements, constructing and repairing building structures and frameworks, and demolishing metal and wooden structures and fixtures

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a carpenter and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is a smoothing plane? Jack plane? Trying plane? Plough plane?
  3. What is an offset screw driver? Phillips head? Ratchet? London pattern/heavy duty screw?
  4. What is a band saw machine? Which wheel on it is not adjustable?
  5. What is a band saw table?
  6. What is a marking gauge?
  7. What is a chisel? What is the cutting angle of the chisel?
  8. What is a ledged door? Name and describe the different parts of a ledged door.
  9. What are joist hangers?
  10. What is measuring tape? What’s the smallest measurement on the tape?
  11. What is a hammer? Which type of hammer is needed for trim work?
  12. What are plywood clips?
  13. What does excavate mean? How would you excavate a basement?
  14. What are the rules for laying out stairs?
  15. What is a drill? What is a wood auger bit?
  16. What is a saw blade? What is a kerf?
  17. What is the 6 8 10 method? What are four penny nails?
  18. What is a circular saw?
  19. What are subcontractors?
  20. Who is OSHA? If you see a tool is damaged, what does OSHA recommend you do?
  21. What are blueprints? Contour lines? Reference lines? Grid lines?
  22. What is a steel square? Chalk line? Level? Straight edge?
  23. What is a plumb? What’s the difference between this, a level, and a square?
  24. What is a foundation plan? A floor plan? Structural plan? Elevation view?
  25. What is a plumb bob? Can you use this to check walls for plumb?
  26. What is an anchor bolt? Top plates? Bottom plate?
  27. What is a wall stud? Roof sheathing? Wall sheathing? Fascia board?
  28. What is a footer? The foundation? Truss?

313(60)-MAJOR SUBJECT….What is a Welder…takes various metal components and uses intense heat to fuse them together to form a final product

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a welder and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is arc welding? What are the different types?
  3. What are the potential hazards related to arc welding?
  4. What is an electrode rod? What is the major function of the coating on an arc welding electrode?
  5. What is a square wave? Shielding gasses?
  6. What is weld backing? Specific gravity?
  7. What is a carbon component? How much carbon component is in a medium carbon steel?
  8. What is a liquid weld pool? At what temperature will it begin to solidify?
  9. What is porosity? Undercut? Arc strikes?
  10. What is underfill? Craters? Cracks?
  11. What is incomplete penetration? What are the three ways this is found in?
  12. What is incomplete fusion? Nucleation? Fisheye?
  13. What is a WPQR?
  14. What is oscillation? Whipping?
  15. What is weaving? How does this compare to welding beads?
  16. What is arc time?
  17. Compare and contrast back and backing welds.
  18. What are NDE processes? Name and describe some different types.
  19. What is penetrant testing?
  20. What is a welder continuity report?
  21. Who is the AWS? What are some of their standards?
  22. What are the recommended apparel around welder operations? Why?
  23. What is the oxygen scale?
  24. Name and describe the different types of flames.
  25. Name and describe the different types of burns.
  26. What is a hot work permit?
  27. What are acetylene cylinders? What are the precautions as to the use of these cylinders? (i.e. never using them while they are on their side)
  28. What are oxyacetylene torches?
  29. What is liquid oxygen? Liquid nitrogen?
  30. What are fuel gas hoses? Fuel gas fittings? Regulators?
  31. What is flash burn? How can you treat it?
  32. Why should you never use oil on gas cylinders, regulators, connections, and hoses?
  33. What is a striker? Confined space?
  34. What is a fire extinguisher? How do you operate one?
  35. Name and describe the different classes of fire extinguishers.
  36. What are vaporized metals? Name some examples.
  37. What are the welding lens shade numbers?

314(61)-MAJOR SUBJECT….What is a Massage Therapist…perform therapeutic massages of soft tissues and joints…may assist in the assessment of range of motion and muscle strength, or propose client therapy plans.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a massage therapist and what is the full range of duties and responsibilities they have?
  2. What is metabolism? What is the primary source for energy in metabolism?
  3. What is the integumentary system?
  4. What is the circulatory system?
  5. What is the muscular system?
  6. What is the gastrointestinal system?
  7. What is the nervous system?
  8. What is the immune system?
  9. What is the brachial plexus? Scapula? Scapular notch?
  10. What is the acromion process? Glenoid fossa? Subscapular process?
  11. What is myelin? Dendrites? Synapse?
  12. What are ribs? What are the floating ribs?
  13. What is torticollis? What are the primary muscles involved in this?
  14. What is a spasm? Radial carpal joint? Chronic parxysmal hemicrania?
  15. What is a migraine? Cluster headache? Tension headache?
  16. What is ROM? Name and describe the three types of ROM testing.
  17. What is whiplash? How can you get whiplash?
  18. What is a physical therapist?
  19. What is Adhesive capsulitis?
  20. What are the extensors? Flexors?
  21. Compare and contrast radial and ulnar deviators.
  22. What is the adson’s test? Babinski test? Bragard sign test?
  23. What is edema? Inflammation? Adhesions?
  24. What is pain? What types of pain can you have?
  25. What are essential (hot) oils you can use in your sessions? How do they work?
  26. What is muscle approximation? Lymphatic drainage?
  27. What is pressure point? Diaphragmatic breathing?
  28. Compare and contrast sub-acute and chronic stages of healing.
  29. What is effleurage? Rhythmic mobilization? Myofascial release? Cross-fiber friction?
  30. What are some examples of good business ethics?
  31. What are some examples of good customer service skills? Bad skills?
  32. What is a health history intake form? When is the information on this form not confidential?
  33. What is a treatment description? What are some purposes for this?
  34. What is HIPPA? What are some other client confidentiality laws?
  35. Name and describe the different parts of the upper respiratory system?
  36. What is the medullary cavity? Spongy bone? Bone marrow?
  37. Compare and contrast periosteum and endosteum.
  38. What is a mechanical force? What types of mechanical forces would cause a wound?
  39. What is a trigger point? How do you perform trigger point therapy?
  40. Name and describe the different parts of a bone.

315(62)-MAJOR SUBJECT….What is a Brick Mason…lay and bind building materials, such as brick, structural tile, concrete block, cinder block, glass block, and terra-cotta block, with mortar and other substances to construct or repair walls, partitions, arches, sewers, and other structures

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a brick mason and what are all the duties and responsibilities they perform?
  2. What are control joints? “Standard Hook”? Expansion joints?
  3. What is a masonry wall? What is the cleanout opening in a masonry wall?
  4. What are saw-cut prisms? What’s the minimum length in inches?
  5. What are movements? What are some examples that would cause movements?
  6. What is grout? How do you determine the compressive strength of grout? What is course grout?
  7. What is concrete masonry construction? Masonry assemblage?
  8. What is a CMU? How do you sample and test the CMU?
  9. What is the high lift grouting method? Low lift grouting method?
  10. How does temperature effect your work/materials? How would your work get effected if it was 25 degrees Fahrenheit outside?
  11. What is aggregate? Weather resistive membrane? Windbreaks?
  12. What are the differences between cement, concrete, and mortar?
  13. What is fog spray? Why would you use this during hot weather conditions?
  14. What is a lap splice? Compare and contrast contact and non-contact lap splices.
  15. What is the Cone Penetrometer Test? Dowels? The seven day test?
  16. What is the National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA)
  17. How can temperature effect your work?
  18. What is a vibrator? The ASTM C 476 rule? AAC masonry units?
  19. What are Category facilities? Empirically Designed Category facilities? Seismically Designed Category facilities?
  20. What are inspectors? When would they need to perform special inspections?
  21. What are inspection reports? What are typically on the reports?
  22. What is sand? Bed joint? Reinforcing steel?
  23. Compare and contrast load bearing and non-load bearing glass masonry units.
  24. What is an architect? Engineer? What should be reported to them?
  25. Who should discrepancies be reported to? Is this the same person that needs to be told if the discrepancies aren’t taken care of in a timely manner? If not, then who is?
  26. What are weepholes? The IBC? The Strength Design Method?
  27. What is stack bond masonry? Unit Strength Method?
  28. What are non-essential structures? Give at least five examples and explain why they are non-essential.

316(63)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is an Emergency Medical Technician…care for the sick or injured in emergency medical settings…respond to emergency calls, performing medical services and transporting patients to medical facilities.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is an EMT and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is a nasal cannula? What is its maximum flow rate?
  3. What is a nasogastric tube? A dual lumen airway? An endotracheal tube?
  4. Compare and contrast a rebreather and non-rebreather mask.
  5. What is oxygen therapy?
  6. Name and describe some simple airway opening maneuvers.
  7. What is a nebulizer? An aerochamber?
  8. What is a metered dose inhaler? Albuterol?
  9. Compare and contrast the upper and lower airways.
  10. What is a tongue? How does it obstruct the airway?
  11. What happens when you breathe?
  12. What are ventilatory techniques? Name and describe at least three examples.
  13. What is intubation? What is Sellick’s maneuver?
  14. What is COPD? Apnea?
  15. What is a SAMPLE history?
  16. What is an AED? Cardiac compromise? Angina?
  17. What is a heart attack? Ventricular fibrillation? Asystole?
  18. What is an acute myocardial infarction? Pulseless electrical activity? Minute ventilation?
  19. What is a normal heart rate? A pulse oximeter? Coronary heart disease?
  20. Name and describe the different parts of the heart.
  21. What is the cardiovascular system? Name and describe the three main parts.
  22. What is blood? What is it made out of? What are the functions for each part?
  23. What is edema? Myoglobin? Plaque? Aortic dissection?
  24. Name and describe all the ways you can take a person’s pulse.
  25. What is gastrointestinal reflux disease? Acute gastroenteritis? Chronic CHF?
  26. What is a MVA? The refusal of services form? Laceration?
  27. Compare and contrast blunt and penetrating trauma.
  28. Compare and contrast high and low velocity penetrating trauma.
  29. What is mechanism of injury? Contusion? Abrasion?
  30. What is a hematoma? Bruise? Avulsion?
  31. What is an amputation? Extremity exodus? Digital pressure points?
  32. Name and describe the steps for bleeding control.
  33. Compare and contrast a fracture and a broken bone.
  34. Name and describe the different types of fractures.
  35. What is altered mental status? How can this occur?
  36. Compare and contrast verbal and non-verbal stimuli.
  37. Compare and contrast hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia.
  38. What is diabetes? What happens if you don’t take your insulin? What happens if you take too much insulin?
  39. What is diabetic ketoacidosis?
  40. What are cerebral vascular accidents? Name and describe the two types.
  41. Compare and contrast the Cincinnati Stroke Scale and the Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen.
  42. What is epilepsy? What is depression? What is suicide?
  43. What is informed consent? Implied consent? Expressed consent?
  44. What are universal precautions?
  45. What is battery? Assault?
  46. What is (the) Good Samaritan law? Duty to act law?
  47. What is the emergency warning lighting system?
  48. What are the dangers to EMT drivers on the roads?
  49. What is the hot zone, cold zone, and warm zone?
  50. What should be included in the safety brief for landing zone information if a patient needs air medical transport?
  51. What are ED staff? What are their duties and responsibilities?
  52. What is continuity of care? Scene size up? Body substance isolation?

317(64)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Genealogist…a professional researcher who compiles data about ancestry…create charts, maps, and reports that trace a person’s genealogy, or family history…their research and information tells a historic and genetic story of both people and societies

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a genealogist and what is the full scope of their responsibilities?
  2. What is genealogy?
  3. What is a family?
  4. How can genealogical data be represented?
  5. Using one of the above representations, draw an example template using your own family data.
  6. What is a family genealogical tree?
  7. What is a deed? A will?
  8. What is the National Genealogical Society?
  9. What is DNA? Genealogical DNA tests?
  10. What are some different resources you may use in your line of work?
  11. Who maintains the largest genealogical library in the world?
  12. Who are the Daughters of the American Revolution? Why do they require a documented genealogy of potential new members?
  13. Why is it a mistake to rely solely on your family’s oral history when conducting genealogical research?
  14. What is the standard form used when recording dates in genealogical research? Why?
  15. What relation is your grandfather’s cousin’s daughter to you? How did you come to find this answer?
  16. Who is the first person you need to list on your pedigree chart? Why?
  17. What is the U.S. Federal Census? How often is this taken?

318(65)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is Home Economics…cooking and other aspects of household management, especially as taught at school

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is home economics?
  2. What is a home economics teacher?
  3. What is individuation? Personalization?
  4. What is a agrarian society? Nomadic society? Industrial society?
  5. What is a marriage? Common law marriage? Give general information and statistics on each.
  6. What is considered to be a necessity for a person to commit emotionally to a marriage?
  7. What factors have an effect on job satisfaction?
  8. What steps should a person take after they just got divorced?
  9. What is sibling rivalry? Describe and give examples for when the rivalry would be the greatest, the least, and between which genders.
  10. What are stepparents? Who has the hardest time accepting a stepparent? Why?
  11. What are families? Name and describe the different types of families you can have.
  12. Who is John Gottman? What is humor? What is Gottman’s stance on humor when a spouse gives you criticism?
  13. What is reasoned argument? Stonewalling? Defensiveness? Acceptance?
  14. What is the social learning theory?
  15. What is peer pressure? Give at least two example scenarios of a peer pressure situation and what the options are for refusal.
  16. What is self-disclosure?
  17. What kind of factors can be influential today on a couple who wants to have a baby? Compare these factors to those for couples of previous generations.
  18. What services are available (and which one would be most helpful) for a woman who is the sole caretaker for her mother and wants to look at in-home assisted living services?
  19. What is pregnancy? Name and describe the different trimesters during pregnancy.
  20. What are birth defects? What could cause birth defects? Are birth defects more prevalent in the first trimester than the third? Why or why not?
  21. If your daughter stole a sweater from Walmart, how could you both discipline her and guide her toward taking responsibility for her actions if she wasn’t caught?
  22. What is suicide? What are suicidal behaviors? What should you do if you believe your child is considering suicide?
  23. What is hygiene? What can you do to practice good hygiene actions? What can it help prevent?
  24. How can you help grow your young child’s cognitive development? How does this compare to Vygotsky’s view of cognitive development in children?
  25. What is nutrition? BMI? How do you eat healthy?
  26. What are burns? Name and describe the three types and how they can be treated.
  27. What are fabrics? Which fabric would be most appropriate if you wanted to make a high quality business skirt? Why?
  28. How do you remove candle wax and gum off of a washable garment?
  29. What is basting? Facing? Mitering? Gathering?
  30. Name and describe the different types of homes. (i.e. Victorian)
  31. What is Fannie Mae? What is their primary mission?
  32. How can you make your home the most comfortable for someone who has asthma?
  33. Before making purchasing decisions, what should you do/take into consideration?
  34. How can you make your home environmentally friendly? How can this help you save money?
  35. What are loans? What is the difference between a 2-year loan vs a 3-year loan? (Meaning, what is the difference from getting a shorter time loan vs a longer time loan)
  36. What is insurance? What types of insurance may be available to you?
  37. Compare and contrast purchasing U.S. savings bonds vs purchasing a mutual fund that invests primarily in corporate stocks.
  38. What is the color theory?
  39. What is the lemon law? What are some other consumer rights?

325(66)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Video Editor…generally responsible for editing and assembling recorded raw material into a suitable, finished product ready for broadcasting…the material may include camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, graphics and special effects.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a video editor and what are all the duties and responsibilities they perform?
  2. What is an editing room?
  3. What is scripting? Editing? Filming? Storyboarding?
  4. Why would we warn you that editors should use their power for good and not evil?
  5. How can you establish the setting or location of a film?
  6. What does it mean to “marry” picture and sound?
  7. How can footage be uploaded onto an editing program?
  8. What is Adobe Premiere Elements? How is a video converted and shared on Adobe Premiere Elements?
  9. What is kerning? Rolling? True type?
  10. What are toddling videos? Crawling videos?
  11. What are video sequences? Why should these be checked on a television screen or monitor?
  12. What are colour spaces? Give at least one example of a colour space.
  13. What is an overwrite edit?
  14. What are resolutions? What is the most common resolution type for home video editing?
  15. What are pixels? Aspect ratio? Digital video?
  16. Compare and contrast megabits and megabytes.
  17. Name and describe at least three post-production effects of video editing software.
  18. What is a money shot? Soundbyte? Voiceover?
  19. What is framing? A frame rate? Overscan?
  20. What is a letterbox? Assets? Clips?
  21. What is a ‘talking head’? Countdown? Preroll?
  22. Compare and contrast mono channel and stereo channel sound.
  23. What does Hz represent? What is a Codec? Transcode?
  24. What is lossloss? Lossy? Windows Media Audio?
  25. What are FireWire and Firewire connectors used for?
  26. What is MPEG-4? AVI? Flash? .mp3?
  27. What is a Gigabyte? Kilobyte? Bitstream?
  28. What is a timeline? Bins? Video compression?
  29. How can you scrub videos? What does that mean?
  30. Compare and contrast A roll and B roll?
  31. Compare and contrast outpoint editing and marker editing.

326(67)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Crane Operator…is responsible for operating a mobile crane to lift, move, position, and reposition loads…controls crane functions by depressing buttons and foot pedals as well as manipulating levers

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a crane operator and what are all the duties and responsibilities they perform?
  2. Name and describe the different types of cranes.
  3. What is a signal person? A boom down? A boom up?
  4. What is a swing? An extend boom? A telescopic boom crane?
  5. What is a load chart? What applies to the capacities below the bold line shown on a load chart?
  6. What is the load line of a crane? Power lines? What should you do if your load line contacts an energized power line?
  7. What is the crane cab? OSHA? Rotation-resistant rope?
  8. What does it mean to have the crane on ‘main boom’? What is the net capacity of a crane on main boom unless the manufacturer states otherwise?
  9. What is boom deflection? What may happen to a properly rigged load when lifted off the ground unless the operator takes account of boom deflection?
  10. What is a stop? Emergency stop? Travel?
  11. What is an outrigger? Which area do truck cranes without a 5th outrigger generally have no lifting capacity unless the manufacturer states otherwise?
  12. What is an ‘operating radius’? A hoist drum? Outrigger beams?
  13. Name and describe the 4 quadrants around a truck crane. Which quadrant are crane capabilities usually greater?
  14. Which accessible area of an operating crane must always be barricaded? Why?
  15. What is the OSHA regulation 1926.1400? OSHA regulation 1926.1408? OSHA Subpart CC?
  16. Under which circumstance is a crack in the windshield of a crane cab okay? Under which circumstance does OSHA permit hoisting of personnel by crane?
  17. What is blocking (cribbing)? ASME?
  18. When is side loading of crane booms permitted? When may blocking (cribbing) be placed under outrigger beams?
  19. What happens after placing timber blocking under the tips of the tracks on a crawler crane? Why would you need to do this?
  20. What is a crawler crane? Where is the tipping axis of a crawler crane located?
  21. What should be done with materials placed under overhead energized power lines?
  22. What is retract boom? Hoist? Pick and carry operations?
  23. What are outrigger pads? Where should the crane’s outrigger pads or tracks be placed when working at ground floor level near a cellar wall?
  24. How should the wheels of a crane be positioned when it is set up for working on outriggers? Why is this?
  25. What happens to ground bearing pressure if you move a crawler crane from soft ground to harder ground? Why is that?
  26. What is a swivel? When may a swivel be used with rotation resistant wire rope?
  27. What is a crane hook? Where should the hook be positioned when preparing to hoist a light load?
  28. What is a jib? What determines the amount of deduction required for an erected jib that is not being used?
  29. What is the crane’s overload warning system? When is it okay to temporarily bypass a crane’s overload warning system?
  30. What is OSHA 1926.550? ASME B30.R?
  31. What is a crane’s load moment indicator? What should an operator do if a crane’s load moment indicator (LMI) malfunctions?

327(68)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is an Elevator Operator…operates elevator to transport passengers between floors of office building, apartment house, department store, hotel, or similar establishment

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is an elevator operator and what is the full list of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What are gears? Buoyancy? Buoyant force?
  3. What is weight? Fractions? Decimals?
  4. What is 1/3 + 1/6 + 1/32 + 4/8 + 3/16 =? Show your work.
  5. What is .75 + .46 + .83 + .90 + .52 =? Show your work.
  6. What is 1/2 + .50 + 1/16 + .25 + 1/50 =? Show your work.
  7. What are simple machines? Name and describe at least five different simple machines.
  8. What is a latching relay? Name and describe the two types.
  9. What is RPM? Which formula will help you find RPM? How do you solve it?
  10. What is a megohm meter? Megger? Meg out?
  11. What are shunt overloads? Name and describe the four types.
  12. What is a temp run box? Bad ground? Bridle hitch?
  13. What is scaffolding? Tie off points? Counterweight?
  14. What is the IUEC? NEIEP? National Elevator Industry, Inc.?

328(69)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Childcare Worker…ensure the safety and welfare of children before and after school or at other times while parents are working

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a childcare worker and what is the full range of duties they perform?
  2. What is a childcare program? How often are they licensed?
  3. Name and describe the different types of childcare arrangements.
  4. What is DCS? CPS? Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
  5. What is Confidentiality? Neglect? Exploitation?
  6. What does the ‘Know your Childcare Facility’ DCF brochure say?
  7. What defines a special needs child? How does it benefit/hinder the lives of others when you add them to your program?
  8. What are provisional licenses? How soon does corrective action need to be taken on provisional licenses?
  9. Can fines be levied on licenses that are out of compliance? Why or why not?
  10. Are less workers needed to care for an older child? Why or why not?
  11. What is discipline? What types of discipline are encouraged for facilities? Why types are prohibited? Name at least four in each category.
  12. What types of jobs may require a parent to work a 24 hour shift? Why?
  13. What is “reasonable accommodation”? Name at least five examples of how you can reasonably accommodate your clients.
  14. What are childcare laws, rules, and regulations? Who do they protect?
  15. What is Abuse? Name and describe the different types of abuse.
  16. What is battery? CEU? Critical height?
  17. How should you perform a head count?
  18. Why is it important to see and hear the children at all times?
  19. When should you inspect all the play areas used by children? Why is this important?
  20. How many daily hours are recommended for children to go outside and play? Why is play important to children?
  21. What are examples of hazardous items that need to be locked up? Name at least six and why they are hazardous.
  22. How often do sleeping infants need to be checked for breathing? Why?
  23. How does any door need to be when children are in the room? Why is this? How many exits should at least be on each occupied floor?
  24. What do you need to look for when supervising mealtime?
  25. Why should a sleeping child in a swing or bouncy chair be moved to a crib after he/she falls asleep?
  26. What is a hermetically sealed container? Corrosion-resistant materials? Potentially hazardous foods?
  27. Name at least 5 childcare center rules and regulations. (Hint: refer to this quiz)
  28. Do children always develop at the same rate? Why or why not?
  29. Who is Chomsky? Who are Tolman and Honzik? What are their theories?
  30. Name the categories for children and what age range you would associate with them. (For example, a toddler would be between what age range)
  31. What does “developmentally appropriate” mean? Give at least two examples.
  32. What is CPR? First Aid? Heimlich maneuver?
  33. What are blood borne pathogens? Viruses? Germs?
  34. What is a program director? How do you become one?
  35. What is legally required to be posted in a place visible to parents?
  36. What is breast milk? How is it beneficial to a baby’s health? Compare and contrast with formula.
  37. How do you change a diaper? What’s the difference between changing a diaper on a girl vs a boy? Where should a diapering occur? Why?
  38. How do you hold a baby? Why is this position so important?
  39. When a baby ready for solid foods? Is there a way to gradually introduce solid foods to an infant?
  40. What are some signs of stress in a young child?
  41. What is separation anxiety? What age range is this normal for a child?
  42. What are some great methods on how to calm down an upset and yelling baby? Toddler? Young child?
  43. How can you take care of a sick child? Toddler? Infant?
  44. What are some actions/activities that pose some risks of injuries to children?
  45. What is the best sleeping position for a baby? Why is that? What are prohibited clothing items for babies to sleep in?
  46. Name at least five ways a child can feel most secure.
  47. Who should administer medications to children? What should the medications be at the center? (I.E. prescription vs non-prescription)
  48. How should medications be stored? How should the medications be labeled? How should they be destroyed?
  49. What is the AAP? APHA?
  50. What are some reactions children might exhibit after taking medications? Who should you call if you have a concern about a side effect?
  51. What are the 5 Rights when dispensing medication to children? Name and describe them.
  52. What is an Emergency Evacuation Plan? What could this include?
  53. How should you teach children about fire safety?
  54. What is a fire drill? Fire extinguisher?
  55. What is nutrition? How should you teach children about nutrition?
  56. What is My Plate? Eat the Rainbow? Fitness?
  57. What is a first aid kit? What should be included in the kit? Where should one be located?
  58. How should children be restrained in a vehicle when transporting them?
  59. Name all five provisions that should be followed for the ratio of caregivers to children at all times.
  60. What are flammable materials? Name at least five examples of what these could include.
  61. What are SIDS?
  62. What shouldn’t be placed in a crib? Name at least four examples and why they shouldn’t be placed in a crib.
  63. What is the role of the parent for a child?
  64. How should you prepare formula for a baby? How do you feed a baby?
  65. What are the rules for care of an outdoor area used by children? When should the are be inspected? What are the things to look for during the inspection?
  66. What are some ways you can relate positively to a child?

329(70)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Food/Restaurant Manager….oversees the daily operations of a restaurant location…responsibilities include hiring and training staff, coordinating employee schedules, and ensuring company protocols are being followed

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a restaurant manager and what is a full list of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is the FDA? What do they require from managers?
  3. How can a food handler reduce the risk of food contamination?
  4. How do you properly wash your hands?
  5. When can ready-to-eat food be handled with bare hands? Why is this?
  6. When should a delivery be inspected? Why?
  7. Why is it important to remove the amount of food you can prep in a short amount of time from the cooler?
  8. What is the HAACP system? Name and describe the importance of each of the seven steps.
  9. Name and describe the four types of pathogens that can contaminate food and cause food-borne illness.
  10. What corrective action should be taken against an employee who, for example, you see preparing food after cleaning the grease trap?
  11. What are some types of clothing, attire, or accessories that can be considered a physical contaminant?
  12. What are cold TCS foods? What is the proper temperature they should be received at?
  13. How long can you have a ready-to-eat pasta salad out in a buffet if it was taken out of the cooler at 1:00pm? Why is this?
  14. What is an imminent health hazard? What are some examples of what this could include?
  15. What is a thermometer? Cooler and freezer thermometers should be accurate within how many degrees?
  16. What is a cross-connection? Backsiphonage? Vacuuming?
  17. What is a sanitizer concentration range for chlorine sanitizer? Iodine sanitizers?
  18. When using a machine dishwasher, the temperature for the final rinse should be at least what degrees?
  19. How do you choose a proper supplier of goods?
  20. Where should the employees’ items be stored during work hours? Why?
  21. How should you properly cover an (infected) cut on the hand? Why?
  22. What is the time-temperature abuse rule? What could this include?
  23. What is the proper temperature to cook red meat? Seafood? Veggies? Chicken?
  24. Why don’t whole, unpeeled fruits, and shelled nuts need to be behind sneeze guards or in a case in a self-service area?
  25. What are foodborne-illness outbreaks? What information should you get from a complaining customer about a possible outbreak?
  26. How should you handle general customer complaints?
  27. Where should recycling containers be located? How do you recycle items?
  28. What is the proper setup for a three compartment sink?
  29. Where should chemicals be stored? Why? What could this include?
  30. What is the proper procedure if an employee is coughing and complaining of intestinal discomfort?
  31. What is an acceptable container for an employee beverage? Why?
  32. What can you do if you receive a shipment of canned food and half the cans are dented and damaged?
  33. What are at least five examples of food items that can be re-served? Why?
  34. What actions can be taken to prepare for a flood? Tornado? Earthquake?
  35. What should you do if you discover signs of a cockroach infestation?
  36. What are some ways to ensure that all cleaning tasks are being identified and performed regularly? What is the best way?
  37. What is an allergic reaction? What are the signs a customer is having an allergic reaction? What steps should you take to help?
  38. How do you enforce proper personal hygiene in your employees?
  39. What should the service site do if your establishment is catering at their location?
  40. What are the rules applied to permanent food-service operations? Which mobile kitchen unit is exempt from these rules?
  41. What is a PCO? A Safety Data Sheet? Why do you need a SDS from a PCO after they have completed a pesticides treatment on your facility?
  42. What should you do if you notice that several nightly cleaning tasks are not being completed by the night crew?

330(71)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Sheet Metal Worker…installing and sometimes fabricating thin metal sheets used in a variety of applications

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a sheet metal worker and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is iron? What are the disadvantages of iron?
  3. What are calipers? Hooks? How can they be used in sheet metal working?
  4. What is duct work? What folded on the ends of duct work allows you to connect them together? What typically holds duct work together?
  5. What is an air handler? Furnace? The Pittsburgh edge?
  6. How do you fabricate reducers and transitions in the field?
  7. What is a hand notcher? A bar fold/folding tool? Hand punch?
  8. What is used to bend large sheets of metal? How do they accomplish this?
  9. How do you find the area of a circle? Triangle? Square?
  10. How do you find the diameter of a circle? Circumference?
  11. How do you find the perimeter of a rectangle? Square footage? Cubic feet?
  12. What is 180:15 = ?:23? Show your work.
  13. What is 58-97+118=? 332+407×760=? 473+563+6682=? Show your work.
  14. What is 3/8 + 6/72=? 1/2 + 15/16=? 7/16 – 1/4=? Show your work.
  15. What should you do if there is water contamination in any hydraulic systems?
  16. What happens if there is ice formation in hydraulic systems?
  17. What is alloy? Aluminum? Zinc?
  18. What is copper? Magnesium? Chromium? Manganese?

331(72)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Child Development Associate…plans and implements activities which are designed to develop a range of social, cognitive, and/or motor skills for individual and/or groups of children within a specified age range, working within a child care center, classroom, or field environment…supervises and trains student employees and/or staff engaged in child care and development activities

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a child development associate and what is the full range of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. How should fire exit information be written and displayed?
  3. Where should the first aid kit be located? Why? What should be included in the first aid kit?
  4. How do you properly wash your hands?
  5. What is a healthy snack? What are some examples of the most healthiest snacks young children can have?
  6. What is an open ended question? What type of answer does an open ended question have? Why?
  7. What is supervision? What determines how much adult supervision is required?
  8. Why do children need their own spaces both in and out of the classroom?
  9. What is non-verbal communication? Compare and contrast positive and negative non-verbal communication strategies and give examples of each.
  10. What should be done for children at mealtime?
  11. How can you help children from low-income families?
  12. How should you arrange a classroom? Why is this?
  13. What characteristics will a child with emotional disturbance have?
  14. What are open-ended materials? Name at least four examples.
  15. Where should children’s’ play materials be kept? Why is this?
  16. What is a literacy center? How can they help children?
  17. How can you develop a child’s phonics skills? Name three ways.
  18. How can you develop a child’s vocabulary skills? Name three ways.
  19. How can you develop a child’s letter recognition? Name three ways.
  20. How can you develop a child’s phonemic awareness? Name three ways.
  21. What are some advantages of developmentally appropriate group time?
  22. Why are you encouraged to give children a warning before activities change?
  23. How do you develop a child’s motor skills? Name three ways.
  24. What gets promoted (can be more than one thing) when you provide an activity for children that uses all five of their senses? How?
  25. How do you talk to a child? How do you scold a child?
  26. Which tasks would a child with fine motor impairments have difficulty performing?
  27. Which skill(s) are developed when you use picture books with no words?
  28. What is child abuse? Neglect? What course of action do you do if you suspect abuse/neglect? (I.E. if a child comes in with an unexplained bruise)
  29. What is a creative art project? What should you do with a child’s artwork?
  30. How can you help a child think critically to solve a problem? (i.e. if two boys wanted the same toy to play with)
  31. How do you deal with favorite toys? What are some good techniques?
  32. What are some ways children can have a positive circle experience?
  33. What are some good ways to provide children with an environment where they can ‘live with diversity’?
  34. What are biases? Name at least six examples of situations that reflect bias.
  35. How can children learn best?
  36. What is a writing center? What should a writing center for preschoolers include?
  37. What is scribbling?
  38. How can you extend a teachable moment?
  39. How can you help a preschooler prepare for reading?
  40. How can you help a child and their families start off positively? How can you involve parents in your programs?
  41. What is an early childhood program? What are some positive ways the caregiver can communicate with parents?
  42. How do you positively solve a parent/teacher conflict?
  43. How does a typical toddler act? What does the typical toddler understand?
  44. How can you develop a child’s characteristic development? Name three ways.
  45. What is a milestone of development? Give at least five examples.
  46. What may be developing if a child exhibits loss of cognitive thinking, social behavior, and academic process? How do you know?
  47. What should you do if a preschooler uses ‘shocking’ language?
  48. What is the NAEYC?
  49. What does it mean when a teacher is doing an assessment? What in all does this entail?

332(73)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a TV Producer…is a person responsible for a variety of operations on a network show…tasks are both creative and administrative…in television, a producer is often a writer

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a TV producer and what are all the duties and responsibilities they may perform?
  2. What is a camera? Name and describe the different filters a camera may have and when they may be used.
  3. Name and describe the different parts of a camera.
  4. Name and describe the different parts of a camera lens.
  5. What is the aspect ratio for wide screen? Full screen?
  6. Name and describe the different types of camera shots and angles.
  7. What is an image plane? Depth of field?
  8. Compare and contrast a charged coupled device vs a complementary metal oxide semiconductor.
  9. If you are shooting a ‘backlight’ shot, then how will the subject appear in the video/shot?
  10. What is exposure? What is it determined by? How is it measured?
  11. What is a camera link? Rack Focus?
  12. What is the rule of thirds? Rule of halves?
  13. Compare and contrast headroom and leadspace?
  14. How many different positions must you shoot video from to be a blackbelt videographer?
  15. What are Rca connectors? Dv cam connectors? BNC connectors?
  16. Name and describe the stages of preproduction.
  17. Name and describe the three stages of production.
  18. Name and describe the stages of postproduction.
  19. What is a tripod? Name and describe the different parts of a tripod.
  20. What is a copyright? How many years does a copyright last after you die?
  21. What is an iris? What is the difference between the auto and the manual iris?
  22. What is hue? What is color temperature?
  23. What is the color temperature of sunlight? Sunrise/sunset? Quartz light? Flourescent bulbs?
  24. What are the primary colors used in video? Secondary colors?
  25. How is color temperature measured? Quality of light? Foot candles?
  26. Compare and contrast Imovie, Adobe, and Final Cut.

333(74)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Correctional Officer…are responsible for overseeing individuals who have been arrested and are awaiting trial or who have been sentenced to serve time in a jail or prison

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a correctional officer and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is the present occupancy rate of a 530 bed facility that only has 364 inmates booked? Show your work.
  3. What is the officer-to-inmate ratio of a facility with 1221 inmates and one-third as many officers? Show your work.
  4. Is brutal force OK to use if you had ordered two inmates to stop arguing? Why or why not?
  5. What is frisking? How do you frisk someone? What are you looking for? Give at least five examples.
  6. What are physical restraints? Name at least six examples of physical restraints that may be used on inmates.
  7. How may physical restraints be applied to inmates? In what situations may physical restraints are permitted to be used on inmates?
  8. What is required by federal and state laws for the use of physical restraints?
  9. What is cell extraction? What training do you need for cell extraction?
  10. What is a correctional facility’s emergency preparedness plan? What in all is covered under the plan?
  11. Who needs to be notified if an inmate comes to you saying his roommate has an infectious disease (for example, chicken pox)? Why? What additional steps need to be taken?
  12. Who needs to be notified if a corrections officer is taken and held hostage by inmates and are demanding their needs be met or the officer will suffer physical harm? Why? What additional steps need to be taken?
  13. What are the procedures if an inmate is suffering from cardiac arrest and needs to be taken to the hospital?
  14. What is the procedure if you found out a fellow officer was having sexual relations with an inmate?
  15. What is an incident report? What information needs to be included in this and why is this important?
  16. What traits should you exhibit if you have an angry advocate for prison reforms call into the facility, cuss you out, and promise to lobby for its closure? What steps should you take?
  17. How should you handle journalists who want to do pieces on the facility? What is the general rule for correctional officers on how to handle journalists?
  18. What is the procedure if there is a phone-in bomb threat?
  19. What are booking numbers? If you had the booking numbers, genders, names, and dates of births of ten inmates, how can you file them?
  20. What facilities are convicted terrorists usually incarcerated to? Rapists? Drug dealers? Murderers? Pick pocketers?
  21. Compare and contrast jails vs prisons.
  22. What do you think is the reason for over-crowded prisons?
  23. Research how other countries incarcerate and punish criminals. How do you think they compare to what the US does?
  24. Name and describe the different types of searches you would need to perform. Which one would you use on a suspicious visitor for someone in prison? Why?
  25. What are the inmates’ rights?

334(75)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Firefighter…help protect the public in emergency situations…respond to a wide variety of calls as well as fires…assist at car crashes, chemical spills, flooding and water rescue.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a firefighter and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is an infant’s normal rate of breathing? A toddler? A teenager? An adult?
  3. What is an infant’s normal pulse range? A toddler? A teenager/adult?
  4. Name and describe the arteries firemen and women examine when trying to determine pulse rates. How do they vary depending on who they examine (i.e. between an infant vs an adult)
  5. What is blood pressure? How can you determine one’s blood pressure? What is a normal blood pressure reading from an adult?
  6. What are the consequences of having high blood pressure? Low blood pressure?
  7. What is CPR? How do you perform CPR on an adult? Infant? Child?
  8. What is the Heimlich maneuver? What is the finger sweep maneuver?
  9. If water weighs 8.33 lbs per gallon and if you drained 40% of a 2500 gallon water tank, how much weight was drained from the tank? Show your work.
  10. How do fires start? Name at least ten potential fire hazards and why they are dangerous.
  11. What is a fire extinguisher? How do you handle and use a fire extinguisher?
  12. Name and describe the different types of fire extinguishers.
  13. How can you prove that a fire was started by arson? What type of evidence(s) needs to be present?
  14. Name and describe the different items a firefighter needs to wear when going to put out a fire.
  15. Name and describe the different parts of a fire truck.
  16. What is a fire investigator? If a fire investigator is unavailable, how can fighter fighters take the initiative to salvage the scene?
  17. What is the purpose of fire fighters guarding the scene of a fire? Who is allowed into the burned area if it has been cordoned off? What do you have to document if someone does go past the DO NOT ENTER tape?
  18. How long does the fire department have authority over a fire scene? Why is this? Who now has authority after the fire department leaves?
  19. Name and describe the types of ladders and platforms you may come into contact in your line of work.
  20. What is the most common method on how to extinguish fires? Why can’t you use water to put out an electrical fire?
  21. Can a fire start by spontaneous combustion? Why or why not?
  22. Why does it take more energy to push water through a long hose then through a short hose?
  23. What is Back Pressure (Head Pressure)? How is it measured? The back pressure of water is .434 per foot of elevation. If the height of a water tank is 180 feet, what is the back pressure going to be at the bottom of this tank?
  24. What is a fire flapper? How does it extinguish fires?
  25. What are some ways to fuel fire? Name and describe at least five examples.
  26. How does response time impact flame spread?
  27. What is a fire escape plan? Do all businesses, schools, and private homes require you to have more than one escape route?
  28. What are the steps to take when responding to a natural gas leak?
  29. If a fire was caused by an explosion, how can you tell if the explosion was accidental or not?
  30. What are the statistics on fire deaths in America? How do they compare to other means of deaths? Who is most at risk of dying in a fire? Why?
  31. What are the most important things to find out when you arrive at the scene of a fire?
  32. What should you do when you come across the scene of an automobile accident?
  33. What should you do when you come across the scene of a plane crash?
  34. What mental consequences can happen to you from this job? (i.e. guilt if couldn’t save someone) How can you take care of yourself?
  35. What could be the reasoning behind fire fighters chopping holes in a burning building’s roof when the fire is on the first floor?
  36. What dangers pose risks to other surrounding buildings catching fire? (i.e. paper, dry brush)

335(76)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Police Officer…focus on protecting people and property

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a police officer and what is the full scope of their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What does it mean to be on patrol? What are you looking for?
  3. What is a police report? What information do you need to fill out on this report?
  4. What are laws? What is the scope of what laws cover? In your opinion, are there any unjust laws?
  5. What is the Constitution? Bill of rights?
  6. Name and describe the 27 amendments of the United States.
  7. Name and describe the three types of laws.
  8. Compare and contrast a misdemeanor vs a felony crime.
  9. What are the Miranda rights? What is the Miranda warning?
  10. What do officers need to be wearing when on duty? Name and describe each article of clothing/object.
  11. What is evidence? In a hypothetical situation, what evidence would you look for to determine if a person has committed suicide or not?
  12. What does it mean to be undercover? What are the general rules for working undercover?
  13. What do you need to research about the suspect if you have been assigned to keep him/her under close surveillance?
  14. Why are the ties important between the community and their police officers? What might the community judge an officer on?
  15. What does it mean when a person is ROR? Out on bail? House arrest?
  16. What is the average value of some radios if an appliance store is burglarized and 21 clock radios with a total value of $1050 are stolen. Show your work.
  17. Compare and contrast jail vs prison.
  18. What are the exceptions to having a search warrant requirement? (i.e. consent)
  19. What is a strip search? What are the limitations to the strip search?
  20. What are the six steps to follow when performing a search on someone who is under arrest?
  21. What is the importance of a badge? Why are officers assigned a specific badge number?
  22. What are the procedures on how to handle a police chase?
  23. What are the seven procedures to follow when you come upon a major accident scene/dangerous situation?
  24. What are the three elements that are required for a criminal act to have been committed?
  25. How can you determine the most likely description of a suspect when you have multiple witness statements?
  26. How can you determine the shortest route for a hose line based on the buildings layout?
  27. What are the myths surrounding wife assaults?

336(77)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Private Investigator…find facts and analyze information about legal, financial, and personal matters…offer many services, including verifying people’s backgrounds, finding missing persons, and investigating computer crimes

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a private investigator and what are all their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is the Freedom of Information Act? What types of records are not made available to the public by this act?
  3. What is hearsay? Which forms of hearsay would likely be admissible in court? Name three examples.
  4. What circumstances may business records be admitted in court as hearsay evidence?
  5. What is circumstantial evidence? Name three examples of circumstantial evidence.
  6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having an attorney as a client?
  7. What is the criteria of competence for a witness in court? What could make a witness incompetent to testify?
  8. What is a fingerprint? What is the importance of a fingerprint in court? What is a partial fingerprint and how does that effect a court case?
  9. What is the Kastle-Meyer field test?
  10. What is the Leuchomalachite green field test?
  11. What is the luminol field test?
  12. What is the precipitin field test?
  13. What is fraud? What are some elements of fraud?
  14. Compare and contrast a bounty hunter vs a law enforcement officer. What duties may a bounty hunter perform that a law enforcement officer may not?
  15. What is evidence? What are the levels of evidence? Which levels of evidence are necessary in each type of court?
  16. What are the different types of missing persons? Which type of missing person is the hardest to find?
  17. What are the rules for recording cellphone conversations?
  18. What is the National Association of Legal Investigators? What is their code of ethics modeled after?
  19. What is the American Bar Association?
  20. What is the United States Association of Professional Investigators?
  21. What is the National Association of Investigative Specialists?
  22. What is the World Association of Professional Investigators?
  23. What is a bugging device? A trap and trace device? A wire device? A pen register?
  24. What is the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services?
  25. What is the Private Investigator Act? What actions may the BSIS bring to someone who acts as a private investigator, but isn’t licensed and doesn’t release that information to his clients?
  26. What are the B&P codes? What are the Penal codes?
  27. Is a private investigator allowed to carry a simple weapon (i.e. pepper spray) if they are working in the field? What are the restrictions to carrying a weapon?
  28. What is the Anti-Paparazzi Law?
  29. Is a private investigator allowed to obtain a credit report for employment purposes under any circumstances? Why or why not?

337(78)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Paralegal…support lawyers by maintaining, drafting documents, and organizing files, calling on legal witnesses, maintaining a legal library and more…are also known as a legal assistant or legal secretary.

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a paralegal and what are all their duties and responsibilities?
  2. Name and describe each core ethical principle of a paralegal.
  3. What does the Latin phrase ‘Nolo contendere’ mean? What does this mean when it pertains to a client’s plea?
  4. Compare and contrast an interrogatory vs a deposition.
  5. How do you file an appeal from a final order of a trial court?
  6. Can a paralegal represent a client in court if the attorney who employs the paralegal authorizes him/her to do so? Why or why not?
  7. What is required for a judge to grant a motion for summary judgment?
  8. What is a summons and service of process?
  9. What is a contract? What conditions must be in place for a contract to be invalid? Do contracts have to be signed under seal to be enforceable?
  10. What remedy for a breach of contract must be included in the contract in order to be recoverable?
  11. What is Stare Decisis? What is precedent?
  12. What is an easement? What would need to be filed if neighboring property owners disagreed about whether an easement grants certain rights?
  13. Can a paralegal answer questions from a new client who needs legal advice? Why or why not?
  14. What is attorney-client confidentiality? What does it cover? Are there any rules that allow attorneys or paralegals to break this agreement?
  15. What is attorney-client privilege? What does it cover? Are there any rules that allow attorneys or paralegals to break this agreement?
  16. What happens if a defendant fails to file an answer to a summons within the time frame set by the court?
  17. What are some acceptable methods for a paralegal to give notice of a deposition? What are the issues with the other methods (i.e. with a phone call)?
  18. What are the duties of a litigation paralegal?
  19. What is a “amicus curiae” brief? Who is this referring to?
  20. Compare and contrast criminal vs civil charges. Give at least two examples of each.
  21. What is the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office? What do they do?
  22. What is a patent? A trademark? A logo?
  23. How do you file a motion to trademark your logo? What symbol do you use by your logo in the meantime while the motion is waiting to be granted or denied? What symbol do you use when your request has been granted?
  24. What is the ‘relief’ a plaintiff is seeking when referring to the complaint in the lawsuit? What types of relief may a plaintiff ask for?
  25. What is a discovery? Name and describe the types of events that occur as part of a discovery.
  26. What is the process of reformation? Rescission? Replevin?
  27. Can a paralegal carry out confidential communications to collect asset information on an estate case? Why or why not?
  28. What are nominal damages? Punitive damages?
  29. What are liquidated damages? Compensatory damages?
  30. How do you check the validity of a case an attorney cites in his/her brief?
  31. Can a notary act both as a notary and as a witness to the signing of documents in a real estate closing? Why or why not?
  32. What is a counter claim? What is a cross claim?
  33. What is the statute of limitations?

338(79)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Cardiographic Technician…assist physicians in their diagnosis and treatment of cardiac diseases like irregular heartbeats and arrhythmias….use a variety of instruments and methods to perform these diagnostic procedures

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a cardiographic technician and what are all their duties and responsibilities?
  2. What is an Electrocardiogram (EKG)?
  3. What is a Holter monitor test? What commonly limits the diagnostic value of Holter monitoring?
  4. What are the common stress tests technicians may perform on their patients? What are the purposes for the stress tests?
  5. Compare and contrast a Thallium Stress Test vs a standard ECG Stress Test.
  6. What is being measured when determining the height or depth of a wave from the baseline on an ECG?
  7. Compare and contrast the Bruce Protocol Stress Test vs the Modified Bruce Protocol Stress Test.
  8. Name and describe the functions of each part of the circulatory system.
  9. What is the correct sequence by which action potentials are conducted through the heart?
  10. What are nitrates?
  11. Compare and contrast the Sinoatrial node vs the Atrioventricular node.
  12. Compare and contrast QRS complexes vs Sinus complexes.
  13. What is the PR interval? What type of individuals may show spontaneous fluctuation in the PR interval?
  14. What is myocardial ischemia? What would complicate the diagnosis of MI based on Holter monitor tracings?
  15. What is stroke volume? End-systolic volume? End-diastolic volume?
  16. Compare and contrast preload and afterload.
  17. What are you referring to when you are talking about the resting potential of most myocardial cells? What is the normal range?
  18. Compare and contrast supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular tachycardia. How would you tell if a patient had either supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia based on a Holter monitor reading?
  19. Where are the proper placements of the electrodes with ambulatory ECG monitors? Why?
  20. Compare and contrast repolarization and depolarization.
  21. Name and describe the different phases of repolarization.
  22. Name and describe the meaning of the six waves on an ECG test.
  23. What is S1, S2, and S3?
  24. Compare and contrast chemo-receptors and baro-receptors.
  25. What is the autonomic nervous system? Compare and contrast sympathetic and parasympathetic.
  26. What is the starling law?
  27. What is blood pressure? How do you determine blood pressure? What is the normal blood pressure range, say, for an adult female under 50?
  28. What is peripheral vascular resistance? How is it determined?
  29. What is an electrolyte? Name and describe the forms an electrolyte can come in.
  30. What are electrodes? What are these made out of?
  31. What are ‘rabbit ears’?
  32. What is an AED? How do  you work one?

339(80)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Court Reporter…create word-for-word transcriptions at trials, depositions, administrative hearings, and other legal proceedings….some provide captioning for television and real-time translation for deaf or hard-of-hearing people at public events, at business meetings, and in classrooms

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a court reporter and what are all their duties and responsibilities?
  2. Is this sentence correct: “She gave him two gallon of the liquid that she feels is more perfect to remove the stain.”? If you needed to correct it, what would you change and why?
  3. Is this sentence correct: “His perspective assistant was not the one who we all wanted to work with.”? If you needed to correct it, what would you change and why?
  4. Is this sentence correct: “Was he lying there in the hospital bed, or was he setting up when you saw him?”? If you needed to correct it, what would you change and why?
  5. What should a reporter do if they go to an office to take a deposition and realizes the deponent is a former relative? Why?
  6. Can the reporter sell copies of the transcript from a public meeting if the reporter is not working for the group conducting the meeting, but was hired by a law firm to report the public meeting? Why or why not?
  7. What are the COPE Advisory Opinions?
  8. What are CART providers?
  9. What is the NCRA? What are their codes of professional ethics? What are their position statements?
  10. What does abrogate mean? C & I? D/B/A?
  11. Who is the court clerk? Bailiff? Judge?
  12. What is a deposition? Inchoate? Stenographic notes?
  13. Compare and contrast misdemeanors and felonies.
  14. How long should a court reporter store his/her notes? Why is this?
  15. What is the Court Reporters Board?
  16. What does it mean if a person is acquitted? Does this mean that the person didn’t commit the crime?
  17. What is BAJI?
  18. What is a bench conference? What will the court reporter be doing during the conference?
  19. What is a closing summation/closing arguments? How important are these arguments?
  20. What is a leading question? Immaterial? An indictment?
  21. Compare and contrast a lay witness and an expert witness.
  22. What are civil cases? How can you prove them?
  23. Are reporters encouraged to speak candidly of their feelings about the litigants? Why or why not?
  24. Should a reporter mark their notes whenever exhibits are marked for identification? Why or why not? What are some examples of exhibits that may be shown in court?
  25. How would you strike something from the record? What are some examples of things that may be asked to be stricken from the record?
  26. What are the Appellate Courts? What is the Supreme Court? Can either one of these try cases? Why or why not?

340(81)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Photographer…are artists with the camera, using a blend of technical skills and an artistic eye to take pictures of people, places, landscapes, food, etc….can work as fine artists, wedding and event photographers, or sell their photos to commercial clients

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a photographer? What are all their potential duties and responsibilities?
  2. How do you crop a photo?
  3. Name and describe each part of a basic camera.
  4. Name and describe each part of a basic digital camera.
  5. What is framing? Depth of field? Photo composition?
  6. What is the dominant photo? Soft focus photos?
  7. What is a photo op? Run and gun photography?
  8. What is the rule of thirds? Center of interest?
  9. Compare and contrast Aperture, ISO, and Shutter speed.
  10. Name and describe the composition lines used in photography.
  11. Name and describe the patterns you can use in photography.
  12. Compare and contrast the first and second sentence in a caption.
  13. How many people do there need to be in a photo for you to only list the main participants? Why is this?
  14. *Send us a picture of a landscape shot.
  15. *Send us a picture of a wildlife shot.
  16. *Send us a picture of a macro shot.
  17. *Send us a picture of an underwater shot.
  18. *Send us a picture of an astrophotography shot.
  19. *Send us a picture of an aerial shot.
  20. *Send us a picture of scientific shot.
  21. *Send us a picture of a portrait shot.
  22. *Send us a picture of a wedding shot.
  23. *Send us a picture of a documentary shot.
  24. *Send us a picture of sports shot.
  25. *Send us a picture of a fashion shot.
  26. *Send us a picture of a commercial shot.
  27. *Send us a picture of a street photography shot.
  28. *Send us a picture of an event photography shot.
  29. *Send us a picture of a travel shot.
  30. *Send us a picture of a pet photography shot.
  31. *Send us a picture of a product photography shot.
  32. *Send us a picture of a food shot.
  33. *Send us a picture of a still life photography shot.
  34. *Send us a picture of an architecture shot.

341(82)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Medical Laboratory Technician…assist physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases by performing tests on tissue, blood, and other body fluids

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a medical laboratory technician and what are all the duties and responsibilities you may perform?
  2. What is a TSH test? Which two thyroid gland hormones does this test help evaluate if they are being produced in sufficient amounts?
  3. Which hormone(s) is responsible for triggering ovulation? How does it (do they) do it?
  4. What is pneumocystis pneumonia? How is it commonly treated?
  5. Compare and contrast aspergillus and penicillium.
  6. Compare and contrast rhizopus stolonifer and mycelium.
  7. What is campylobacter? How would you treat this?
  8. What is pertussis? How would you treat this?
  9. What is tuberculosis? How do doctors check for TB? How do you treat TB?
  10. Compare and contrast an active and a latent infection.
  11. Compare and contrast a superinfection and a suprainfection.
  12. Name and describe all 15 types of thyroid diseases.
  13. What is viral hepatitis? How is it treated?
  14. Can all chemicals be stored the same way? Why or why not? If they can’t be stored the same way, give at least two examples of how certain chemicals need to be stored.
  15. How do you properly dispose of chemicals? Needles?
  16. Name at least 10 lab safety rules you’ll need to follow and why they are important.
  17. What is carbon monoxide? What sort of smell does it have?
  18. What are carcinogens? Teratogens? Endocrine disruptors?
  19. What are neurotoxins? What does this cause when used as a chemical weapon?
  20. What are the benefits of bacteria in the human body? Detriment?
  21. What is Beer’s law?
  22. What is gamma globulin?
  23. What are osmometers? A histogram?
  24. How do you find the normality of a solution?

342(83)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Web Designer…develops and creates websites and associated applications….work in a variety of industries and often as independent contractors

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a web designer and what potential duties and responsibilities may they have?
  2. What is web tracking? A cookie? Advertising spyware?
  3. What is encryption? Hot spots? Crop tool?
  4. What is a canvas? Constrain proportions? Filters?
  5. What is sharpen? Unsharp mask? Dimensions?
  6. What is the brightness/contrast? WWW? FTP?
  7. What does HTML stand for? What is a HTML tag?
  8. Does the job of a graphic designer deal with the front-end or back-end side of web design? Explain.
  9. What does CSS stand for? What does this do?
  10. What is a default file? What would be a potential default file for
  11. What does URL stand for? What is it?
  12. What is an IP address number? Does every computer/electronic device have one?
  13. What is the DNS? What does this do on the web?
  14. What is an ASPX page? What is a database? How would connecting to these two things help a shopkeeper show his/her customers all the items their store has to offer on their website?
  15. Name and describe at least 10 different tags that you may use.
  16. What is a GUI Web-development application? What can you use this for?
  17. Compare and contrast an external and an internal style sheet.
  18. What are stock photography images? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using these types of images?
  19. What are some common types of basic animation used on the web? Name and describe at least three.
  20. What is a mind map? Draw an example of a mind map for a new website about your new web design business.
  21. What is an object-oriented programming language? How are the programs organized?
  22. What is a vector graphic? What is information value? Do the values need to change if you are increasing the size of a vector graphic of, say, the Smokey Mountains?
  23. What are US copyright laws? Name and describe at least one example. Are there any international copyright laws?
  24. What is a trade secret? Name and describe at least three examples of a trade secret and how you can protect them.
  25. What is an audio file? When is it considered to be embedded in a web page?
  26. What are some common problems associated with project management?
  27. Compare and contrast HTML documents and XML documents.
  28. What is jargon? When is it acceptable to use jargon vs when it is not acceptable?
  29. How do you configure a trackback? What would be the purpose of this?
  30. Compare and contrast using frames vs tables for a web page structure.
  31. What is a search engine? Why would it save search entries?
  32. Compare and contrast SWF files vs SVG files.
  33. What is a database management system?
  34. What are Flash files? Describe the browser support for Flash.
  35. How can you create relative sizing in a frameset for the purpose of making frames appear proportionally regardless of the screen resolution being used?
  36. What are information portals? How do they discover new web sites?
  37. What is graphic interlacing? Which file format is this unique to?
  38. Compare and contrast rich media ads vs conventional online ads.
  39. How is the nature of the internet transactional?
  40. What is Fireworks?

343(84)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Physical Therapist…help people with physical injuries or illnesses to regain range of movement and control their pain…help people who have lost motor function due to accidents, illness or age…help determine the root causes of the trauma, counsel patients, and work with them to create a plan for rehabilitation

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a physical therapist and what are all the duties and responsibilities they may perform?
  2. What is the muscular system? Name and describe the three types of muscles.
  3. Compare and contrast ligaments vs tendons.
  4. What is a joint? Cartilage?
  5. Name and describe the 11 most common types of neurological testing.
  6. Compare and contrast anterior, posterior, superior, and inferior.
  7. Compare and contrast lateral, medial, proximal, and distal.
  8. Compare and contrast dorsal, ventral, ulnar, and radial.
  9. What are cruciate ligaments? Does a torn ACL mean you always need surgery? Why or why not?
  10. Name and describe the three grades for ankle sprains.
  11. What is hypertonicity? How can this affect people with cerebral palsy?
  12. What is the sternocleidomastoid muscle? What does it mean if this muscle is shortened or experiencing shortening?
  13. Name and describe the four stages of pressure injuries.
  14. What is torticollis? Can this lead to a pressure ulcer?
  15. Compare and contrast someone having a stroke vs a heart attack. Name and describe the main types of strokes.
  16. Name and describe the different parts of the brain.
  17. Name and describe the three main arteries in the cerebrum.
  18. What are the five types of abnormal gaits? Name and describe them.
  19. Compare and contrast the single cane vs single crutch gait pattern.
  20. Compare and contrast a 2-point, 3-point, 4-point, swing-to, and swing-through gait pattern.
  21. Compare and contrast hemiplegia vs hemiparesis.
  22. What treatment would you recommend to someone who has an inferiorly displaced humeral head?
  23. What is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation?
  24. What is nerve entrapment syndrome?
  25. Name and describe the three types of burns. How would physical therapy help someone who has experienced third degree burns?
  26. What is the rule of nines for burns? What is the percentage of a person’s body is burned if they burned their entire left arm, half their right arm, front of their chest, and front of both legs?
  27. Compare and contrast passive and active range of motion exercises.
  28. Name and describe 9 types of physical therapy modalities and their outcomes.
  29. What is a rotator cuff injury? How is this treated?
  30. Name and describe the three main types of spine injuries.
  31. Compare and contrast the T1-T5 nerves vs the T6-T12 nerves.

344(85)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Fashion Designer…designs and assists with the production of clothing, shoes and accessories, identifies trends, and selects styles, fabrics, colors, prints and trims for a collection…either design haute couture or ready-to-wear clothing

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is a fashion designer and what are all the duties they may perform?
  2. Who is your favorite designer/brand and why?
  3. What does the word ‘apparel’ mean with respect to fashion design? Wardrobe?
  4. What are the three main types of fashion designers?
  5. What are the four main factors of clothing selection?
  6. How can clothing and accessories tell you about the status of someone? Give and describe at least six examples.
  7. Name at least three women pioneers of fashion. Men?
  8. How would you measure someone?
  9. What does ease refer to? What are the two different kinds of ease?
  10. What are the three main body types?
  11. Name and describe the 28 types of fabrics and their uses.
  12. What is dart manipulation?
  13. Who determines fashion acceptance or rejection? How?
  14. What are some factors that can slow down the fashion movement? Some factors that can speed up the movement?
  15. What are knock offs?
  16. What is the fashion cycle? Name and describe the stages of the cycle.
  17. How often do fashion trends seem to recur? What trends today have come from trends in the past? Name at least three examples.
  18. Name and describe the three main fashion movement theories.
  19. What is a fashion flop? Fashion followers?
  20. What are fashion extremes? Fads?
  21. Design and draw a line of jewelry. Be sure to sketch and include one of each of the following: necklace, bracelet, earrings, and a ring.
  22. Design and draw a line of fashion accessories. Be sure to sketch and include one of each of the following: a hat, scarf, and a handbag.
  23. Design and draw a line of footwear. Be sure to sketch and include one of each of the following: boots, tennis shoes, high-heels, flip-flops, loafers, pumps, sneakers, and wedges.
  24. Design and draw a line of fashion apparel. Be sure to sketch and include one of each of the following: underwear, a school uniform, a V-neck shirt, swim wear, a suit, sleep wear, a bowling outfit, and an evening gown.
  25. Design and draw a complete outfit of your choice. Show us your wild side. Be creative and have fun with it.

345(86)-MAJOR SUBJECT…What is a Sonograph/Ultra Sound Technician…does more than just operate imaging equipment…balance patient interaction and technological performance with a firm knowledge of anatomy and pathology, working cohesively with a healthcare team

INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW, WRITE AN ESSAY ON EACH, AND EMAIL THEM TO DUOA. Copy each of the questions; put it in your search engine; you will find a lot of information to choose from. To listen to videos, type in You Tube at the end of the question.

  1. What is an ultrasound technician and what are all the duties and responsibilities they may have and perform?
  2. What is an ultrasound? How would you perform one on a patient?
  3. What is attenuation? How is the frequency effected when the attenuation increases?
  4. Compare and contrast Power Doppler and PW Doppler.
  5. Compare and contrast Color Doppler and CW Doppler.
  6. What is the aliasing factor? Which Doppler type is the aliasing factor unique?
  7. What are acoustic waves? Scattering? Echogenicity?
  8. What is psi? 1 atmosphere (14.7 psi) is equal to how many PA?
  9. What is propagation velocity? How do you find it? Which tissue would have the lowest mean propagation velocity between: blood, air, water, and fat?
  10. Name and describe the three most common ultrasound transducer types.
  11. Name and describe the four types of ultrasound images.
  12. Name the six most common types of ultrasounds and describe how are they used.
  13. What is spatial resolution? What factors determine this?
  14. Compare and contrast the AIUM, SDMS, and the ASUTS.
  15. Compare and contrast the ASE, SVU, and the ASRT.
  16. Compare and contrast the ARRT, CCI, JRC-DMS, and the CAAHEP.
  17. What is the sound frequency of an ultrasound that is above the audible range?
  18. What is Snell’s Law?
  19. What is the impedance factor?
  20. What was Boyle’s theory of elasticity of air?
  21. What was Newton’s theory of velocity?
  22. How did Galileo demonstrate that frequency of sound waves determines pitch?
  23. How did Leonardo Da Vinci discover the connection between reflection and angle of incidence?
  24. Who was Aristotle? What was his theory about sound and the movement of air?
  25. Who is Archytas? How did he define the nature of sound?
  26. Who was Pythagoras? How did he go about inventing the Sonometer?

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The University of Bologna was founded in 1088AD in Italy. It was the first university and is the oldest in the world. Students sat in a desk, listened to professors, took notes and stayed up all night memorizing facts that in the digital age you can Google in a second.


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